Orientation – Acculturation – Induction

Sort it out.

Place a check mark in the box that matches the ‘activity.’


1. / Sick day policy
2. / Library book check out
3. / Discipline procedures
4. / Bus loading or scheduling procedures
5. / Curriculum – standards, benchmarks, assessments
6. / Duty Roster
7. / Sense of community
8. / Grade book – grading system
9. / District’s School Improvement Plan
10. / Insurance program
11. / Your philosophy of education
12. / Distribution of keys
13. / Geography of the school(s)
14. / Instructional strategies
15. / District professional development
16. / Reporting and assessment of student progress
17. / Climate / environment of the building(s)
18. / Vision, mission, beliefs of the district
19. / Attendance rules
20. / Professional ethics
21. / Explanation of benefits
22. / Cultural influences in the community
23. / Unwritten rules of the building(s)
24. / Student achievement goals
25. / How faculty birthdays are celebrated
26. / Where to park (and where not to park) your car
27. / Where to eat, shop, get a haircut …