Minutes of Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
1) Call to Order – Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.
2) Approval of minutes for Regular Meeting February 9, 2011
MOTION: To approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of February 9, 2011.
George Hall Seconded by Dennis Gragnolati
Motion Passed Unanimously
3) Public Input –
Michael Bracken of 12 Tinker Drive – Spoke about his request for having the Police Commission meetings recorded. He noted that there was an issue with his house number in the prior meeting minutes and one other error that he didn’t identify and noted that recording the meetings would help in instance such as these. Neal Cunningham noted that the item around recording the meetings is on the meeting agenda and will be discussed later in the meeting.
William Rousseau of 407 Elmwood Drive – Said that he wrote a letter to the Police Commission asking for nine items to be added to the agenda for discussion. He asked why those items weren’t on the agenda. Neal Cunningham responded that he determines what is in the agenda and these items, although not on the agenda could be discussed during Public Input (now).
William Rousseau then read through his letter identifying the nine items:
1. Based on the information that is contained in the arrest warrants for Michael and Robert Koistinen did Chief Suchocki or the Board of Police Commissioners find any violations of the Departments Rules and Regulations, General Orders or Code of Conduct that would have been a basis to place the Sgt on administrative leave without pay pending the results of the independent internal investigation that is being conducted.
2. Based on the information that is contained in the arrest warrants for Michael and Robert Koistinen did Chief Suchocki or the Bard of Police Commissioners find any violations of the Departments Rules and Regulations, General Orders or Code of Conduct that would have been a basis to place the Sgt on administrative leave without pay pending the results of the independent internal investigation that is being conducted.
3. In the past a Windsor Locks Police Officer was arrested for gambling. He was immediately relieved for duty and placed on unpaid leave. His employment was terminated shortly thereafter. He was later reinstated when the charges against him were dismissed and he prevailed at the Labor Board. What makes the arrest of the Koistenens different than what has occurred in the past?
4. The town through its Labor Attorney Deneen recently presented a Public Police Argument before the Labor Board. The Public Policy that Attorney Deneen presented basically stated that the Town has an obligation to hire and retain the best qualified Officers that will make the best decisions under pressure. Based on this Public Policy argument, an Officer’s employment was terminated. His termination is currently under appeal. If the Chef and the police Commission affirm this Public Policy then why was Michael Koistenen hired.
5. Recently I was with Michael Bracken when he presented a formal complaint to First Selectman Steven Warwuck. His complaint was regarding what he believed was misuse of Police Dept computers by an Officer. Selectman Wawruck indicated that the problem had already been addressed and that the Police computers were restricted from accessing the internet. The alleged Officer was accessing the internet and allegedly harassing Michael Bracken on the website. This complaint was referred to the Chief. To date, there has been no response to Mike Bracken’s complaint. In the past, when it was alleged that a Fire Dept computer had been used improperly, a full fledged investigation occurred immediately. Why is it taking so long to do this investigation? Mike Bracken requested that the appropriate action be taken if it is proven that an Officer misused a Town computer. A recent Town employee was terminated for posting about his first day on the job.
6. Police Commission Chairman Neil Cunningham was at the Henry Dang accident scene and he and Selectman Wawruck were improperly allowed to walk the accident scene. Their actions compromised the integrity of the accident scene and compromised any evidence that could be gathered. Chairman Cunningham and Selectman Wawruck accompanied the Chief to Johnson Memorial Hospital. During this trip there was a discussion about Michael Koistenen’s blood alcohol content. Based on the forgoing shouldn’t Chairman Cunningham step down or at least be excluded from any deliberations concerning disciplinary actions.
7. Do we know the expected timeframe for the independent internal investigation to be completed
8. Will Mr. Rudewicz’s report be released to the public?
9. I would like to suggest that future Police Commission meetings be taped or electronically recorded as was done in the past and is done by every other Town Board or Commission.
Neal Cunningham responded by saying that Labor Attorney Kevin Deneen will answer some of the questions.
Attorney Kevin Deneen said that he spoke with Frank Rudewicz about the status of his investigation. Frank Rudewicz said that he had some interviews that were yet to be done. Attorney Deneen asked Frank Rudewicz for a timeline and budget estimates, but hadn’t received that back prior to the meeting this evening. Attorney Deneen said he is anticipating the investigation information to be provided in the April timeframe.
4) Chief’s Report –
2/22 Presented 2011 – 2012 budget to the Board of Finance
2/24 Attended in-service training in Wethersfield, CT
3/1 Met with resident of Fox Hollow regarding possible coyote problem
3/3 Attended department head meeting at Town Hall
3/3 & 3/8 Department recertified in COLLECT
5) Correspondence –
From Michael Bracken, 12 Tinker Drive to Chairman Cunningham – requesting information regarding the Asset Forfeiture Account, through Freedom of Information Act (FOI).
From Michael Bracken, 12 Tinker Drive to Chairman Cunningham – requesting information regarding in-car video recording equipment, through Freedom of Information Act (FOI).
6) Old Business
a) Review budgets for 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 – The 2010-2011 budget is on target overall. There is still pending money to be returned from the seat belt checks that were done recently. The 2011-2012 was presented to the Board of Finance. Four line items were cut by the Board of Finance. One of the four line items (#361) is being appealed, asking for $2,000 of it back.
7) New Business –
a) Discuss the possible future use of an electronic recording device for commission meetings – James Gaylord asked if any research has been done around electronic recording yet. Dennis Gragnolati said that Board of Education does both audio and video recording and the Board of Finance and Planning and Zoning do audio recording only, but wasn’t sure what the other Commissions do. Ed Lanati said that the Commission would need to get equipment that provides an accurate recording. Neal Cunningham said that he has no objections to audio recording the meetings. Neal Cunningham asked the Chief and Captain to investigate what equipment is needed. James Gaylord said that a policy around the audio recording would need to be put in place, including where to store the recordings, how to store the recordings and for how long. Dennis Gragnoliti asked if the Commission had a line item in the budget. Neal Cunningham said that we did. James Gaylord asked if the minutes still needed to be recorded at the Town Clerk’s office if the meetings were recorded. Neal Cunningham confirmed that the minutes would still need to be recorded at the Town Clerk’s office. Dennis Gragnoliati said he would check with the Fire Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission to see if they audio record their meetings. Neal Cunningham asked for information around this item for the next meeting.
Ed Lanati recommended moving item 9 – Public Input before Item 8 – Executive Session – Personnel Issues
MOTION: To move item 8 to item 9 and item 9 to item 8.
Discussion: James Gaylord asked Attorney Deneen if this causes him a conflict with his schedule. Attorney Deneen confirmed that it did not.
George Hall Seconded by James Gaylord
Motion Passed Unanimously
9) Public Input –
Michael Bracken of 12 Tinker Drive – Said that recording equipment already exists in the Large Conference Room and stores to a hard drive, using minimal storage space. Dennis Gragnoliati said that the Commission would also have to consider recordings when they meet in other locations. Neal Cunningham said that there would be follow-up on the recording device discussion for the next meeting.
Patsy Tomalonis of 69 Juniper Drive – Asked when William Rousseau’s remaining questions would be addressed. Neal Cunningham said that a decision on the response will be made, possibly at the next meeting.
8) Executive Session – Discuss pending litigation
MOTION: To enter into executive session at 7:26pm for the purpose of discussing pending litigation. The Chief and Captain are asked to remain for their expertise.
Ed Lanati Seconded by George Hall
Motion Passed Unanimously
MOTION: To end executive session at 7:59pm
Jim Gaylord Seconded by Ed Lanati
Motion Passed Unanimously
10) Adjournment
MOTION: To adjourn at 8:00 pm
Roger Nelson Seconded by Ed Lanati
Motion carried unanimously
Respectfully Submitted,
Peg Spath
Recording Secretary
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