OCTOBER 19-22, 2015
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Nonconventional Machining (NM) & Surface Enhancement (SE) Task Group was called to order at 8:20 a.m., 19-Oct-2015.
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Tomohiko / Ashikaga / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Christopher / Borg / Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
* / Zeljko / Calija / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich)
David / Day / GE Aviation
* / Caroline / Des Landes / Bombardier, Inc.
* / Martin / Grepl / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Glen / Heide / The Boeing Company
* / Rodney / Holt / Triumph Group, Inc.
* / Tommy / Howland / Spirit AeroSystems
* / Marc-Andre / Lefebvre / Heroux Devtek
Cheryl / Lewis / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich)
* / Simon / Long / Airbus
* / David / McCallister / Pratt & Whitney / Secretary
* / Alex / Pohoata / Honeywell Aerospace
* / K.T. / Quader / The Boeing Company
* / Jeffery / Robb / Cessna Aircraft Co.
* / Mike / Schmidt / GE Aviation / Vice Chairperson
* / Michael / Steele / The Boeing Company
Yuichi / Sugiyama / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
* / Nouman / Usmani / GE Aviation
* / Paul / Woolley / Rolls-Royce / Chairperson
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMERachid / Arab / Asco Aerospace USA, LLC
Steve / Connally / Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies
Sheldon / Emmanuel / DCI Aerotech
Brad / Gallion / Chromalloy
Mohamed / Hashish / Flow International Corporation
Masato / Katagiri / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Dave / Kelly / Asko Group
* / Kevin / Klingelhafer / Meyer Tool
* / Alexander / Klyuch / Blades Technology Ltd.
* / Jeffrey / Kupis / Micro-Tronics, Inc.
Superemaneyam / Kuppusamy / Upeca Aerotech
Kyle / Lindsey / Danville Metal Stamping Co., Inc.
Shelly / Lawless / Meyer Tool, Inc.
Bill / Lunde / Metem Corp.
Nathan / Martian / F&B Manufacturing, LLC
Kelly / McClurg / Avion Solutions, Inc.
Michelle / Merwin / MCM
* / Angelo / Monzo / Barnes Aerospace
Brynn-Marie / O’Neil / Ellison Surface Technologies
David / Osenar / Pako, Inc.
Katsuya / Sayo / IHI Corp
* / Tim / Scarlett / Danville Metal Stamping Co., Inc.
John / Shorr / National Peening
Toshiyuki / Sorizawa / IHI Corp.
Rick / Sovich / Auditor
* / Dawn / Stokes / PTI Industries, Inc.
* / Gigi / Streeter / Barnes Aerospace
Scott / Tansy / Haynes International
Mariusz / Willbrodt / MI Products
Lenore / Wolf / National Peening
Thomas / Wolf / National Peening
PRI Staff Present
Bill / Dumas (Consultant)Michael / Graham
Jennifer / Kornrumpf
Mike / Ploucha
1.2 Safety Information – OPEN
Bill Dumas highlighted the safety information.
1.3 Review Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct – OPEN
Bill Dumas reviewed information on this topic (Ref: The Nadcap Attendees Guide.)
1.4 Antitrust Video – OPEN
The Task Group reviewed the Antitrust video from Joe Pinto – OPEN
1.5 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – OPEN
The minutes from June 2015 were approved as written.
Bill Dumas reviewed voting and attendance history for NM and SE voting members. Only one Subscriber voting member has not met the criteria. Vincenzo DeRosa of Alenia Aermacchi did not meet the requirement for voting on ballots in 2015. The Task Group Chair agreed to keep Mr. DeRosa on the Task Group as a voting member.
The NM Task Group (TG) approved the following new voting member after verifying attendance at 2 meetings:
Angelo Monzo of Barnes Aerospace, Alternate Supplier Voting Member (ASVM)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send an e-mail to Alenia Aermacchi to determine if they are interested in continuing as a voting member. (Due Date: 15-Nov-2015)
3.0 review rail – OPEN
4.0 The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was not reviewed at this time.RESOLUTION OF BALLOT COMMENTS (AC7117, AC7117/1 & AC7117/2) – OPEN
The ballot comments were addressed for AC7117 and AC7117/1. It was noted that AC7117/2 will need to be resolved at February 2016 Task Group meeting and the NMSE Handbook will need to be revised. Since the checklists are being revised to add Compliance Assessment Guidance (CAG), we can remove the associated wording from the Handbook.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send AC7117 and AC7117/1 for reballot. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2015)
ACTION ITEM: Glen Heide of The Boeing Company to provide Compliance Assessment Guidelines for all Not Applicable (N/A) responses in AC7117/1 Section 3.4. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add an agenda item for February 2016 meeting: “Revise NMSE Handbook to reflect the insertion of CAG for the various checklists”. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add an agenda item for February 2016 meeting: “Resolve ballot comments from AC7117, AC7117/1, and AC7117/2”. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
Ballot comments were addressed for AC7117/3. Revision is required.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send AC7117/3 for ballot. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add agenda item for February 2016 meeting: “Resolve ballot comments from AC7117/3”. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
Kelly McClurg of Avion Solutions, Inc. gave a presentation on Ultrasonic Shot Peening, followed by a brief question and answer session (Q&A).
Ms. McClurg also gave a presentation on Sub-Size Almen strips, followed by a brief Q&A session.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add Ultrasonic Peening to “Emerging Technologies List”. (Due Date: 15-Jan-2016)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to survey Subscribers about their interest in an Ultrasonic Peening Checklist. (Due Date: 15-Jan-2016)
Mike Schmidt gave a presentation on SAE J2597, ComputerGenerated Shot Peening Saturation Curves. He recommended the Task Group add the appropriate question to the checklists.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add Mike Schmidt’s question (from his presentation) to the base AC7117 checklist, regarding computer generated saturation curve solvers, and send for ballot. (Due Date: 22-Feb-2016)
8.0 AC7117/4 and AC7117/5 REVIEW – OPEN
These checklists were not reviewed due to lack of time.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add agenda item for February 2016 meeting: “AC7117/4 and AC7117/5 Review. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
No new business identified.
The Delegated Reviewers report was reviewed. Brian Manty is the only delegated reviewer, and he continues to have a 100% concurrence. The Task Group expressed concern that there are no other active Reviewers.
11.0 REVIEW auditor conferEnce RESULTS – CLOSED
Paul Woolley reviewed a summary of items from the Auditor Conference. Auditors were very pleased with the presentations given. The new Job Tracker form was reviewed with the auditors, so they will know how to use it. Auditors stated this was one of the best conferences they have attended. They liked the opportunity to share their opinions with the Subscribers.
Lessons Learned – Nouman Usmani of GE Aviation expressed concern that the agenda was not followed. He was not allotted enough time to give two presentations on two new checklists developed in the last year.
Bill Dumas (Consultant) explained that the Subscriber should disposition as “accept with comment”, and document any concerns they have with the audit or the auditor.
Paul Woolley presented the “Task Group Response Template” that was completed on Sunday by the auditors in response to the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) Audit Effectiveness Team presentation reviewed with the auditors on Sunday. The follownig sub-team was established to address responses to the “Task Group Response Template”: Paul Woolley of Rolls Royce, Alex Pohoata of Honeywell, Glen Heide of Boeing, Mike Schmidt of GE Aviation, Zeljko Calija of UTC Aerospace and Dave McCallister of Pratt & Whitney.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send a draft advisory to NMSE subscribers for input, on recommended location for attachment of Job Tracker to the core document, and start date. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add agenda item for February 2016 meeting: “Job tracker – review of progress”. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add agenda item for June 2016 meeting: “Survey auditors about use of Job Tracker”. (Due Date: 16-Apr-2016)
Mike Graham led the discussion on Initial Auditor Training. Bill Dumas captured the items in a document “Recommendations for New Auditors to be trained”. A sub-team was formed to develop the training: ”: K.T. Quader of Boeing, Simon Long of Airbus, Paul Woolley of Rolls Royce, Alex Pohoata of Honeywell, Nouman Usmani of GE Aviation, Zeljko Calija of UTC Aerospace and Dave McCallister of Pratt & Whitney.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to send “Recommendations for New Auditors to be trained” to Sub-team. (Due Date: 15-Nov-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to schedule conference calls with the sub-team, to discuss the items identified during the October 2015 meeting, with a report-out at the February 2016 meeting. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add agenda item for February 2016 meeting: “Initial Auditor Training – Sub-Team report-out”. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
Paul Woolley reviewed the draft Auditor Feedback form. The Task Group decided to assess using the form, by reviewing data for 3 auditors from each commodity for the 2015 calendar year at the February 2016 meeting.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to review audit data for 2015 calendar year for 3 auditors from each commodity, and populate the new Auditor Feedback form, for presentation in February 2016 meeting. (Due Date: 30-Jan-2016)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add item to February 2016 meeting agenda, to review the results of Auditor Feedback form for 3 auditors from each commodity. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
The Task Group reviewed IR #872 and discussed the potential of Type C confirmed product impact Supplier Advisory. The initial issue is still under investigation by one of the Subscribers. No further action is required of the Task Group at this time.
Bill Dumas reviewed the number of major NCRs issued before and after the October 2015 auditor conference. The number of Major NCRs did not change significantly. No further action is required.
Bill Dumas reviewed the auditor consistency reports with the Task Group. The Task Group agreed this is very good information, and it is very helpful to review this at each meeting.
Jennifer Kornrumpf came into the meeting to explain the new “Auditor Variation Report”. The auditor numbers are different between the two sets of reports. The Task Group would like Jennifer to see if the Auditor Numbers can be commonized between the various reports. The “average NCRs per day” and “total NCRs per day” are difficult to understand, and the Task Group no longer needs to see these.
ACTION ITEM: CSR to prepare auditor consistency reports for February 2016 meeting. CSR to add “total number of audits” on the slides for each of the checklists. (Due Date: 1-Feb-2016)
ACTION ITEM: CSR to investigate if the same Auditor Number can be used throughout the auditor consistency reports. (Due Date: 1-Feb-2016)
Succession planning was discussed. Simon Long of Airbus agreed to consider becoming the Vice Chairperson in October 2016.
The Task Group reviewed merit status of supplier with audit 157420. Motion was made by Dave McCallister and seconded by Alex Pohoata to support the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson’s decision to leave audit frequency at 12 months. The Task Group voted unanimously in favor.
Audit # 164319 was discussed. NCR 003 was mis-categorized as minor. There was a significant amount of discussion by the Task Group Subscribers that NCR’s need to be classified as major when there is a violation of a specification or frozen process. PRI was actioned to address this issue with the auditors.
18.0 RESOLUTION OF BALLOT COMMENTS (AC7116/5 and ac7116/6) – open
Ballot comments were addressed for AC7116/5. Minor revision is required for minimal technical changes.
Ballot comments were addressed for AC7116/6. Minor revision is required for minimal technical changes.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to revise AC7116/5 and AC7116/6 and send for reballot. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
19.0 checklist consistency review – OPEN
The Task Group reviewed and revised AC7116/3. Section 7.2 was revised for simplification. These changes will be copied into the beginning of AC7116 and balloted. Once this wording has been approved in AC7116, Section 7.2 will be removed from AC7116/3 and similar paragraphs in the other AC7116/ checklists.
There was not enough time to review AC7116/1 /2, and AC7116/4.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to revise AC7116 and send for ballot. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add item to February 2016 meeting agenda “ Review AC7116 1/ /2 and /4”. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
20.0 standard coupons – OPEN
Alex Pohoata led a discussion on standard coupons for laser cutting. Further work is needed. A sub-team was formed, with Alex Pohoata of Honeywell as the lead, and other members include Paul Woolley of Rolls Royce, Martin Grepl of Honeywell, and Nouman Usmani of GE Aviation.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to add agenda item for February 2016 meeting: “Standard Coupon – Sub-Team report-out”. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2015)
21.0 review rail – OPEN
The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed.