Planning 10 Ms. ChapellCourse Overview
Course Objective:The aim of Planning 10 is to enable students to develop the skills they need to become self-directed individuals who set goals, make thoughtful decisions, and take responsibility for pursuing their goals throughout life.
Units of Study: Planning 10 covers these four units included in the BC Ministry of Education Prescribed Learning Outcomes
- Education and Careers: Personal attributes, post-secondary options, job seeking strategies, and work place safety.
- Finances: Budgeting skills, credit, debit, income tax, savings, costs of education, and financial planning for meeting education and career goals.
- Health: Access to information on healthy relationships, mental health, substance abuse, sexual decision-making, and road safety.
- The Graduation Program: Course requirements, provincial exams, focus areas, and graduation transitions.
Assessment: Student achievement will be assessed through a variety of assignments and projects. Student work will be graded as follows:
A86 – 100Projects:20%
B 73 – 85Quizzes:10%
C+67 – 72Assignments:Goals/All About Me5%
C60 – 67Education & Careers20%
C-50 –59Finances20%
F0 – 49Health20%
Grad Program5%
Attendance: Planning 10 is an interactive course and therefore requires full attendance. The majority of learning in the course takes place right in the classroom, and there are times when no equivalent “catch up” work is possible. For this reason, students are credited for the work they do in class as well as the assignments and projects they complete. A missed class is a missed opportunity to learn.
Homework: Students may have homework and should expect to spend some time completing class work and/or preparing for the next class at home. However, ample class time is given for work both big and small, and students can benefit from this by using their class time well.
A successful student will:
- show respect to themselves and others
- Some topics will be sensitive in nature and it is crucial that all students contribute using respectful language and actions, even when they disagree.
- Actions or language that create an unsafe space will not be tolerated.
- come to class on time and every day (attendance is mandatory)
- If absent, find out what was missed right away by going to Ms. Chapell’s edublog.
- Students are responsible for completing missed assignments due to absences.
- be present in both mind and body
- use the bathroom and eat outside of class time
- As coming/going from the class is disruptive, prioritize filling waterbottles and using the bathroom between classes
- Eating in class is permitted as long as it is not messy, noisy, or distracting
- come to class prepared (charged device, assignments completed and ready to submit for the start of class)
- ask for help
- Asking for help in class is the first step. Otherwise, I am available for students to schedule a mutually-agreeable time with me.
- I can also answer questions by email
- submit their best work on all assignments
- be an active participant in class discussions
Cell phones and MP3 players/iPods are unnecessary distractions in class. Keep them out of sight and turned off. Face-to-face interactions and downtime away from the distraction of cell phones are strongly encouraged. Parents/guardians needing to contact their child during class time are requested to call the school directly and not their child’s cell phone; alternately, students can get in touch with their family during break times.
School computer use is a frequent part of Planning class, however if at any time the students abuse this privilege their computer access will be removed. Tablets/laptop computers are required in class, but must be used for educational purposes only.
Please note: successful completion of Planning 10 is required for graduation.
I am looking forward to a fantastic semester!
Ms. A. Chapell