BID NO. NLM/EQ/2017/2018


Bids are hereby invited by the Ntabankulu Municipality from the experienced and competent Professional service providers for planning and monitoring for construction of municipal offices.It is key to the municipality to have with in the team, different expertise in the form of the following:

  • Architects ,Quantity surveyors ,Structural engineers ,Land surveyors ,Health and safety practitioners, Electrical engineers and Civil engineers

The scope of work shall include confirmation of project feasibility, development of designs, project documentation, monitoring and administration and close-out.

It is specific requirement of the bid data that bidders must be able to demonstrate the ability to carry out the works. Strong emphasis is placed on expanded public works program (EPWP), Design principles and on the use and training of local labour and resources.

A compulsory briefing session will take place on the 07 December 2017 at 12h00and Prospective bidders’ are requested to meet the representatives of Ntabankulu Local Municipality at the Municipal Main Boardroom in Ntabankulu.

Tender documents will be available from the 07 December2017immediately after the compulsory briefing session at the Ntabankulu Local Municipal offices upon payment of a non-refundable deposit of R566.00 per set. Bank guaranteed cheques will be accepted, and are to be made payable to Ntabankulu Local Municipality.

Completed documents and supporting documentation, placed in sealed envelopes endorsed: “Planning and Implementation of Ntabankulu Infrastructure Projects.” must be delivered to the Ntabankulu Local Municipality offices, at Erf 85 Main Street, Ntabankulu and placed in the Tender Box not later than 12:00 pm on the 19 December 2017, at which the tenders will be opened in public.

Tenderers are to take note of the following tender conditions:

It is a specific requirement of the bid data that bidders must be able to demonstrate the ability to carry out the works. Penalties will be applied both in respect of late completion of the works and failure to meet the targeted local labor goals.

Bidders must submit the following mandatory documents with their bid document:

  • SARS PIN Compliance Tax certificate
  • Entity registration documents (CK.CIPC document).
  • Certified identity Document copy for the entity owners.
  • Project team with their full CV’s.
  • Methodology
  • Proof of municipal rates clearance or a lease agreement signed by both parties.
  • Proof of registration with Professional Bodies
  • Proof of BBBEE registration and status level contributor
  • Cost Estimates based on various project cost brackets and the disbursement costs.
  • A trust, consortium or joint venture must submit a consolidated B-BBEE status level verification certificate for every separate bid and agreement.
  • List of a minimum of 3 Traceable References for similar services.

All prospective service providers are required to apply on Central Supplier Database in order to do business with all organs of the State in the Republic of South Africa at . Non registration will be regarded as non-responsive and be disqualified from the bid.

Failure to submit the mandatory document will deem the tender non responsive and it will not be evaluated further.Failure to complete all BID forms, data sheets and submission of all supplementary information will lead to the BID being considered non-responsive.

Functionality will be evaluated based on experience, capacity and expertise and bidders who do not meet a minimum functionality assessment of 70% will be considered non responsive and not evaluated further.

Capacity / 15 / Max 5 / 75
Expertise / 10 / Max 5 / 50
Registration with professional bodies / 10 / Max 5 / 50
Experience / 15 / Max 5 / 75
TOTAL / 50 (TW) / 250 (MPS)

Where: 1=Poor, 2=Acceptable, 3=Good, 4=Very good and 5 =Excellent

The primary criterion in selection will be cost and BBBEE status level of contribution. 80/20 Preference Points System will be used as per Ntabankulu Municipality Supply Chain Management policy. 90 points shall be for Financial Offer and 10 points for the BBBEE level contributor which will be evaluated as follows:

1 / 20
2 / 18
3 / 14
4 / 12
5 / 8
6 / 6
7 / 4
8 / 2
Non-compliant / 0

Failure to submit any of the required documents will render the Tender non-responsive.

Late, telegraphic, facsimile, incomplete or unsigned tenders will not be considered. The Employer reserves the right to not accept the lowest or any tender at all, or to accept the whole or part of any tender.

Tenders are to remain valid for a period of 90 days from date of closing of Tenders.

Further queries may be directed to the employer’s agent during normal office hours and the contact person is Ms Z Petse Telephone no: 076 838 5238/ email address: r Ms S Buso on 039 2580314/email add: , during office hours

Issued by: S. Matiwane – Acting Municipal Manager