Planning and Effectiveness Committee Minutes05/12/17
Present: Schreck, Walton, Nunn, Barnette, McKinney, Blakely, Thomas, Baumgartner
Absent:Reid, Barnette
Called to order: 10:07
- Approval of Minutes for 4-14-17
- Approved
- Revisions to IR student perception surveys
- Two years of SPS have been gathered. Units did not agree with usefulness of survey. Undergoing revamp:
- Units may now individualize survey.
- Some consistent questions across units mandated by IR.
- Units have coming academic year to propose preferences for targeted questions.
- First goal: Student perception of our academic programs.
- What is a reasonable expectation to ask of our program directors in contributing to this process?
- What kind of surveys are SPHIS programs currently doing, especially in relation to new CEPH accreditation guidelines?
- What are the program directors’ objectives?
- Academic Affairs Committee could manage school-wide survey coordination.
- Initial request for inventory of all surveys from various programs.
- Kick-off project at June Academic Affairs meeting.
- Hanover’s In-depth PhD AlumniInterview Guide
- This is the next Hanover project in the pipeline. Needs SPHIS approval of proposed alumni questionnaire.
- SPHIS total alumni = 70. Excluding those from before 2010 = 51 PhD alumni. Hanover will commit to at least six interviews.
- Interviews to last approx. 30 minutes each.
- Hanover recommends incentives. SPHIS does not agree with incentives. Instead, SPHISwill send explanatory email.
- Is there a maximum number of interviews they will give? Not explicitly mentioned, but has been informally discussed.
- Request delineation of follow-up protocol from Hanover after the initial email inquiry.
- Highlight importance of alumni follow-up vis-a-vis CEPH accreditation criteria in initial email. Note from Blakely.
- Need to emphasize anonymity of survey. Perhaps include request for degree of anonymity preferred from respondent. “Your responses are voluntary” is a good technique to elicit responses.
- Send any suggested revisions or rewording to Melissa by Monday, 5/15/17
- Implied SPHIS approval of questionnaire after Monday.
- Time a PhD student (part-time/full-time) is allowed to stay in candidacy
- Executive Committee meeting: Concern is that HMSS completes “qualification” exam before all coursework is completed. Tammi emphasizes that student is not formerly in candidacy until all required coursework is completed. Four year time clock begins the first semester that student registers for candidacy course.
- Resolve in Academic Affairs Committee.
- SPHIS Goals to Provost (submitted May 1)
- CEPH Interim Report (submitted May 10)
- Diversity Report (85% complete)
- Community Engagement (90% complete)
- Peterson Surveys (will be submitted May 14)
Respectfully submitted,
Winton Reynolds
10 Members:
Craig Blakely – Dean, SPHIS
Jack Barnette – Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Kathy Baumgartner – Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Paul McKinney – Associate Dean for Research
Pete Walton – Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs
Eric Nunn – Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration
Melissa Schreck – Committee Chair, Director of External Affairs and Strategic Planning
Tammi Thomas – Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
Winton Reynolds – Deputy Director of Academic Affairs
Glen Reid