Saddleback College

Planning & Budget Steering (PBSC) Committee

Thursday, September 22, 2016


AGB President’s Conference Room


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Jennifer Klein, Co-Chair, Director of Planning, Research and Accreditation

Roxanne Metz, Co-Chair, Director of Fiscal Contract Services

Jennie McCue, 2014-20 Planning Group Chair

Barbara Cox, 2014-20 Planning Group Co-Chair/EPA Coordinator

Diane Pestolesi, Standard I Accreditation Team

Israel Dominguez, Director of Workforce Development

Darren England, (Substitute for Penny Skaff)

Craig Connor, Classified Senate Designee

Shouka Torabi, Research and Planning Analyst

Dean Crews, Senior Research and Planning Analyst (Guest)


Juan Avalos, Vice President for Student Services

Kathy Werle, Vice President for Instruction

Penny Skaff, 2014-20 Planning Group Co-Chair

Charles Myers, Academic Senate Designee

Carol Hilton, Vice President for Administrative Services

Anthony Teng, 2014-20 Planning Group Co-Chair

Barbara Carey, CSEA Representative

Committee Discussion:

I.  Old Business:

i.  Approved minutes from the 8/25/16 meeting

II.  New Business:

i.  Review new charge of PBSC (Jennifer)

Ø  The committee made the following revisions to the purpose and membership:

·  Add the following to #9 on the list of charges, “…across multiple areas and funding sources of the organization…”

·  Add the EPA Coordinator to the membership list

Ø  Roxanne suggested adding #4 from the old purpose to the newly revised one

Ø  There was some discussion regarding #9 and whether the hierarchy of resource allocation requests would be affected. Jennifer explained that it would not and the PBSC’s role would be to focus more on the planning aspect.

·  Diane inquired about grant resource allocation. Does it need to go through the process? How do we identify how funds get allocated?

ii.  CCSSE Research – Goal 2.1.1 (Dean)

·  Dean reported on his preliminary findings of the CCSSE, specifically the background, demographics, and benchmarks.

·  The committee suggested the following:

i.  They would like clearer explanations of the parameters. They suggested revising the methods to better describe the students who were selected to take the survey.

ii.  They also recommended adding footnotes beneath the tables and charts.

iii.  Barbara was interested in knowing statistical significance within the survey items.

iv.  Barbara also suggested creating a workgroup to assist in drawing conclusions from the data.

v.  Israel would like the report to include more data on the actual student responses instead of demographics.

vi.  They would like the data validated.

1.  Dean is in the process of validating the data, specifically the students who self-identified as being part-time vs full-time.

iii.  IEAR/IEPI (Shouka)

Ø  Shouka discussed the history of the IEAR – stating it was developed in 2008 with both colleges and the District. It was a lengthy process and was vetted through all governance groups.

·  She provided a document showing all of the tables and metrics included in the current IEAR.

Ø  Shouka demonstrated how to get data from the IEAR housed in inFORM Sharepoint site.

Ø  Shouka suggested using time in PBSC to review the sections of the existing IEAR to enhance it and possibly modify it at the District level.

**The meeting was ended early due to the reservation of the room for another group.**

iv.  Strategic Plan Annual Update (Tabled due to time constraints)

v.  PBSC Goal Leaders Updates (Tabled due to time constraints)

vi.  QFE Success Metrics and Integrated Planning (Tabled due to time constraints)

vii.  Governance Manual (Tabled due to time constraints)

viii.  Accreditation (Tabled due to time constraints)

III.  Announcements

a.  Next meeting: October 6, 2016 from 10:30am-12:00pm

b.  Meeting Adjourned: 11:40 am

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