Pitt County Schools

302045 Honors Health Science Biology

Instructional Guide – 2007-08


·  Standard Biology will focus on research tasks and class projects, preferably with a small group approach. A formal research paper is not an expectation within this class, however students are expected to complete formal laboratory write-ups and essays.

·  Honors Biology will extend the focus of the Standard Biology concepts to include in-depth independent research, projects, formal laboratory write-ups, and research papers. Students will also be expected to read, discuss, and critically analyze current scientific research literature. Honors Biology students will spend research time outside of the classroom in order to adequately meet these expectations.

Goal 1: Learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry. Goal 1 addresses scientific investigation. These objectives are an integral part of each of the other goals. Students must be given the opportunity to design and conduct their own investigations in a safe laboratory. The students should use questions and models to formulate the relationship identified in their investigations and then report and share those findings with others.
1.01 Identify biological problems and questions that can be answered through scientific investigations (should be incorporated in each objective). / Essential Questions:
What is the significance of scientific investigation?
Instructional Content:
§  Develop questions for investigation from a given topic or problem. / Activities for this goal will be embedded within the other goals. / Chapter 1.1
1.02-1 H Design and conduct independent scientific investigations to answer biological questions
§  Perform inquiry activities that extend over time
§  Relate the investigation(s) to recent research
§  Use statistical techniques such as chi square to analyze data
§  Communicate findings in a formal written laboratory report
§  Evaluate possible sources of error and ways to improve the investigation(s)
Present findings to members of the community / Essential Questions:
How does a scientist design and perform a scientific investigation considering controls, variables, and data analysis?
What is the relationship between independent and dependent variables?
What is a control in a scientific investigation? What types of biological investigations do not typically have controls? Which do have controls? When is it important to have a control?
Instructional Content:
·  Distinguish and appropriately graph dependent and independent variables.
·  Discuss the best method of graphing/presenting particular data.
·  Report and share investigation results with others. / Student design of an experiment
Qualitative and quantitative lab investigations and experiences
Design an Experiment for Farmer Cletus
Basic Lab Write-Up - including processes and components of the scientific method.
Suggested activities:
Termites and Ink Pens (short term)
Salt Tolerance of Seeds (short term) (Glencoe, p. 38)
Drops on penny (short term)
Duckweed Experiment (long term),
Bean plant inquiry activity (long term) / http://www.ncsu.edu/labwrite (ch 1.2)
Resources for students and teachers to assist with preparing for lab, analyzing data, writing lab reports, rubrics etc.
1.03 Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models of biological phenomena using logic and evidence to:
·  Explain observations.
·  Make inferences and predictions.
·  Explain the relationship between evidence and explanation. / Essential Questions:
How do you distinguish between an observation and an inference?
Instructional Content:
§  Use questions and models to determine the relationships between variables in investigations / Essential Health Science Connection:
Vitamin C and the common cold debate (See attached articles)
Discussion &/or debate. What is biomedical research? (ethics) / CH 1.2
CH 1.3
American Physiological Society http://ww.the-aps.org
1.04 Apply safety procedures in the laboratory and in field studies:
·  Recognize and avoid potential hazards.
·  Safely manipulate materials and equipment / Essential Questions:
What are some potential hazards that can occur in a lab?
Instructional Content:
·  Predict safety concerns for particular experiments
·  Relate biological concepts to safety applications such as: Disease transmission, Nutrition, Animal care / Science Safety Procedures – discuss safety contracts, posters, rules and expectations
Essential Health Science Connection:
Discussion of biological hazards in medicine – relate to safety rules in lab (see attached articles) / CH 1.4
1.05 Analyze reports of scientific investigations from an informed scientifically literate viewpoint including considerations of:
·  Appropriate sample.
·  Adequacy of experimental controls.
·  Replication of findings.
·  Alternative interpretations of the data. / Essential Questions:
What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative data? When would you use one over another?
Instructional Content:
§  Read a variety of reports of scientific research. / Essential Health Science Connection:
Case Studies from recent literature in both academic (Science, Scientific
American) and popular (Newsweek, USA Today) publications. Article critique format is recommended / CH 1.4
Goal 2: Learner will develop an understanding of the physical, chemical and cellular basis of life.
2.01 Compare and contrast the structure and functions of the following organic molecules:
·  Carbohydrates.
·  Proteins.
·  Lipids.
·  Nucleic Acids.
. / Essential Questions:
How is protein differentiation (different functions in the context of the cell) significant?
Instructional Content:
·  Examine the role and importance of organic molecules to organisms.
·  Examples to investigate include starch, cellulose, insulin, glycogen, glucose, enzymes, hemoglobin, fats, DNA and RNA. (Distinguish among mono, and polysaccharides – concept not terminology)
·  Interpret results of tests for starch (iodine), lipids (brown paper), monosaccharides (Benedict’s Solution), and protein (Biuret’s).
·  Emphasis should be on functions and subunits of each organic molecule. For example, enzymes are proteins composed of long chains of amino acids that are folded into particular shapes and that shape determines the specific reaction that the enzyme will catalyze. (The terms condensation reaction, dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis have been deliberately excluded.)
Extended Content:
Hydrolysis and condensation reactions
Structure and function of cellulose and phospholipids in organisms / Essential Lab:
Testing for bio-molecules: starch, lipids, sugars, and proteins
Food Lab (PCS Lab #1, p. 2) OR
McMush Challenge Activity (see Resource Book)
Essential Health Science Connections:
Emphasize nutritional deficiencies undernutrition, and obesity. Include RDA requirements, food pyramid, food diary & analysis.
Relate sugar intake, particularly in soft drinks to increased incidence of obesity & diabetes. / SAS Web Inquiry: How do structures of carbohydrates affect their functions?
CH 2.3
CH 2.4
2.02 Investigate and describe the structure and function of cells including:
·  Cell organelles.
·  Cell specialization.
·  Communication among cells within an organism. / Essential Questions:
How do the differing structures of cells relate to specialized functions?
Instructional Content:
·  Structure and function of: nucleus, plasma membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, vacuoles, chloroplasts, and ribosomes. Students should be able to identify these cell organelles.
·  Proficient use and understanding of light microscopic techniques. Students should determine total power magnification as well as steps in proper microscope usage.
·  Hierarchy of cell organization: Cells àtissuesàorgansà organ systems.
·  Structure of cells as it relates to their specific functions.
·  Students should view a variety of cells with particular emphasis on the differences between plant and animal cells.
·  Chemical signals may be released by one cell to influence the activity of another cell. For example, a nerve cell can send a message to a muscle cell or to another a nerve cell.
·  role of receptor proteins
·  hormones
Extended Content:
Comparison of light vs. electron (SEM and TEM) microscopes
Following scientists and their contribution to understanding of the cell as well as the development of a theory: Leeuvenhoek, Brown, Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow, Hooke, and Just.
ER, Golgi, lysosomes, and cytoskeleton
Connect cell communication with cell specialization / Cell surface area to volume activity – PH quick lab (p. 242) - What limits the size of cells?
Organelle Teaching Project -- Research a selected organelle; create a teaching overhead for classroom presentation; design a flyer and business card to “sell” that organelle’s importance in overall cell function – analogies for teaching functions are helpful.
Essential Labs:
Introduction to Microscopes (PH p. 1070)
Plant and Animal Cell Comparison (PCS Lab #3, p. 7) and (PH p. 194), including scientific drawings. / Websites:
SAS Project: Organelle Functions
SAS Classroom Activity: How Big Is That Cell?
SAS Web Inquiry: Why are cells so small?
SAS Classroom Activity: Where Did All Those Different Cells Come From?
CH 7.1
CH 7.2
CH 7.4
2.03 Investigate and analyze the cell as a living system including:
·  Maintenance of homeostasis.
·  Movement of materials into and out of cells.
·  Energy use and release in biochemical reactions. / Essential Questions:
How do organisms maintain homeostasis in changing conditions?
How does the surface area to volume ratio of cells affect diffusion rates?
Instructional Content:
·  Examples for exploration should include regulation of temperature, pH, blood glucose levels and water balance.
·  Discussion should include active vs. passive transport, diffusion, osmosis, and the porous nature of the semi-permeable plasma membrane. (Pinocytosis, phagocytosis, endocytosis, and exocytosis have been deliberately excluded)
·  Given different types of cells, students should be able to predict any changes in osmotic pressure that may occur as the cell is placed in solutions of differing concentrations. (Emphasis is on the processes, not terminology such as hypertonic, isotonic, hypotonic, turgor pressure)
·  Examine ATP as the source of energy for cell activities.
·  Students will describe how cells store and use energy with ATP and ADP molecules.
Extended Content:
Regulation of osmotic pressure within the human body / Essential Health Science Connections:
Connect pH to medical conditions of alkalosis / acidosis
Relate properties of water to cell membranes and functions. (drops on a penny & capillary action in celery or carnation – see obj, 4.03)
Relate concepts of hypertonic, hypotonic & isotonic to medical applications (ie. Hanging intraveneous solutions)
Essential Lab:
Plastic Bag Labs (Iodine / Starch) (PH p. 187) OR The Incredible Egg
Plasmolysis lab (using Elodea or red onion skin)
Inquiry Support Activities:
Osmosis and the Egg
Demonstration Lab—Osmosis and Diffusion
Smooth Moves: The Jello Cell Family Story / SAS Model: Chemiosmosis
CH 7.3
SAS InterActivity: Membranes
SAS Web Lesson: Lights…Camera…Action Potential!
CH 7.3
2.04 Investigate and describe the structure and function of enzymes and explain their importance in biological systems. / Instructional Content:
·  Enzymes as proteins that speed up chemical reactions (catalyst).
·  Enzymes as re-usable and specific.
·  Enzymes as affected by such factors as pH, and temperature.
Students should understand that enzymes are necessary for all biochemical reactions and have
a general understanding of how enzymes work.
Extended Content:
Modern drug design based on genomics / Essential Lab:
Investigating the Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity – with liver (PH, p. 54) OR “Mystery of Missing Enzyme” or McMush lab extension (see resource book)
Essential Health Science Connection:
Emphasize importance of amylase and HCl in digestion
Apply to medical applications such as the use of antacids and acid reflux.
What are the physiological implications of a fever?
Topical Discussion or Research: Newborn testing for metabolic disease (PKU, etc)
Inquiry Support Activity: Properties of Enzymes / SAS InterActivity: Enzymes
CH 2.4
2.05 Investigate and analyze the bioenergetic reactions:
·  Aerobic respiration
·  Anaerobic respiration
·  Photosynthesis / Instructional Content:
The emphasis should be placed on investigation of:
·  Overall equations including reactants and products and not on memorizing intermediate steps of these processes.
·  Factors which affect rate of photosynthesis and or cellular respiration.
·  Comparison and contrast of these processes with regard to efficiency of ATP formation, the types of organisms using these processes, and the organelles involved.
·  Anaerobic respiration should include lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation.
·  Comparison of anaerobic and aerobic organisms.
(Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, and Electron Transport Chain have been deliberately excluded)
(Students are not required to distinguish between light dependent and light independent parts of photosynthesis)
Extended Content:
Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, and Electron Transport Chain
Light dependent vs. light independent reactions / Essential Labs:
Fermentation Labs –
Fermentation of Apple Juice (Glencoe, p. 242) OR
Molasses lab (see resource book), OR Investigating Fermentation by making Kimchi (PH, p. 243)
Photosynthesis Labs – Pigment Chromatography
Elodea & BTB (PCS Lab)
Respiration Lab –
Impact of exercise on CO2 production (PH quick lab, p. 231)
Inquiry Support Activity: Yeast Fermentation
Essential Health Science Connections:
Relate respiration with medical conditions acidosis & alkalosis (see obj 2.03).
Discuss how exercise affects rate of cellular respiration. / SAS InterActivity: Photosynthesis
CH 8.1
CH 8.2
CH 8.3
CH 9.2
Goal 3: Learner will develop an understanding of the continuity of life and the changes of organisms over time.
3.01 Analyze the molecular basis of heredity including:
·  DNA Structure
·  DNA Replication
·  Protein Synthesis
(transcription and translation)
·  Gene Regulation / Essential Questions:
·  What are the ramifications to the organism if these processes (DNA replication, protein synthesis, and gene regulation) go “wrong?”
·  How does gene regulation lead to cell specialization?
Instructional Content:
·  Structure of DNA as compared to RNA
·  Complementary base pairing
·  Understanding that the sequence of nucleotides in DNA codes for proteins – the central key to cell function and life.
·  DNA replication allows daughter cells to have an exact copy of parental DNA.
·  Understanding of the semi-conservative nature of the replication process. (nature of the process, not the term “semi-conservative”)
·  Mutations as a change in the DNA code.
·  The position of replication within the cell cycle.