CBPC meeting of May 19, 2006

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Chesapeake Bay and Water Resources Policy Committee

Date: Friday, May 19, 2006

Time: 9:45 a.m.– 12 noon *

Place: Room 1, Lobby Level

777 North Capitol Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

*Lunch will be available for committee members and alternates after the meeting.

Meeting Agenda

9:45 1. Introductions and Announcements Hon. John R. Lovell

Chair, Frederick County

9:50 2. Approval of Meeting Summary for March 17, 2006 Chair Lovell

Recommended action: Approve DRAFT Meeting summary (Att. 2).

9:55 3. Recommendation on Anacostia Governance Proposal Ted Graham, COG

Water Resources Director

During the past year, members of the multi-agency Anacostia Watershed Restoration Committee and other stakeholders have had extensive discussions about creating a new governance framework for coordinating the restoration of the watershed. At the February 8 COG Board meeting, District of Columbia Mayor Anthony Williams asked the Board to refer the governance issue to the CBPC to develop a recommendation to bring back to the Board at its June 2006 meeting. Mr. Graham will present a proposal developed by COG staff in consultation with various stakeholders and committee members. As detailed in the background briefing document and draft resolution (Att. 3), this proposal would create a new Anacostia Watershed Leadership Council. The Council, to be housed at COG, would provide oversight of the adoption and implementation of a comprehensive watershed restoration plan.

Recommended Action: Review proposed resolution and approve its presentation to the Board

10:20 4. Report on Urban Nutrient Management Issues Hon. Martin Nohe

Prince William County

Mr. Nohe, a member of a committee workgroup that provided input to staff, will introduce a

CBPC meeting of May 19, 2006

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proposal (Att. 4) for COG to work with the lawn care industry to educate consumers and minimize the potential for nutrient loss.

Presentation of Scotts Proposal Rich Martinez, Dir. of

Environmental Affairs,

Scotts Miracle-Gro Company

Christiane Schmenk, Director of Government Affairs

The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company has been in discussion with the Chesapeake Bay Program about a plan to reduce the phosphorus content in its widely-sold line of commercial lawn fertilizers. Mr. Martinez and Ms. Schmenk will review this plan. Scotts is interested in working with local governments that promote lawn care messages as part of their outreach and education efforts. The company also is interested in other ways of partnering with local governments.

Recommended Action: Review preliminary proposal and provide guidance to workgroup

11:00 5. Presentation of Proposed FY 2007 Work Program

and Budget for the Regional Water Fund Ted Graham

The committee is charged with approving the Regional Water Fund’s annual budget. Mr. Graham will summarize the key aspects of the FY 07 work program as recommended by the Water Resources Technical Committee and review plans for conducting a vote of committee members.

Recommended Action: Approve transmission of budget documents and ballot to committee members

11:15 6. Discussion of Federal Farm Bill Focus Ann Swanson, Executive Director

Chesapeake Bay Commission

In 2005, the Chesapeake Executive Council released a 17-page report documenting a number of proposals for how federal farm policy could be changed to help the Bay restoration effort. The report and the research that preceded it was prepared by the Chesapeake Bay Commission. Since that time, the Commission has been working with stakeholders in the region to determine how best to share the EC's message with the Congress to maximize returns for the region. Ms. Swanson will discuss the recommendations along with the collaborative efforts underway in the region.

Recommended Action: Seek input on the Commission’s recommendations from farmers in the region.

11:45 7. Committee Updates

Loudoun County Tour Hon. Sally Kurtz

Loudoun County

Legislative Activity Hon. Penelope Gross

Fairfax County

Ms. Gross will review her recent testimony before the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

TMDL Litigation COG staff

11:55 8. New Business Members

12:00 9. Adjourn

The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 21, 2006, 9:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

(Remember: COG will reimburse members and alternates for Metro fares.)


Item 2 DRAFT Meeting Summary of March 17, 2006

Item 3 Briefing document and DRAFT COG Board resolution re Anacostia governance (to be

sent separately)

Item 4 Preliminary recommendations from urban nutrient management workgroup