Planet Egypt NewsJanuary 2012

This is our news incorporated into our free monthly mailing list

Darbucka has been sold and is changing hands, it will be a coffee shop

Is it the end of Planet Egypt as we know and love it though???????

Our venue for the January 26th show is the LAST one ever. In February we move elsewhere….awaiting contract exchange!

So how can you keep in touch with us?

  1. Well join our free mailing list by following the link on our home page

This gives you priority notice as I send it out 2 weeks before the show and if you respond quickly it means you are almost guaranteed a seat if you ask me. An example of this is overleaf

Top of Form

To recieve notification of our events by email :

Bottom of Form

2Can’t be bothered with all that? Then check here

Be advised though we will have to change the name of this page as it’s named after old venue, so our Home page will take you to it’s replacement by 20th January

3 Follow us on

  • Facebook

GroupPlanet Egypt - Bellydancing Parties

Page Planet Egypt Page

Me Anne White

  • or watch us on You tube channel: Planetegypt
  • Finally – email me :


In the 9 years we have been hosting monthly events we have achieved international recognition and left a global foot print. I post our website and You tube statistics in the hallway of our monthly events, they demonstrate an amazing market penetration!

Between us, my team, my family, the venue, the amazing performers and our fabulous audience we have a created a strong and vibrant community that I feel very proud to be part of. We did all this together and I would like to thank all of you that have made this possible

I would like to thank our first patron Haleem Kerallah who had the vision to see our potential and gave us the support and encouragement we needed to establish ourselves at his venue Sahara Nights all those years ago, and also to Ahmad and Firas of Darbucka for their help and support in continuing there for the past 6 years.

The Most important thing to know is that without my Team we would never have made it this far -their love, faith and support has been total.

Our next event will be on 26thJanuary 2012 at Darbucka

see Facebook event page here

We have the return of our star Ranya Renee
We introduce Fantasia Prize Oriental2nd Place Winner Eeben from Estonia
The Birthday Girl -Meret
And welcome back Linda Parker and also Hazel King
and Anne White

And are thrilled to announce LIve Music with The Mesopotomia Band

Tarab Singer Yasin Mesopotamian
Org Nashwan Media
Tabla and Req Ali Kirdar and Aly Minyawi

who will give us a full one hour set from the stage accompanied by dancer Fiora
They will play predominantly Egyptian music BUT also some amazing Iraqi music too!

If you want to see any video clips of our shows then please see here

See our you tube channel (Planetegypt)

You might want to see Alalamia TV coverage of our September show featured in “Follow Me with Reem” (Episode 3 Part 1) here – our thanks to Reem and Jayyab

For those that wish to perform for us, despite the venue being in a transitional state, get in touch – I am an optimist… read on

.We have found a replacement venue and are finalising details

This will affect my bookings Artists next year. Whilst I will make my selection in January and February I might book Artists behind the scenes, but until I am able to confirm in advance their details might not appear on this page. When I will confirm it I will book up to 2014. So if you want to dance or perform for us (Professionals only) please get in touch before the end of January 2012

Here is our mailing list for January after you click on links press BACK

January 26th The Last Planet Egypt EVER EVER at Darbucka


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Planet Egypt
26 January 2012 Says Goodbye to Darbucka
Dazzling Dancers
We continue at Darbucka but this REALLY is our last EVER show there, in February it becomes a sandwich bar and then we move to a new venue that will blow your mind.... more on that another time
Please see this page for our last show
If you are on Facebook it is here
Get Flyer
We have the return of our star Ranya Renee
We introduce Fantasia Prize Oriental 2nd
Place Winner Eeben from Estonia
The Birthday Girl -Meret
And welcome back Linda Parker and also Hazel King
And Anne White

The Fabulous Ranya Renee above
I am also thrilled to announce we feature for the first time as a Band our Regular Guests and Dearest Friends The Mesopotamia Band
Tarab Singer Yasin Mesopotamian
Org and Video Cameraman Extrordinaire Nashwan Mediaa
On Tabla and Req are favourites and much loved Drummers Ali Kirdar and Aly Minyawi
They will play predominantly Egyptian music but IF we are really lucky they will give us a welcome taste of Iraqi music and culture and dancer Fiora will accompany them

Find out about our Table arrangementsBook your seats now see here
Our event can be found at: Darbucka, 182 St John Street, LondonEC1V 4JZ
Plan your Journey
email to reserve your seats
Please remember that this IS really our last show at Darbucka, So the page we normally feature our events on will change, so if you have bookmarked it do remember and best to check our index page for the new link
In addition as we anticipate a good turn out and we are using the stage for the band there is less seats to go around, do arrive early and get ready for a Night to Really remember
Community News
Whats happening in London over the coming weeks
Elsewhere in the UK see what's on
Anne's News
Classes in Archway and Bishopsgate
2012 sees Anne working with Guy Schalom and The Baladi Blues Band in Nottingham, details
This project is sponsored by NADA magazine
Want to find out about the Golden Days in London then read this by Asmahan as featured in The Gilded Serpent
Read even more about this dance from Legend Aunty Rocky (Morocco)
And now for something completely different, our much loved friend Mabel has a You tube Assyrian Cooking channel learn how to create them
And I have just discovered that our talented Flamenco Dancer David Kallo is also an Artist!!! See here
Update on us
Al Alamia filmed our show in September. See the showreel here(Follow me with Reem Episode 3 Part 1)
They interviewed our audience . Read more about it
See our you tube clips - what have YOU missed
Team member Tach signed to Sony. See here . A talented composer and singer..... his star is rising
Changes are afoot with our venue as you know see this as it will tell you how to find us if we ever go missing
Despite this - as I am an optimist -I will soon have to book dancers for 2012 and beyond. If you are a Professional and want to perform for us get in touch as I will book up to 2 years ahead and there are always long waiting lists
Finally if you want to see more of what we do then check our archivesand look at our You tube channel (Planetegypt)
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Come visit our You tube channel(Planetegypt) or Facebook
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Anne White
Planet Egypt
132 Clonmell Road
London N17 6JU

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