Upper Freehold Township Planning Board
January 8, 2015
Regular Meeting
Members Present: Mayor Moslowski, Mr. Faber, Mr. Rosenbauer, Mr. Freiberger, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Raynor, Mr. Ferrier, Mr. Doherty, Mr. Stern and Mr. Mele . Excused Absences: Mrs. Dorey. Others Present: Mrs. Babbitt, Land Use Administrator.
Roll call vote was taken, flag salute, and compliance statement read. Oaths of office were administered and Mayor Moslowski was welcomed back to the Board.
Reorganization Meeting:
Motion was offered by Mr. Stern, seconded by Mr. Mele to nominate Mr. Raynor as Chairman; there were no other nominations and they were declared closed. Roll call vote showed unanimous approval.
Motion was offered by Mr. Stern, seconded by Mr. Mele to nominate Mr. Holmes as Vice-Chairman; there were no other nominations and they were declared closed. Roll call vote showed unanimous approval.
Motion was offered by Mr. Stern, seconded by Mr. Mele to appoint Susan H. Babbitt as Land Use Administrator/Board Secretary and roll call vote showed unanimous approval.
Motion was offered by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Mele to appoint Jeff Ferrier as Assistant Secretary and roll call vote showed unanimous approval.
Motion was offered by Mr. Mele, seconded by Mr. Doherty to adopt Professional Resolution for 2015 appointing Glenn Gerken-Engineer, John Maczuga-Planner, Matt Kalwinsky, Attorney. Roll call vote showed unanimous approval.
Motion was offered by Mr. Mele, seconded by Mr. Doherty to approve the meeting dates (resolution) for 2015 and roll call vote showed unanimous approval.
Regular Meeting: All members present as previously called.
Motion was offered by Mr. Mele, seconded by Mr. Rosenbauer to approve the November 13, 2014 minutes and motion carried.
Mr. Mele indicated that there is a by-ways grant that Mrs. Dorey will check into. Also, Board members were apprised that the Permit Extension Act was extended once again.
In other matters, Mayor Moslowski apprised the board of meetings taking place in regard to the traffic congestion caused by the Amazon Warehouse and large number of employees commuting daily on Old Yorke Road and 195 and surrounding roads. A meeting took place with County Engineer and others on December 23, 2014 and another meeting is scheduled. Updates will continue.
Everyone thanked John Mele for all his excellent years of service as Chairman of the Planning Board.
After various other discussion, the motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn.
Susan H. Babbitt, Land Use Administrator
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