OOP – Fall 09Assignment 1
Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Dr. Bandula Jayatilaka
Assignment– due on February 27th
- Short questions:
- What is a model?
- What are some of the ‘things’ that can be represented as Objects in an Object Oriented model.
- What are some benefits of OOP?
- How do we represent or model real life ‘things’ in OOP?
- What is the difference between Object Oriented approach and the Structured approach in programming?
- What are the major types of relationships in OOP? Explain them briefly.
- Describe the following with examples:
- Property Inheritance
- Aggregation/Composition
- Relations in Object Orientation.
- The following problem is a review of what you have learnt in Systems Analysis and Design class.
In a student registration system, student can browse the courses offered in a semester. Also student can request registration of courses. The advisers can use the system to approve the registration of students. Administration can use the system to prepare reports on student enrollment. Draw a complete Use-Case diagram to model this scenario.
- What is the ‘story’ conveyed by the following diagram? Explain with sentences.
- Using the appropriate terms describe (fully) the meaning of the following class diagram. What are the properties of SalariedEmployee class ? (i.e., List all its properties)
- Using the appropriate terms describe (fully) the meaning of the following class diagram.
The following is not a mandatory and it is an optional bonus question. If you do it correctly, I will add extra points to the total assignment grade.
- A bank serves customers and these customers can belong to one of the three categories, i.e., corporate customers, regular customers, and student customers. Corporate customers are given an instant line of credit based on their credit status in addition to their checking accounts and Fixed Deposits (or CD’s). Regular customers can have checking, savings or fixed deposit accounts. Student customers are given limited checking and savings accounts only while they are not charged a fee. There are characteristics common to all the customers such as primary name, account number, contact phone and address. For corporate customers, the information about credit status and names of alternate signatoriesare also attributes. For regular customers, national identification number and a secondary account holder are attributes. For student customers, only the national identification number is needed in addition to the common information. Customers are allowed to open an account from each account type.
Find the objects in the above scenario in and identify the relationships among them. Categorize the relationship using the categories we discussed in the class. Draw a complete Class diagram to model the scenario.
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