J. Don Chaney, Ph.D., CHES
Director, Office of Health Informatics
Clinical Assistant Professor
Texas A&M UniversityDepartment of Health and Kinesiology
159M Read Building
Mail Stop 4243
College Station, TX 77843-4243 / Phone: (979) 458-2672
Fax: (979) 862-2672
Website: http://hlth.tamu.edu/Chaney
The University of Alabama and the University of Alabama at Birmingham Tuscaloosa, AL and Birmingham, AL Ph.D. 2003
Major: Health Education and Health Promotion GPA 3.8
Dissertation Title: Ranking Doctoral Programs of Health Education
Chair: James M. Eddy, Professor and Chair, Texas A&M University
Co-Chair: Thomas O’Rourke, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois
Committee: David Macrina, Professor and Chair, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Milla Boschung, Professor and Dean, The University of Alabama
Eugene Fitzhugh, Assistant Professor, The University of Tennessee
James Leeper, Professor and Chair, The University of Alabama
Coursework Included: Advanced Theoretical and Scientific Basis of Health Education and Health Promotion, Planning and Administration of Health Education and Health Promotion, Health Communications Research, Doctoral Studies Seminar, Biostatistics, Multivariate/Multiple Regression Analysis, Advanced Epidemiological Research Methods, Data Management/Computer Technology, Evaluation/Research Methods
Mississippi State University
Starkville, MS M.S. 2000
Major: Physical Education GPA 4.0
Concentration: Health Education and Health Promotion
Coursework Included: Health Promotion Techniques, Theory and Practice of Health Education, Behavioral Epidemiology, Design and Administration of Health Promotion Programs, Implementation and Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs, Interpretation of Data in Health, Grant Writing, Research in Health Education and Health Promotion
University of North Alabama
Florence, AL B.S. 1999
Major: Fitness Management GPA 3.5
Minor: Business Administration
Coursework Included: Foundations of Health, Personal Health, Consumer Health, Drug Awareness, Concepts of Wellness, Stress Management, Human Sexuality, Exercise Physiology, Exercise Prescription, Exercise Prescription, Motor Learning, Kinesiology, Tests and Measurements in Health and Physical Education, Marketing, Management, and Economics.
Curriculum Vitae of J. Don Chaney (5/24/19)
2004- PresentDirector, Office of Health Informatics (OHI), Texas A&M University, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, College Station, TX. Manages and Coordinates all Office of Health Informatics operations and finances .The mission of the OHI is to conduct research on the design, implementation, and evaluation of distance education and technology-mediated (web-based, CD-ROM, DVD, Podcasting, PowerPoint with audio, streaming video and audio) instructional applications related to conveying health instruction.
- Manage annual budget of $700,000
- Supervise 1 administrative position, 12 graduate assistants, and 2 student workers
- Generated $2.14 million of revenue to date
2005- PresentClinical Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, College Station, TX. Serve on Graduate Faculty. Manages and Coordinates all distance learning operations for the Division of Health Education. Designs and develops online course applications for courses taught in the Division of Health Education. Served as Instructor for the following courses:
HLTH 231 – Healthy Lifestyles (Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Summer 2006, Fall 2006)
HLTH 236 – Race, Ethnicity, and Health (Fall 2006)
HLTH 334 – Women’s Health (Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Summer 2006, Fall 2006)
HLTH 354 – Medical Terminology for the Health Professions (Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Summer 2006, Fall 2006)
HLTH 415 – Health Education Methodology (Summer 2006)
HLTH 611 – Organization and Administration of Health Promotion Programs (Spring 2006, Summer 2006)
2004-2005Senior Lecturer, Texas A&M University, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, College Station, TX. Manages and Coordinates all distance learning operations for the Division of Health Education. Designs and develops online course applications for courses taught in the Division of Health Education. Served as Instructor for the following courses:
HLTH 231 – Healthy Lifestyles (Fall 2004 and Spring 2005)
HLTH 334 – Women’s Health (Fall 2004 and Spring 2005)
HLTH 415 – Health Education Methodology (Fall 2004 and Summer 2005)
HLTH 489 – Medical Terminology for the Health Professions (Fall 2004 and Spring 2005)
2003-2004Senior Administrative Coordinator, Texas A&M University, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, College Station, TX. Coordinates administrative support for the Department of Health and Kinesiology. Supervises graduate students and student workers. Analyzes and develops administrative support operations. Manages operations for the Division of Health Education concerning all distance learning activities. Designs and develops online course applications for courses taught in the Division of Health Education. Coordinated the design of HLTH 231 – Healthy Lifestyles, HLTH 334 – Women’s Health, and HLTH 489 – Medical Terminology for the Health Professions. Served as Instructor for the following courses:
HLTH 231 – Healthy Lifestyles (Spring and Summer 2004)
HLTH 415 – Health Education Methodology (Summer 2004)
HLTH 489 – Medical Terminology for the Health Professions (Spring, Summer 2004)
2004- PresentAdjunct Faculty Appointment (Graduate Faculty), The University of Alabama, Department of Health Science, Tuscaloosa, AL. Graduate Faculty appointment. Served as Instructor for the following course:
HHE 515 – Advances in Health Sciences (Fall 2004) (on-campus)
HHE 515 – Advances in Health Sciences (Summer 2006, Fall 2006) (distance education course)
HHE 530 – Health Promotion Techniques (Spring 2005, Summer 2005, Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Summer 2006, Fall 2006) (distance education course)
2003- PresentWeb Designer and Webmaster, Texas A&M University, Division of Health Education Online Courses, College of Education and Human Development, College Station, TX. URL http://onlinecourses.tamu.edu. Developed and designed a web interface for the hosting of all of the Division of Health Education’s distance education courseware.
2003- PresentWeb Designer and Webmaster, Texas A&M University, Division of Health Education, College of Education and Human Development, College Station, TX. URL http://hlth.tamu.edu
2004- PresentEditor-in-Chief, American Journal of Health Studies, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, College Station, TX. Oversee all operations associated with the Journal.
2003Assistant Professor and Graduate Coordinator, The University of Alabama, Department of Health Science, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Tuscaloosa, AL. Coordinated the planning, and marketing functions for the Master of Arts Program in Health Studies, which was the largest Graduate Program on the UA campus. Served as the Academic Advisor for on-campus and distance education health studies masters students (N=413). Coordinate Fieldwork and Independent Study projects for Master of Arts program in Health Studies. Developed marketing plans for the M.A. Distance Education Program in Health Studies. Designed and developed online course applications for each course taught through the Department of Health Science. Served as Instructor for the following courses:
HHE 370 – Foundations and Principles of Health Education (Spring 2003)
HHE 667 – Organization and Implementation of Health Education and Health Promotion Programmings(Spring 2003)
HHE 585a – Health Education and the Internet (Distance Learning) (Spring and Summer 2003)
HHE 585b – Policy Development in Health Promotion (Distance Learning) (Spring and Summer 2003)
HHE 596a – Diversity in Health Promotion (Distance Learning) (Spring and Summer 2003)
HHE 596b – Stress Management (Distance Learning) (Spring and Summer 2003)
2003Adjunct Assistant Professor Faculty Appointment, Mississippi University for Women, Division of Health and Kinesiology, Columbus, MS. Served as Instructor for the following course:
HKH 510 – Theories of Health Behavior (Spring 2003)
HKH 513 – Program Evaluation in Health Education (Summer 2003)
2002-2003Distance Education Coordinator, The University of Alabama, Department of Health Science, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Tuscaloosa, AL, Coordinated the planning and marketing functions for the Distance Education Program in Health Studies. The Distance Program has graduated 228 students from the across the world in its’ 6 years of existence (1997-2003). The enrollment increased from 196 to 378 active students in my 13 months of tenure.
2002Instructor and Graduate Coordinator, The University of Alabama, Department of Health Science, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Tuscaloosa, AL. Coordinated the planning, and marketing functions for the Master of Arts Program in Health Studies, which was the largest Graduate Program on the UA campus. Served as the Academic Advisor for on-campus and distance education masters students (N>300).
HHE 370 – Foundations and Principles of Health Education (Fall 2002)
HHE 585a – Health Education and the Internet (Distance Learning)
(Spring, Summer, and Fall 2002)
HHE 585b – Policy Development in Health Promotion (Distance
Learning) (Spring, Summer, and Fall 2002)
HHE 596a – Diversity in Health Promotion (Distance Learning) (Spring, Summer, and Fall 2002)
HHE 596b – Stress Management (Distance Learning) (Spring, Summer, and Fall 2002)
2002- PresentWeb Designer and Webmaster, The Health Education Advocate, Coalition of National Health Education Organizations, Washington, D.C. URL
2001-2004Associate Editor, American Journal of Health Studies, Department of Health Science, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Tuscaloosa, AL. Coordinate the planning, budgeting, and marketing functions for the Journal. Distribute proposed manuscripts for external review and the journals to subscribers. The readership has increased 300% during my tenure with the Journal.
2001-PresentWeb Designer and Webmaster, American Journal of Health Studies, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, College Station, TX. URL http://ajhs.tamu.edu
2001-2005Consultant, Good Health Makes $ense Program (Northport, AL), A comprehensive health promotion program offered to employees and dependents of Alabama Power (N=7950) and Gulf Power (N=1545). This program has received Well Workplace Gold Level designation from the Wellness Council of America and the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Award for Excellence.
2000-2003Web Designer and Webmaster, The University of Alabama Distance Education Program in Health Studies, Department of Health Science, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Tuscaloosa, AL. URL http://www.ches.ua.edu/health/distance/
2000-2003Web Designer and Webmaster, The University of Alabama, Department of Health Science, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Tuscaloosa, AL. URL http://www.ches.ua.edu/health/
2000-2002Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, The University of Alabama, Department of Health Science, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Tuscaloosa, AL. Assisted in the coordination of the undergraduate courses and graduate distance education courses in health studies. Served as the Academic Advisor for freshman and sophomore General Health Studies majors (N=102). Coordinated Fieldwork and Independent Study projects for the Masters and Bachelors program in Health Studies. Marketed the M.A. Distance Education Program in Health Studies. Designed and developed online course applications for each course taught through the Department of Health Science. Served as Instructor for the following courses:
HHE 171 – Introduction to Health Education/Health Promotion (Fall 2000, Fall 2001)
HHE 270 – Personal Health (Spring 2001)
HHE 585a – Health Education and the Internet (Distance Learning) (Spring, Summer, and Fall, 2000 and 2001)
HHE 585b – Policy Development in Health Promotion (Distance Learning) (Spring, Summer, and Fall, 2000 and 2001)
HHE 596a – Diversity in Health Promotion (Distance Learning) (Spring, Summer, and Fall, 2000 and 2001)
HHE 596b – Stress Management (Distance Learning) (Spring, Summer, and Fall, 2000 and 2001)
2000Lecturer, Mississippi State University, Department of Health, Physical Education, and Sport, College of Education, Starkville, MS. Assisted in the coordination of the Distance Education Masters program in Health Education and Health Promotion. Served as Instructor for the following course:
PE 3213 – Emergency Health Care (Summer 2000)
1999-2000Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Mississippi State University, Department of Health, Physical Education, and Sport, College of Education, Starkville, MS. Production Editor for the Journal of MAHPERD. Assisted in the coordination of the Distance Education Masters program in Health Education and Health Promotion. Served as Instructor for the following courses:
PE 1001 – Racquetball (Fall 1999, Spring 2000)
PE 1021 – Basic Fitness Concepts (Spring 2000)
PE 1131 – Fitness Walking/Jogging (Summer 2000)
PE 1221 – Volleyball (Fall 1999, Spring 2000)
PE 1241 – Tennis (Summer 2001)
PE 1461 – Badminton (Fall 1999)
1998-1999Fitness Instructor, Northwest-Shoals Community College Wellness Center (Muscle Shoals, AL). A comprehensive health promotion program for employees (and their dependents) and students of Shoals Community College (N=5500).
1998-1999Tutor, University of North Alabama Academic Resource Center (Florence, AL). Served as campus tutor for the following courses: Exercise Prescription, Kinesiology, Test and Measurements in Health and Physical Education, and First Aid
1998Intern, University of North Alabama Health Promotion and Exercise Physiology Laboratory (Florence, AL). A comprehensive health promotion program for employees (and their dependents) and students of the University of North Alabama (N=6100).
1998 Intern, Tennessee Valley Authority Live Well Program (Muscle Shoals, AL). A comprehensive health promotion program for employees of the Tennessee Valley Authority and their dependents.
1998Intern, StayWell Co. (Huntsville, AL). A comprehensive health promotion program for employees of the Daimler-Chrysler Corporation and their dependents.
Refereed Articles (* Graduate Student)
Stellefson, M.L.* & Chaney, J.D. (2006). Determinants of indoor tanning behavior among adolescent females: A systematic review of the literature. The Health Educator, 38(1), 15-21.
Chaney, E.H., Chaney, J.D., & Eddy, J.M. (2006). Utilizing a multi-level approach to support advocacy efforts in the advancement of health education. American Journal of Health Education, 37(1), 41-50.
Chaney, E.H., Eddy, J.M., Wang, M.Q., Dennison, D., & Chaney, J.D. (2004). The impact of a computerized dietary assessment on nutrition knowledge. International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 7, 43-49.
Chaney, J.D., Eddy, J.M., & O’Rourke, T.O. (2004). Ranking Doctoral Programs of Health Education: Methodological Revisions and Results. American Journal of Health Education, 35(3), 132-140.
Chaney, J.D., Jones, E., & Galer-Unti, R. (2003). Utilizing technology in advocacy efforts to aid in tobacco policy and politics. Health Promotion Practice, 4(3), 218-224.
Donahue, R. E., Fitzhugh, E. C., Boling, W., Eddy, J. M., Leaver-Dunn, D., Abbott, R.L., Carter, T.M., Chaney, J. D., Childress, R., Lewis, M., Murphey, P.A., Filoromo, C., Strasser, S., Hardy, M.L., Notaro, S.J., O’Rourke, T., & Watts, G. (2003). Using the responsibilities of the health educator to rate journals in the field. American Journal of Health Studies, 18(1), 5-10.
Eddy, J.M., Donahue, R.E., & Chaney, J.D. (2001). A contextual relative approach to designing a masters program in health education using distance education technologies. International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 4, 377-384.
Chaney, J.D., Hunt, B.P., & Schulz, J.W. (2000). An examination using the PRECEDE model framework to establish a comprehensive program to prevent school violence. American Journal of Health Studies, 16(4), 199-204.
Chaney, J.D., Hunt, B.P., & Schulz, J.W. (2000). Adolescent tobacco use: A comparison of the 1997 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Mississippi and national data. The Journal of MAHPERD, 17(1), 3-6.
Chaney, J.D., Hunt, B.P., & Schulz, J.W. (2000). Adolescent tobacco use: Problem areas and model prevention programs. AAHPERD 2000: R.D. Peavy Papers, The Future of Our Profession, 18.
Chaney, J.D., Hunt, B.P., & Schulz, J.W. (2000). School violence prevention: A comprehensive approach. AAHPERD 2000: R.D. Peavy Papers, The Future of Our Profession, 19.
Chaney, J.D., Schulz, J.W., Coleman, R.M., & Taylor, E.L. (2000). Skin cancer preventive practices of childcare providers. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 71(1), 37.
Chaney, J.D., Abbott, R., & Nagy, S. (2002). Summary report: A nine-year review of selected risky behaviors and attitudes of Butler County (AL) adolescents. Submitted to the Butler County (AL) Board of Education.
Chaney, J.D., Abbott, R., & Nagy, S. (2002). Summary report: A fourteen-year review of selected risky behaviors and attitudes of Crenshaw County (AL) adolescents. Submitted to the Crenshaw County (AL) Board of Education.
Chaney, J.D., Abbott, R., & Nagy, S. (2002). Summary report: A nine-year review of selected risky behaviors and attitudes of Pike County (AL) adolescents. Submitted to the Pike County (AL) Board of Education.
Abbott, R., Chaney, J.D., & Nagy, S. (2002). Summary report: A fourteen-year review of selected risky behaviors and attitudes of Pickens County (AL) adolescents. Submitted to the Pickens County (AL) Board of Education.
Abbott, R., Chaney, J.D., & Nagy, S. (2002). Summary report: A four-year review of selected risky behaviors and attitudes of Bibb County (AL) adolescents. Submitted to the Bibb County (AL) Board of Education.
Abbott, R., Chaney, J.D., & Nagy, S. (2002). Summary report: A review of selected risky behaviors and attitudes of Hale County (AL) adolescents. Submitted to the Hale County (AL) Board of Education.
Nagy, S., Abbott, R., & Chaney, J.D. (2002). Summary report: A fourteen-year review of selected risky behaviors and attitudes of Alabama adolescents. Submitted to the State of Alabama Department of Education. URL http://www.ches.ua.edu/health/aas/
Grants and Contracts
McLeroy, K.R. (2006). Establishment of program for rural and minority health disparities research (P-20 grant). (Amount Requested, $950,000 annually for 5 years). Submitted to the NIH Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities. Role in Project, Co-Investigator, Research and Education Training Core
Eddy, J.M., Chaney, J.D., & Chaney, E.H. (2006). Development of distance education courses for the University of Maryland. (Amount Received, $40,000.00). Funded to develop four undergraduate and four graduate distance education courses to be offered by the University of Maryland. Role in Project, Co-Principle Investigator.
Eddy, J.M., Chaney, J.D., & Chaney, E.H. (2005). Working well: A blueprint for success. Submitted to the American Cancer Society (ACS). (Amount Received, $10,000.00). Funded to revise current ACS worksite health promotion materials and to design an online clearinghouse for those materials. Role in Project, Co-Principle Investigator.
Chaney, J.D. (2002-Present). The Health Education Advocate. Submitted to the Coalition of National Health Education Organizations. (Amount Received to date, $20,000.00). Funded to develop, design, and maintain the Health Education Advocate ( an online warehouse for current public health and health education advocacy issues. Role in Project, Principal Investigator.
Chaney, J.D., Hunt, B.P., & Schulz, J.W. (2000). A program to prevent violence in the Oktibbeha County (MS) school district. Submitted to the For All Kids Foundation. (Amount Requested, $61,400.00). Goal was to design, implement, and evaluate a school violence prevention program in the Oktibbeha County (MS) School District. Role in Project, Principal Investigator.
Schulz, J.W., Hunt, B.P., & Chaney, J.D. (2000). Skin cancer prevention project for childcare facilities. Submitted to the American Cancer Society. (Amount Received, $8,663.00). Funded to conduct an assessment of childcare facilities practices, policies, and knowledge of sun exposure and skin cancer. Role in Project, Investigator.