School: Grover Cleveland HS / Department: JROTC / Instructor: COL Steven L. Hartman
Office Hours: 0730-1600 / Course Title: Leadership Education Training (LET) 2
No. of Credits: 5 per semester / Grade Level(s): 10, 11 or 12 / Prerequisites: LET 1

1.  Course Description: The first year of Leadership Education Training introduces the Cadet to various subjects which will assist in developing leadership potential and make the Cadet a better citizen. The course is conducted through lecture, demonstration, small group discussions and collaborated practical exercises which involve the Cadets in all activities. The course stresses the importance of citizenship, leadership development, physical fitness, drug prevention and awareness, responsibility, American history, first aid and self-awareness. The course also covers communication techniques, drill, character development, financial planning, conflict resolution, and provides the skills necessary to work effectively as a team member. Membership on special teams is highly encouraged.

2.  Materials Required: All books, uniforms and special classroom materials, e.g. maps, compass, etc., are furnished by the U.S. Army and the school. However, it is the responsibility of each Cadet to take care of the items entrusted to them to ensure they are not lost or destroyed. All Junior ROTC Cadets will be issued a Standard U.S. Army Military Class-B Uniform with shoes at no cost to the Cadet. Cadets are expected to clean and maintain their uniforms and their individual appearance to meet the standards and expectations of the Junior ROTC program. Cadets are expected to furnish their own pencil/pen and paper each day for each class, and are strongly encouraged to have a personal travel drive (“thumb” drive) for recurring assignments.

3.  Grading System: The Cadet’s semester grade consists of a combination of the following:

a.  Academics: 70%: (280 pts) – 30% for assignments, written/oral reports, class work; 20% for

participation; 20% for exams. For LET 2-4 in a staff or leadership position this can count in addition or in lieu of academics.

b.  Uniform: 30%: (120pts), based on how often the Cadet wears the uniform, proper

maintenance and appearance.

c.  Grades will be assigned based on the following point scheme:

A= 360-400

B= 320-359

C= 280-319

D= 240-279

F.= Less than 240

4.  Attendance: Cadets are expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings. Cadets who are habitually late or fail to attend class on a regular basis can expect their grade to be adversely affected. Parents will be notified on unexcused tardies or absences IAW school policy or for violation of JROTC expectations. Additionally, Cadets will be placed on an Attendance Contract subsequent to a completed Disciplinary Referral, as appropriate. When a Cadet has accumulated five (5) unexcused absences in a semester, he/she will be referred to the administration office for an educational program and attendance review. Cadets may lose credits due to excessive absences. Parents/Cadets may appeal loss of credit to the school administration office.


The Director for Army Instruction provides the Junior ROTC Department an Evaluation Program with a calendar of events which informs the Cadets of the activities and events they are required to participate in. With the Evaluation Program as our master schedule, in conjunction with the Cleveland Master Schedule; the Battalion Annual Calendar is developed. The more a Cadet participates the more the Cadet will learn and promote within the program and further enhance their overall grade. Our mandatory activities and events include:

19 Sep 17, 24 Oct 17,
28 Nov 17, 23 Jan 18,
20 Feb 18, 20 Mar 18, 24 Apr 18 / (Tentative) Battalion Formation (0730) PE Blacktop / Cleveland High School
21 Oct 17 / Six Flags Magic Mountain / JROTC Fun Day / Valencia, California
Oct 2016-Apr 2017 / Marksmanship Conference & Training / Cleveland High School
1 Nov-7 Dec 18 / DAI JPA Inspection / Cleveland High School
11 Nov 18 / Veterans Day Parade / San Fernando Mission Blvd. and Laurel Canyon Blvd. in the City of Mission Hills
18 Nov 17 / All City Color Guard Competition / Hollywood High School
9 Dec 17 / All City Drill Competition / Monroe High School
24 Feb 18 / All City JROTC Ball / Bonaventure Hotel, LA
TBD Feb 18 / Annual JROTC Encampment ( JCLC ) / CSLO
TBD Mar 18 / BUSC Ceremony / Monroe High School
3-13 Apr 18 / Cadet Challenge Competition / Cleveland High School
TBD (Tentative 11 May 18) / JROTC Annual Awards Program / Cleveland High School
12 May 18 / JROTC Fun Day Picnic / Griffith Park
13 June 18 / All City Staff Competition / Los Angeles High School


(Parent/Guardian Signature) / (Cadet Signature)