Planning Board and Public Hearing Meeting Minutes
Town of Lyman
April 18, 2018
Public Hearing
Chairman Tetu called the Hearing to order at 6:45PM
Topic: State mandated changes to shoreland zoning ordinance sections 15.P, 16.E, and 17 as well as proposed changes to zoning ordinances 7.33 (Occupancy Permits), and 7.5 (Plumbing & Electric Permits).
Members Present: Chairman Roderick Tetu, Vice Chairman Donald Hernon, Kelly Demers, Joseph Wagner,and CEO Patti McKenna and Penny Thomas, Planning Board Clerk
Others in attendance for Public Hearing: Irene Single and Chief Roger Hooper
Copies of the proposed changes were given to all attendees.
CEO McKenna and Mr. Hernon explained the mandated changes. Sections 15.P.1 and 2a changes, as mandated by the State’s Chapter 1000 minimum guidelines and/or DEP, more clearly define the types of hazardous vegetation that can be cleared and what is required for appropriate replacement of vegetation. In addition, it limits a property to a single footpath the shoreline and more precisely labels “ground floor area” as “footprint” with a detailed description of its meaning and limitations.
CEO McKenna then explained the proposed changes to Lyman’s Zoning Ordinances 7.5 to 7.5.2a. The proposal requires permits for all plumbing and electrical installations for new construction and renovations. A final inspection and occupancy permit from the code Enforcement Office before occupancy is also required. It also provides for requirements revolving around larger than usual electric transformer needs. Section 7.5.3 inserts “current state adopted version of State of Maine Subsurface Wastewater Rules to replace “State Plumbing Code”.
There were no questions or comments from the Board or attendees. Chairman Tetu proposed closing of the Public Hearing, it was seconded by Mr.Demers, and approved unanimously.
Planning Board Meeting
Members Present: Chairman Roderick Tetu, Vice Chairman Donald Hernon, Kelly Demers, Joseph Wagner, Michael Rancourt, and CEO Patti McKenna and Penny Thomas, Planning Board Clerk
Others in attendance: Irene Single, Lester Worthen, and Chief Roger Hooper
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman Tetu.
Application for Subdivision: Lester P Worthen Map 11, Lot 57:
Mr.Worthen presented all required documentation for the proposed subdivision of a currently unoccupied 11+- acre parcel Deer Hill Road. He requested some topography waivers due to the land’s flat, dry nature. He also requested a waiver on the requirement for a water source for fire safety due to the proximity to local fire departments and ease of access of the proposed dwellings. These were briefly discussed. Decisions will be made after the site walk and Public Hearing.
The Board scheduled the site walk for 6:00PM, May 2, 2018, and will be addressed at the scheduled Planning Board Meeting at 7:00PM on the same evening.
Fire Chief Hooper offered his opinion about the growing interest in requiring sprinkler systems in all new residential construction. Discussion followed, and it was decided that a meeting with the Fire Marshall, both the Lyman and Dayton Planning Boards, and the Lyman Select Board be considered. The Fire Chief will return with possible dates.
Minutes:The minutes from the April 4, 2018 meeting were reviewed by the Board. Chairman Tetu made a motion to accept, Mr. Wagner seconded, and the vote was unanimous to accept.
Mail:The Maine Town & City publication as reviewed along with an email from the state regarding the ongoing FEMA floodplain mapping project. There is time for further study.
Agenda for May 2, 2018 Meeting:
Site Walk at Deer Hill Rd.6.00PM
Meeting 7:00PM
Discuss results of site walk with Mr. Worthen, the applicant
Workshop & Training
ADJOURNMENT: PB Chairmanmoved to close the meeting at 7:40 pm, seconded by Mr. Hernon, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Thomas, Clerk
Roderick Tetu, Chairman Donald Hernon, Vice Chair
Joseph Wagner Kelly J. Demers
Cecile Dupuis, Secretary Michael Rancourt
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