Research TitleXXXXXX
Plain Language Statement
My name is XXXXXXXXX, CPR XXXXXXXX and I am a student in the College of Business at the University of Bahrain undertaking research for the university required course, English for Report Writing (ENG 341).
This research project seeks to understand the role of Teacher-Training and Professional Development in relation to:
1. Perceptions of the nature of ‘English,’ and the goals of ELT within Malaysian Primary Schools.
2. Perceptions of ELT methodologies and their fit within Malaysian Primary Schools.
I invite you to participate in this research which will audio-tape an interview of you regarding:
· your own use of English in various contexts,
· your experiences of English language learning at primary and secondary school,
· your beliefs about and attitudes towards the goals of ELT within Malaysian primary schools
· your beliefs about the role of teacher-training and professional development and its impact on ELT within Malaysian primary schools.
Please note that:
· No data identifying you will be made public.
· Only the researcher/s will have access to the raw data.
· Any information provided by you may be used in university report publications and presentations by the researcher
· The research data collected during the study may be published
· You are free to withdraw your participation as well as any unprocessed data, at any time.
For further information, questions or if you have concerns, please contact:
Dr Simone EvansMobile: +973 3532 0773
Assistant Professor & 341 Coordinator
Department of English, Language & Literature
University of Bahrain: Sakhir Campus
P.O.Box 32038
Kingdom ofBahrain
. / Your name, cpr contact information (email and phone number
Name of Research
Ethics Consent Form
Participant Name:Phone:
1. I consent to participate in the above research, the particulars of which - including details of interviews - have been explained to me.
2. I authorise the researchers to interview me and audio- or video-tape me and quote from those interviews.
3. I acknowledge that:
a. I have been informed that I am free to withdraw from the project at any time and to withdraw any unprocessed data previously supplied;
b. The project is for the purpose of research and study and not for treatment.
c. I have read and retained a copy of the Plain Language Statement, and agree to the general purpose, methods and demands of the study.
d. The project may not be of direct benefit to me.
e. My involvement is being interviewed. The interviews will be audio-taped.
f. Confidentiality is assured.
g. The security of the data obtained is assured following completion of the study.
h. The research data collected during the study may/will not be published. Any data which may identify me will not be used.
Participant Signature: / Date:Witness Signature: / Date: