Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
English / Fiction: Friend or Foe
Poetry: Poets’ Voices / Fiction: Greek Myths
Poetry: Ultimate rap Non-fiction: Ultimate Explorers / Poetry: Tell me a story
Word detectives / Non-fiction: The Museum of Fun Fiction: Oranges in No Man’s Land / Poetry: Compare and perform
Non-fiction: Animals on the move / Non-Fiction: Pitch it!
Maths / Number and place value
Addition and subtraction
Properties of shapes
Multiplication and division
Position and direction / Addition/subtraction
Measures (mass)
Multiplication and division
Measures (time) / Number and place value
Addition and subtraction
Properties of shapes
Multiplication and division
Measures (length) / Decimals
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division
Percentages (incl. fractions and decimals)
Measurement (area and perimeter) / Number and place value
Addition and subtraction
Properties of shapes
Multiplication and division (incl. money)
Measurement (volume and capacity) / Addition and subtraction (incl. money)
Percentages (incl. fractions and decimals)
Position and direction
Multiplication and division (incl. money)
Science / Properties and Changes of Materials / Properties and Changes of Materials / Forces / Earth and Space / Living Things / Animals including Humans
Computing / We are Network engineers / We are programmers
SCRATCH / We are Bug fixers SCRATCH / We are Web developers / We are architects
Designing 3D models
(Ancient Greece – buildings) / We are Bloggers
(Food for thought)
Creativity / Water Cycle and Mountains in the UK (G) / Ancient Greece (H)
(Greek food) / Settlers:
Anglo-Saxons and Scots (H) / Settlers:
Anglo-Saxons and Scots (H) / Judaism and Christianity (RE) / Food 4 Thought (G)
Music / Ukulele (all year) / Rhythm and pulse / Voice / Rhythm
P.E. / Invasion Games
football and netball. / Gymnastics
Floor and apparatus. / Net-wall activities / Outdoor/adventurous (orienteering, clue trails) / Athletics. / Striking and field games
PSHE / New Beginnings / Feelings and relationships / Anti-Bullying (1 week)
Making Choices / Healthy Lifestyles / Keeping Safe / Growing and Changing
French / Beach scene
Scene de plage / I am the music man
Je suis le musician / The return to spring
Le retour du printemps / The planets
Les planetes / On the way to school
En route pour l’ecole / Healthy eating
Bon appétit