Task 6.2.3

Report of Meetings/Initiatives/ad hoc meetings

Held in (Bastia Umbra PG) on (25.03.2011)
Public-Private Partnerships for RES Agro-energy districts
Issued by:Coldiretti Umbria
CONTRACT N°:IEE/07/579/SI2.499063
/ Project funded by the European Community under the executive agency for competitiveness & innovation (eaci)

1)Aim of meeting:

Del. 6.11 detailed report

Final conference has been organised with the aim togive the highest visibility to RuralE.Evolution project. We worked to realize a wide interest conference, even out of the national borders, including the foreigner partners. Considering that the objective was to involve and concentrate the maximum SMEs and public bodies interest, we proceeded as follows:

To reach the objective we involved the most important stakeholder the agriculture SMEs, the mayors and officers, the technology suppliers, the credit institutes. We decided to realize the conference within the Umbria Fiere context, one of the most important fair organization at national and international level. The fair event chosen was AgriUmbria, a fair completely dedicated to the agriculture news and technologies, opportunities and business exchange. This choice has been done despite the considerable effort to match the fair event program and costs encountered. But the AgriUmbria context has guaranteed the proper visibility and project content spreading flow to the final stakeholders.

The conference was titled “dall’agricoltura l’energia per gli enti locali: un progetto europeo al servizio della società” (From agriculture, energy for the public entities: an European project dedicated to serve the society).

The Agenda chosen has given the right profile of the conference in order to develop the agroenergy PPP system in EU.

The speaker in time order:

Lazzaro Bogliari as Fair organization President. The President intervention was important to confirm the high level of the conference for the national and international context.

Donatella Tesei as Italian project target area Mayor (Montefalco). The Montefalco Mayor confirmed the good result of the project for the local energy development, related with the general public engagement to align the EU 2020 energy objective.

Maurizio Reale as Coldiretti National Confederation person in charge to lead the International relationships in Bruxelles. The intervention guaranteed the international level of the conference. Coldiretti offices in Bruxelles are duly engaged to support the international spreading and deepening about the project actions. This engagement was extremely demonstrated during the deliverable 4.3 international awarding conference in Bruxelles in February 2011, in order to precede the final conference in Bastia Umbra.

Armando Fizzarotti as project Coordinator. The Coordinator explained the whole project methodology and practical result, and finally the effort realized.

Franco Cotana as Centro Ricerca Biomasse director. The speech was focused to underline the technology possibilities and benefits related to the settled PPP agroenergy RuralE.Evolution methodology.

Catia Rosas as Confagri representatives (Portugal). The Confagri representative gave a complete report about the good result obtained in Portugal thank to the project action, creating a agroenergy district in the Portuguese local target area.

Fernanda Cecchini as Regional Government Agriculture Councilor. The Councillor has confirmed the project good results. In particular confirmed the regional administration availability to evaluate the adoption af the methodology realized by the project.

Albano Agabiti as Coldiretti Umbria President to conclude the Conference.

Angelo Corsetti as debate moderator

After the previous speeches we foreseen some planned intervention from other mayors and stakeholders. Within this technology and political deepening, among which the Foligno mayor and Agriculture Consortium ministry commissary, there was considered ideas to start the PPP methodology planned in several national areas.

The Summary:

The conference was focused to highlight the settled agroenergy PPP methodology, examinating the positive results reached due to the project experience at European and regional level.

The international profile was facilitated using the Enterprise Europe Network (the EACI organization tool to support the SMEs aware and information) to give the highest aware to the SMEs and develop stakeholder in general about RuralE.Evolution project. We received the kind support of the Enterprise Europe Network office actives in the Umbria Chamber of Commerce Union, through the First Class a communication tool able to make aware a considerable number of stakeholders all over Europe.

The conference was attended by over than 200 people. The most of part of them was entrepreneurs and energy investors. Then we accounted several professionals and consultants in the agriculture and energy field. But we registered some public research representative from the University (other different from CRB). Several SMEs association (different from Coldiretti). Several mayor from interested municipalities.

The percentage sharing can be counted as follows:

  • Entrepreneurs and interested investors65%
  • professionals and consultants20%
  • research representative from the University2%
  • SMEs association3%
  • mayor from interested municipalities10%

Some of the participants asked us for an official certificate of attendance. This particular request are the confirmation about the importance and high quality level of the conference held to conclude the project.

2)Attendants’ list:

Name / Organisation / Contacts / Notes
Albano Agabiti / Coldiretti Umbria / 0039075506761 / President
Franco Cotana / Centro Ricerca Biomasse – Università di Perugia / 00390755004209 00393294103915 / Director
Armando Fizzarotti / 0039075846454 / Project Coordinator
Catia Rosas / Confagri / 21 811 80 00 / Officer
Maurizio Reale / Confederazione Nazionale Coldiretti / 0032 2 2309893 fax 0032 2 2311478 / Person in charge Coldiretti in Bruxelles
Silvia Vivarelli / European Commissione EACI
Angelo Corsetti / Coldiretti Umbria / 0039075506761 / Director
Donatella Tesei / Montefalco Municipality / 0039 0742 512200 / Major
Maurizio Salari / Consorzio Agrario della Provincia di Perugia / 075 59751 5975222 / Commissario
Fernanda Cecchini / Regione dell’Umbria / 00390755401 / Regional Government Agriculture Councilor
(add lines if necessary)

3)Location and date

Bastia Umbra (PG), Italy, 25th March 2011

4)Main topics discussed

  • Project final results and Memoranda of Understanding details in the partnership
  • The technical issues and opportunities
  • The law and regulation assessment
  • A practical case: Alvito in Portugal
  • The UE renewable energy policies at UE level
  • The case: project results in Montefalco municipality, Italy

5) Main conclusions reached

This final conference aimed to involve and inform entrepreneurs, financial players, and policy maker. The conference has shown the project feasibility giving introducing a guidelines as practical tool at disposal of every stakeholder interested. The PPP model is now applicable in reasonable way to the agro energy field. This innovative PPP agroenergy management approach was really well considered the UE 2020 objectives.

6) Notes

The event was attended by more than 200 people

7)List of annexes (if any)

We send in attachment:

The list of participants

Certificate of attendance model

The Agenda Italia

The Agenda English