CSE 5343/7343
Operating Systems and System Software
Fall 2006
Dr. Margaret Dunham
300B SIC
Class: 11:12:20 TR
Office Hours: 9-10:30 TR
Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles, Fifth Edition
By William Stallings
Prentice Hall, 2005
Class slides are available from this site.
Course Objectives:
Provide a solid theoretical foundation of Operating Systems coupled with design and implementation considerations so as to enable students to apply theoretical principles in practice.
Homework 25%
Test #1 25%
Test #2 25%
Project 25%
Graduate students and undergraduate students will be graded separately.
Homework and Project:
Students may discuss homework problems and approaches with each other, but must write
up the solutions independently. It is an honor code violation to present as your own material
that is not your own. Cite all written sources that you consult in preparing your solutions.
Five homework assignments will be given during the semester. Each will be assigned in
class and you will be given at least one week to complete each.
The project to be completed by graduate students is more extensive than that for the undergraduates.
All distance students receive an automatic two week extension on all assignments.
Disability Accommodations: Students needing academic accommodations for a disability must first contact Ms. Rebecca Marin, Coordinator, Services for Students with Disabilities (214-768-4557) to verify the disability and establish eligibility for accommodations. Then schedule an appointment with the Dr. Dunham to make appropriate arrangements. (SeeUniversity Policy No. 2.4.)
Religious Observance: Religiously observant students wishing to be absent on holidays that require missing class should notify Dr. Dunham in writing at the beginning of the semester, and should discuss with her, in advance, acceptable ways of making up any work missed because of the absence. (SeeUniversity Policy No. 1.9.)
Excused Absences for University Extracurricular Activities: Students participating in an officially sanctioned, scheduled University extracurricular activity will be given the opportunity to make up class assignments or other graded assignments missed as a result of their participation. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with Dr. Dunham prior to any missed scheduled examination or other missed assignment for making up the work. (University Undergraduate Catalogue)
Tentative Schedule:
Date / Subject / Reading8/17-8/22 / Introduction/History / Ch1,Ch2
8/24-8/29 / Processes/Process States / Ch3
8/31-9/7 / Threads / Ch4
9/12-9/19 / Interprocess Synchronization/Communication / Ch5
9/21-9/26 / Deadlocks / Ch6; HW #1
9/28-10/5 / CPU Scheduling / Ch9; HW #2
10/12 / Process Case Studies; Introduce Project
10/19 / TEST #1
10/17-10/19 / Memory Management / Ch7;HW #3
10/24-10/31 / Virtual Memory / Ch8; HW #4
11/2 / Memory Case Studies
11/7 / I/O Principles / Ch11
11/9-11/14 / File Management / Ch12; HW #5
11/16 / File System Case Studies
11/21 / TEST #2
11/28 / Protection and Security / Ch18,Ch19
12/7 / PROJECT DUE - Midnight