Credit Recovery Model


Plan for Student Success (PFSS)

Instructor: Tawni Casteel

Department: Mathematics

Room Number: 205

E-Mail Address:

Course Description:Extended School Virtual Learning is a credit recovery option for students. The courses are primarily internet based and skill mastery driven. Students may complete the course at their own pace. Students will be expected to achieve at high levels in the quality of their writing, reading listening, and speaking. Any student completing English 2, English 4 and/or English 6 will need to take the corresponding AZMerit test to receive credit.

Materials Required:writing utensils


journal/notebook (for keeping notes)

headphones (if you’d prefer not to use the headphones provided in the virtual learning lab)

Grading System:Grades are assessed based on the following:

A = 90% (Exceeds)

B = 80% (Above)

C = 70% (Meets)

D = 60% (Approaches)

F = 59% (Falls Far Below)

There will be three main categories for grades:


Assessments:60% (quizzes & unit tests)

CRT:20% (cumulative exam)

Parents and guardians will receive a progress report in the mail every three weeks. It is important to be aware of these progress reports and review them with your student.

Parents, guardians, and students may access a student’s grade by going to Student Vue, an online grade system accessible from LAEA High School’s homepage. Call the Registration Office to get log-in information for your student. Student Vue is updated whenever a teacher enters assignment grades. Information about what is required for each assignment for this is class is available on Student Vue.

504 Plans/IEPs will be implemented as mandated.

Title I Program:Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math, reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal Mr. Kemp for additional information at 602-764-0050.

Make-up Policy:Virtual Learning courses are self-paced. Students’ progress percentage within the course should adhere to their target completion percentage. Students have two attempts to pass quizzes on their own with a 70% or higher. After two attempts, a virtual learning instructor must be contacted. Tests and the Cumulative Final must be released by a virtual learning instructor. Students who are falling behind or need additional assistance outside of class time may work with their instructor during advisory.

Attendance: Student attendance is crucial to academic success. Students are counted absent in class if they are not in attendance for more than one-half of the class period. Students are expected to be in their assigned seats when the tardy bell rings. Please refer to the school handbook for information about attendance policies and consequences for excessive absences (including loss of course credit).

Additional SiteStudents may not use cell phones during class. Students may not go to other

Agreed Uponwebsites during class. Students may not watch movies or listen to music

Components: during class.

Parent/Guardian &

Student Sign Off A brief statement to acknowledge receipt. See attached Virtual Leaning Model.


(Please complete this sheet and return to Ms Casteel)

Plan for Student Success Receipt

Note to Parents: We fully recognize the vital role your support and participation plays in your child’s success. Together, we are partners in your child’s education. I hope you feel free to contact me at any time to share information or ask questions. Please feel free to contact me at 602-764-0050.


I have reviewed Ms Casteel’s Plan for Student Success and understand the expectations presented. I agree that I am capable and willing to fulfill the expectations of this course.


Student Name (printed) Student Signature Date

Email address: ______


I have received a copy of the Plan for Student Success and this form provides details about the course. I understand the information and what is expected of my child. I give my student permission to communicate with teachers regarding assignments using electronic media such as email.


Parent/Guardian Name (printed) Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Important Note: Be aware that your son or daughter may complete this class before the end of the semester. Please provide a reliable phone number so that I can contact you directly when she or he has completed the course.

Daytime phone number: ______

Evening phone number: ______

Parent email address: ______
