ETC Meeting

Day: Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Time: 1800 – 2100 hrs

Place: Hilton Nashville Downtown

Room: Crockett

City: Nashville, TN

Roll Call and Introduction of Guests:


Don Anderson

Larry Brase

E. Carter

Craig Day

Scott Doucett

Jim Horkovich

Dan Jensen

Joe Koo

Patrick Liu

Laura McGill

Jason Slagle

Bob Winn


Via Telephone –


Andy Berryann

Sam Bruner

Rao Mannepalli

Randy Nelson

Donna Senft

John Vian

Rudy Yurkovich


To access the files – go to Click on “Documents”, “Minutes” and “ETC Meeting 27 July 2010”

Opening Remarks and ETC Overview (Dan Jensen) - See presentation “Jensen 27JulyMeeting” on ETC SharePoint site

1.  Updated 2009-2010 Goals

•  Strengthen the Organization

o  Leadership team fully engaged

o  Membership roster scrubbed and updated

o  Membership gap analysis completed and targeted recruiting begun

o  Continuous communication occurring between meetings

•  2009 “Top 10” List Refreshed and Applied

o  Dan would like to work with TAC and IAC to make this an actionable list instead of only information to read.

o  List reviewed and refreshed as appropriate

o  Two-way communication established with TAC TCs and PCs

o  International implications shared with IAC

o  Public Policy implication shared with PPC

•  Support to Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Continued

o  Lessons learned from 2009 submittal incorporated

o  Format and submittal date standardized

o  Other branches of service advisory boards identified for future support

“2009 Submittals to Air Force Scientific Advisory Board”

o  Ultra-Lightweight Materials for Aerospace Applications (Multidisciplinary and Systems)

o  The Role of Humans and Machines in the Future of Space Operations (Space)

o  Active Aviation Structures (Aviation)

o  Next-Generation High Speed Flight (Aviation)

2.  Technical Subcommittee Reports

·  Aviation (Bob Winn)

o  Long Range Striker – Rudy Yurkovich – gave updates on the program. Dan asked if the committee understood what technologies are needed to get the program moving? Propulsion, hypersonic and supersonic, & sensors are holding up LRS.

o  Micro Air Vehicles – Patrick McNally

o  Personal Transportation Systems – 6 papers in ATIO in sessions titled “On Demand Aviation I&II. On Wednesday afternoon, 15 September at ATIO/MAO

o  SSBJ – Randy Nelson – wind tunnel testing going on at Arion and Gulfstream

o  Greener Aviation – Jason Slagle

o  AF Scientific Advisory Board – Bob has little to offer the AFSAB, but he is interested in what the AFSAB comes up with. Tony Mitchell has much insight into the AFSAB and Bob Winn is trying to get him on the committee.

o  The NASA version of the “top ten technologies” – goal oriented and food for thought for the report can be found at -

·  Space (Tony Gross)

o  Spacecraft Autonomy - Donna Senft reported that is a hot topic especially at AFRL

o  Responsive Space - is being worked at NASA Ames

o  Plug and Play – AFRL is working the spacecraft Plug n Play and AIAA standards committee is working on a new standard for PnP. Software systems TC is working on the subject as well.

o  INSITU – space colonization TC

o  Space Tourism –

o  GEOS –

o  Space Debris –

Tony’s written report –

The status of the Space Subcommittee’s TC Technology Mapping Project is as follows:

·  The first part of this project has been spent in developing the assessment and analysis methodology, a process that is not yet complete.

·  Assignments have been made to subcommittee members as to which TC Group they are to assess. With varying levels of activity, the process has progressed at a slower rate than planned.

·  Current plan is to complete this project by the Spring 2011 ETC Meeting.

ACTION: Dan to follow up with Tony and do this project across the board -

·  Multidisciplinary and Systems (Jack Agee) – see report from Joe Koo on ETC SharePoint site – “ETC meeting MS slides_July 2010 Rev 1”

o  The ETC Multidisciplinary and Systems Subcommittee holds a monthly teleconference on the first Thursday of every month. Old and new items of the watch list are reviewed. Upcoming meetings and events are also announced.

o  The ETC M&S roster has been updated with new member information. Rao Mannepalli, Lockheed Martin, has joined the subcommittee and plans to submit watch list items in the area of computer technology.

o  Our watch list has been refreshed. New watch list items include:

§  Update on lightweight, high strength materials and Bayer MaterialScience. Horst Adams, Vice President of Future Technologies at Bayer MaterialScience, will be presenting at the CONTACT Program Annual Review Meeting on October 13, 2010 at Rice University in Houston, Texas. There is potential for relationships to develop as in the case of Pratt and Whitney with Bayer. Pratt and Whitney is interested in performance data and testing. We provided information from the recent National Space Missile Materials Symposium (NSMMS) conference that included some materials performance data to P&W. We have attached a short version of Dr. Adams’ presentation for public release from the NSMMS in June.

§  See ETC SharePoint site “Shared Documents” for the file – “Bayer presentation Scottsdale June 2010”

o  The subcommittee also submitted the following FY 11 SAB topic: “Ultra-light Weight Materials for Aerospace Applications”. We have been notified by the USAF SAB that our submission will be under review in the summer and that the selected topics approved by the Secretary of the Air Force will be posted on their website by the first of the year. Joseph Koo also reports that the National Academy of Science is going to conduct a study on lightweight materials and will be putting together a panel.

ACTION: three SC chairs to take a look at the 2009 top ten list – send edits ASAP to Dan Jensen

3.  Operations Update

·  Membership Subcommittee (Sam Bruner) - See the most up-to-date roster on the ETC SharePoint site

o  Elizabeth Carter and Sam Bruner met May 3rd for major review and sweep of roster

•  15 inactive members identified and letters of thanks sent

•  34 active members identified and letters of appointment sent

o  Total Membership = 34 ( -15 as result of roster sweep)

•  Academia = 2 (-2)

•  Government = 5 (-1)

•  Industry = 23 (-10)

•  Military = 1 (-3)

•  Others = 3 (+1)

o  Subcommittee Distribution (excludes 3 officers)

•  Aviation = 12 (-9)

•  Space = 6 (-4)

•  Multidisciplinary = 7 (- 3)

•  Not affiliated = 6 (+1)

o  Liaisons –

•  Dan would like to ask Mark Maurice, IAC Chair, if there is someone on the IAC that could be a liaison to the ETC

•  Jason Slagle is the Liaison to the PPC –

o  New Member –

§  Daniel O’Neil

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems

(410) 765-6631

ACTION: SC chairs are to report to Sam if there is a GAP in any area and look at the demographics in each SC.

4.  Communications (Dan Jensen)

No “Top Ten” press release this year. Dan will contact Elaine about an article explaining what the ETC does and their goals.

ACTION: Dan to write an article regarding the ETC that could be published in the AA Bulletin

5.  Old Business

Green Engineering Working Group (Jason Slagle) – see Jason Slagle’s full report on the ETC SharePoint site – “Green Engineering PC Proposal v5”

6.  New Business

Technology Horizons Report (Andy Berryann)

Andy Berryann gave a summary of the AF “Technology Horizons Report”. See file “MS_SC_Report_Technology_Horizons_Andy” on the ETC SharePoint site. The entire report is available at -

ACTION: ETC members to reflect on how the AF Technology Horizons report ties in with the ETC “top ten” list.

7.  Action Item Review - See updated action item list on the ETC SharePoint site

8.  Next Subcommittee Teleconferences and Next Face-to-Face ETC Meeting

Next meeting is in conjunction with the

49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.

4 - 7 Jan 2011

Orlando World Center Marriott

Orlando, Florida

Dan asked the SC chairs to schedule at least one telecom between now and the January 2011 face to face. Dan will organize a leadership telecom in September. Dan will organize a telecom for Tony Gross and the Space Sub-Committee

Rich Antcliff and Tony Gross to ask Robert Braun to speak at the ETC meeting in Jan 2011.

Bob Winn to ask Bruce Holms to speak at the ETC meeting in May 2011.