Match the numbers in Column 1 with the letters in Column 2 according to the corresponding terms and definitions they designate.

Term / Definition
F / 1. / cholecystectomy / A. / Excision into the jejunum
D / 2. / colostomy / B. / Incision into the jejunum
E / 3. / masticate / C. / Intestinal pain
B / 4. / jejunotomy / D. / Surgical establishment of an opening into the colon
A / 5. / jejunectomy / E. / To chew
H / 6. / cholecystotomy / F. / Excision of the gallbladder
G / 7. / enteralgia / G. / Abdominal pain
H / Incision of the gallbladder
Test your knowledge on diagnostic procedural terms by circling the letter of each correct answer.
8. The physician did a visual examiniation of the vagina and cervix to note changes in the cells and capillary network. The procedure takes 10 minutes and is called a
  1. coloscopy
  2. colposcope
  3. sigmoidoscope
  4. colposcopy

9. The physician ordered x-ray films large intestine to rule out the presence of a tumor. He or she ordered a(n)
  1. mammogram
  2. cholecystogram
  3. intravenous pyelogram
  4. barium enema

10. The patient was experiencing hematuria. To locate and control the sourceof the bleeding the doctor performed a
a. bronchoscopy
b. culdoscopy
c. cystoscopy
d. barium enenma
11. The patient was scheduled for an x-ray film of a blood vessel, or
a. arteriogram
b. angiogram
c. aortogram
d. venogram
12. A record of the electrical impulses of the heart is a (n)
a. electrocardiogram
b. echocardiogram
c. electrocardiograph
d. phonocardiograph

Place the letter of the definition in the right column in the space next to the matching term in the left column.

Term / Definition
C / 13 / epicardium / A. / The heart muscle, which includes the nerves and blood vessels
B / 14 / endocardium / B. / The heart's inner surface
A / 15 / myocardium / C. / The serous membrane forming the outer lining of the heart
F / 16 / cardiomegaly / D. / Surgical repair of an atrial septum
G / 17 / tachycardia / E. / A narrowing and/or blockage
E / 18 / stenosis / F. / Enlargement of the heart
G. / A heart rate over 100 beats per minute
H / A heart rate less than 60 beats per minute

Read each statement, then indicate whether you think it is true or false (T or F).

T / 19 / Conducting arteries are the largest of the arteries and nearest the heart.
T / 20 / Vasoparalysis is the paralysis of blood vessels.
F / 21 / Vasculitis is any disease of blood vessels.
T / 22 / Hemopathy is any disease of the blood.
F / 23 / Erythrocytes are white blood cells.
F / 24 / The term for inflammation of the pericardium is valvulitis.
F / 25 / A myocardiograph is used to examine a heart ventricle.
F / 26 / Cardiorrhaphy is a surgical repair of a heart valve.
T / 27 / Arrhythmia is the general term for an irregular heartbeat.

Match the numbers in Column 1 with the letters in Column 2 according to the corresponding terms and definitions they designate.

Term / Definition
D / 28 / urinometry / A. / Urination
E / 29 / urethrostenosis / B. / Radiography of the ureter
B / 30 / ureterography / C. / Any disease of the kidney
A / 31 / micturition / D. / Test of urine for specific gravity
C / 32 / nephropathy / E. / Narrowing of the urethra
C / 33 / nephrosis / F. / Pain in the bladder
G. / A kidney stone

Read each statement, then indicate whether you think it is true or false (T or F).

F / 34 / Inflammation of the urethra is called ureteralgia
T / 35 / Narrowing of the urethra is referred to as urethrostenosis.
F / 36 / The word element -logist in urologist means study.
F / 37 / An incision into the ureter to remove a stone is called a ureteroplasty.
F / 38 / An incision into the kidney to remove a kidney stone is called a nephrectomy

Match the numbers in Column 1 with the letters in Column 2 according to the corresponding terms and definitions they designate.

Term / Definition
C / 39 / myodynia / A. / Plastic surgery of the trachea
H / 40 / tracheotomy / B. / Measurement of the pelvis
K / 41 / apnea / C. / Pain in a muscle
J / 42 / pneumonitis / D. / Difficult breathing
M / 43 / dysuria / E. / A record of the heart’s activity
D / 44 / dyspnea / F. / The study of movement
I / 45 / pelvimeter / G. / Recording of the heart’s activity
E / 46 / cardiogram / H. / Incision into the trachea
F / 47 / kinesiology / I. / Instrument for measurement of the pelvis
L / 48 / achromatic / J. / Inflammation of a lung, caused by infection, chemical inhalation, or trauma
J / 49 / pneumonia / K. / Absence of breathing
L. / Without color
M / Difficulty urinating