Place: Best Western Plus, 507 E Main St, Dayton, WA.
Format: Meeting started at 6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Brad Johnson (AC), Brian Shinn (AC), Dick Ducharme (CC), Roland Schirman (CC), Mike Talbott (CC), Bill Bowles (GC), Del Groat (GC), Justin Dixon (GC), Jon Jones (WC), Art Swannack (WC), and Perry Dozier (WWC).
Board Members on Phone: Yancey Reser (WWC)
Others Present: Terry Bruegman (CCD), Duane Bartels (PCD), Steve Martin (SRSRB), Kris Buelow (SRSRB), John Foltz (SRSRB), Debbie Seney (SRSRB) and Chris Hyland (WWWMP)
Others on Phone: Steve Pozzanghera (WDFW)
SRSRB Chairman, Del Groat called the meeting to order and verified a quorum. (11 present, 1 on the phone for a total of 12). Del welcomed everyone to the board meeting.
Introduction of Guests and Public Comment:
All Board Members and Guests conducted a round table of introductions and affiliations.
March 2015 Expenses
RCO (HCSR) $16,595.26 WDFW (HCFW) $5,311.40
BPA6 (HCB6) $30,603.73 BPA7 (HCB7) -0-
Approve March 24, 2015 Meeting Notes
ACTION 1: Approval of Consent Agenda Items ~ The motion was made by Roland Schirman and seconded by Bill Bowles to accept the March 2015 expenditures and budget status, as well as the March 24, 2015 Meeting Notes, as presented. The Board approved the motion by consensus.
ACTION 2: Agenda Review and Approval ~ A motion to approve the agenda as presented, with the following amendment; moving the WRIA 35 Discussion to be following the Lead Entity project pre-application overview in the Agenda. This motion was made by Brian Shinn and seconded by Bill Bowles. The Board approved the motion by consensus.
DISCUSSION: Walla Walla Drought Declaration and WWWMP Response Plan ~ Chris Hyland presented information regarding instream flows, cfs compliances, Fall temperatures, water right rankings (Tribes, Senior, then Junior) and the presumed impacts this may have in our area.
DISCUSSION: Lead Entity Project Pre-Application Overview ~ John Foltz reviewed the process and projects received thus far with the Board.
DISCUSSION/ACTION: WRIA 35 ~ Tim Simpson, Asotin PUD Manager, reported his Board of directors has decided to terminate the position currently employing Brad Johnson. Discussion with the Board ensued regarding whether this would be better served under the WWCC or Pomeroy Conservation District. Hurdles and opportunities need explored. A motion was made by Brian Shinn and seconded by Mike Talbott that Steve Martin pursue for the Board, contacting both these entities about hiring Brad and accepting the contracts he has in place. Steve is to provide an update at the next board meeting. The Board approved the motion by consensus.
ACTION 3: 2014-2015 HCSR (Board’s Administrative Funding Contract) Unspent Funds assessment and decision to allocate some unspent funds (+/- $27,000) on funding a PIT array upgrade on the Tucannon River ~ Steve Martin shared that approximately $30,000 in unspent funds from this fiscal year have been identified in our operations grant which can’t be carried forward at the end of a biennium. Steve suggested the Board consider funding an update to the WDFW PIT array in the middle Tucannon River (near Ducharme’s property) to provide better detection capabilities and reduce the need to tag as many salmon in assessing their movements and reach survival rates. A motion to spend these unspent funds was proposed by Art Swannack and seconded by Mike Talbott. The Board could not come to a consensus with 4 nays, thus the motion failed.
DISCUSSION: 2015-2016 Salary Contracts, Work Plans and Budget ~ Steve Martin shared that budget preparation have begun for the 2015-2016 work plan and budget. Those figures will be presented at the May meeting. Steve was told by the Governor’s Salmon Office just today, that the funding from RCO will remain at the same level. The same budget levels are likely to be recommended for “Partner” contracts but adjustments to Goods/Services will be made to reflect actual expenditures from this 2014/2015 fiscal year. Steve is recommending salary increases for his staff (Kris, John and Deb) and that a provision for a position be added pending Board approval, WWCC approval and budget considerations, likewise, the removal of funding for WRIA 35, as the PUD will no longer be supporting that position.
DISCUSSION: High Priority Fish and Habitat Monitoring Needs that were developed and approved in 2014 ~ Steve Martin reminded the Board that they had developed a prioritized list of monitoring gaps across the Region noting that the focus was placed on status and trends, relevant to the State of the Salmon report and the NOAA Stock status assessment.
ACTION 4: Board’s decision to allow Lead Entity Habitat funds to be used to fund monitoring is needed. If the Board votes in favor, then guidelines/direction, etc. for Sponsors and Review Process needs to be considered. ~ The Salmon Recovery Funding Board is now allowing Regional Boards the option of using up to 10% of their Lead Entity Habitat Funds for monitoring. John Foltz convened the Co-Leads and a few landowner’s, they recommended a 5% cap. Steve Martin presented this change to the RTT and they also agreed upon a 5% cap. A motion was made by Dick Ducharme and seconded by Roland Schirman to entertain monitoring proposals and retain a final decision on the amount of funding until the proposals are received and reviewed. The Board approved the motion by consensus.
DISCUSSION: Wooten Floodplain Management Plan update ~ Steve Pozzanghera, WDFW Regional Director, provided an update via telephone regarding the Wooten Wildlife Management Plan and the 17 miles involving the Tucannon River.
DISCUSSION: Letter from Local Legislators to WDFW and response from WDFW to our Legislators ~
It was agreed that our best path forward to get any changes to spring chinook recreational fishing is to discuss the inequity directly with the Commission.
DISCUSSION: Meeting reminders:
1. LE meetings on May 12 to discuss final draft applications; June 17-19 tours; July 23 final ranking meeting)
2. May 27-29 SRFB/RCO/Lead Entities/Regional Board’s Salmon Conference in Vancouver, WA.
Confirm, May 26, 2015 SRSRB meeting at the WEC on the WWCC campus, 500 Tausick Way, Walla Walla, WA at 6 p.m.
ACTION 5: A motion was made by Bill Bowles and seconded by Art Swannack to have the next meeting on May 26th in Walla Walla, WA at the WEC on the WWCC campus, 500 Tausick Way. The Board approved the motion by consensus.
ACTION 6: It was noted that the SRSRB Chair and Director would be attending the Salmon Conference May 27th and would like to get on the road the evening of the 26th, so a motion was made by Roland Schirman and seconded by Bill Bowles to change the May 26th meeting time to 4 p.m. The Board approved this motion by consensus.
SRSRB Chair, Del Groat then adjourned the meeting at 9 p.m.
Review of TasksAction Title / Motion / Second / Consensus / Vote / Pass
Action 1: The motion was made by Roland Schirman and seconded by Bill Bowles to accept the March 2015 expenditures and budget status, as well as the March 24, 2015 Meeting Notes, as presented. The Board approved the motion by consensus. / Roland Schirman / Bill Bowles / Yes
Action 2: A motion to approve the agenda as presented, with moving of the discussion regarding WRIA 35 to follow the Lead Entity Project Overview. This motion was made by Brian Shinn and seconded by Bill Bowles. The Board approved the motion by consensus. / Brian Shinn / Bill Bowles / Yes
Action 3: 2014-2015 HCSR (Board’s Administrative Funding Contract) Unspent Funds assessment and decision to allocate some unspent funds (+/- $27,000) on funding a PIT array upgrade on the Tucannon River. A motion to spend these unspent funds was proposed by Art Swannack and seconded by Mike Talbott. The Board could not come to a consensus with 4 nays, thus the motion failed. / Art Swannack / Mike Talbott / No
Action 4: Board’s decision to allow Lead Entity Habitat funds to be used to fund monitoring is needed. If the Board votes in favor, then guidelines/direction, etc. for Sponsors and Review Process needs to be considered. A motion was made by Dick Ducharme and seconded by Roland Schirman to utilize up to 10% of Lead Entity Habitat funds for monitoring. The Board approved the motion by consensus. / Dick Ducharme / Roland Schirman / Yes
Action 5: A motion was made by Bill Bowles and seconded by Art Swannack to have the next meeting on May 26th, located at the WEC on the WWCC Campus, 500 Tausick Way, Walla Walla, WA. The Board approved by consensus. / Bill Bowles / Art Swannack / Yes
Action 6: It was noted that the SRSRB Chair and Director would be attending the Salmon Conference and would like to get on the road the evening of the 26th, so a motion was made by Roland Schirman and seconded by Bill Bowles to change the May 26th meeting time to 4 p.m. The Board approved this motion by consensus. / Roland Schirman / Bill Bowles / Yes
Approval Of Meeting Minutes
Signed By:
Del Groat, Chair, Snake River Salmon Recovery Board
SRSR EXEC BOARD / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun
*Brian Shinn / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Brad Johnson / -Yes / Yes / Yes / -Yes / -Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Jerry Hendrickson / No / Yes / No / No / -Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No
Dick Ducharme / -Yes / Yes / No / Yes / No / No / Yes / Yes / Yes
Roland Schirman / -Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / -Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
*Mike Talbott / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / Yes
*Bob Johnson / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / #Yes
*Justin Dixon / !Yes / -Yes / Yes / Yes
Del Groat / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Bill Bowles / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / -Yes / Yes / No / Yes / Yes
*Perry Dozier / No / Yes / No / -Yes / Yes / No / No / Yes / Yes
Yancey Reser / No / No / -Yes / -Yes / -Yes / -Yes / -Yes / -Yes / -Yes
Stuart Durfee / Yes / Yes / -Yes / No / No / No / No / No / No
Gary Ryan / Yes / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No
*Art Swannack / Yes / Yes / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / -Yes / Yes / Yes
!Jon Jones / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Gary James / -Yes / No / No / No / No / No / No / No / No
Duane Bartels / No / Yes / No / No / No / No / Yes / Yes / Yes
Jennifer Boie / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / -Yes / No / No / No / No
Terry Bruegman / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Sandy Cunningham / No / No / No / No / -Yes / -Yes / -Yes / Yes / No
Larry Hooker / Yes / No / -Yes / Yes / No / Yes / Yes / No / Yes
* County Commissioner
! First Meeting as a Board Member
# Last Meeting as a SRSRB Member
- Call In by Phone
AC: Asotin County
ACCD: Asotin County Conservation District
APUD: Asotin Public Utility District
BFW: Bank Full Width
BMP: Best Management Practices
BPA: Bonneville Power Administration
CC: Columbia County
CCD: Columbia County Conservation
CHaMP: Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program
CTUIR: Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
DEM: Digital Elevation Model
EDT: Ecological Diagnosis and Treatment
ESA: Endangered Species Act
GC : Garfield County
IMW: Intensively Monitored Watershed
LWD: Large Woody Debris
MSA: Major Spawning Area
mSA: Minor Spawning Area
NREI: Net Rate Energy Intake
NPT: Nez Perce Tribe
PA: Project Area
PaCD: Palouse Conservation District
PCD: Pomeroy Conservation District
RCO: Recreation Conservation Office
RTT: Regional Technical Team
SRFB: Snake River Funding Board
SRSRB: Snake River Salmon Recovery Board
Tuc Geo: Tucannon Geomorphic Assessment & Design
USFS: United States Forest Service
USFWS: United States Fish and Wildlife Service
WC: Whitman County
WDFW: Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
WWC: Walla Walla County
WWCCD: Walla Walla County Conservation District
WWWMP: Walla Walla Watershed Management Partnership