City of Marine on St. Croix
Planning Commission Workshop
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The City of Marine on St. Croix Planning Commission meeting of June 25, 2013 was called to order by Planning Commission Chairman Gerry Mrosla at 7:38pm. Warren, Brenner, Creager, Roden and Ritz were present. Smitten, absent.
Citizens Present: Mary Lusher
1. Call to Order 7:30pm.
2. David Drysdale/Mary Uppgren: 401 Judd Street Addition
3. Old/New Business:
Watershed District – Update
4. Approval of April 30 and May 28, 2013 Planning Commission minutes. May 21 and June 20 workshop minutes.
5. Review Codes in the SFR, SFU, SCR, SCU, VC Districts
6. Adjournment
David Drysdale/Mary Uppgren: 401 Judd Street Addition – Joyce Ritz and Andy Creager Met with David Drysdal and Mary Uppgren at their home 401 Judd Street to review plans for an addition and to determine if any variances would be needed. Ritz and Creager updated the Planning Commission and explained what was found on the site plan and survey from May 9, 2005. The information they received from Peter Curtis, David Drysdal and Mary Uppgren showed the average setbacks from the bluff line, along with the existing and proposed additions.
Creager explained the two areas of concern were the Bluff line setback and square footage for the area of the addition. The Square footage for the addition is smaller than the maximum of 4,210 square feet that is allowed for the lot. Creager did not believe this would be an issue. The bluff line seems to be the bigger issue. Ritz explained reason for the addition was to change an existing screen porch into an office. Ritz noted during a previous addition of the screened porch that was done a variance was not required because it had met the requirements of the imperious service and the bluff line setbacks. Ritz also note the Planning Commission in May of 2005 reviewed the survey and determined a variance was not needed. The current Planning Commission members reviewed the 2005 survey and was unclear as to where the existing 40 foot bluff line setback would be and determined that an up to date survey would be needed if any variance was to be reviewed. The Planning Commission recommended member Creager and Ritz speck with Mr. Drysdale and Ms. Uppgren to see if the plans for the addition could be altered to fit within the setback and noting that a new survey would be required, The DNR would also review any variance request if the plans were left as they are.
Old/New Business:
Watershed District – Update: Mrosla, Jack and Kristina will meet with the Watershed at the Mill Site at 10:30 this Thursday. They will be discussing the different zones within the city.
Approval of Minutes: Roden moved and Creager seconded to accept the minutes as drafted for April 30 and May 28, 2013 Planning Commission minutes and the May 21, 2013 workshop minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
Review of Codes in the SFR, SFU, SCR, SCU, VC Districts. No work was done regarding the codes, however the Planning Commission will meet again for another workshop when a date and time have been determined by Assistant City Clerk Tomnitz after the next Doodle Poll has been completed.
Warren moved and Roden seconded for the next workshop to be determined by a Doodle Poll created by Assistant City Clerk Tomnitz. Motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment – Roden moved and Ritz seconded to adjourn at 9:00p.m. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes taken by Mary Tomnitz, Assistant City Clerk
PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER TERMS - Gwen Roden, Gerry Mrosla, Ron Brenner – 12/31/2013, Andy Creager, Joyce Ritz - Expires 12/31/2014, Jack Warren, Kristina Smitten – Expires 12/31/2015