Oldbury Park Primary School

Oldbury Road



Tel: 01905 424878

Fax: 01905 339326


Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Boyce

Our topics this Summer term will be ‘twisted fairy tales’ and ‘dungeons and dragons’ during the last half term. Please find below more details about the subjects your children will be learning this term.

This term the children will continue to look at fiction and non-fiction books. We will look at the language of poetry and non chronological reports. Please try and ask your children challenging questions about the stories they are reading. The children will be using information books to find out answers to questions, maybe you could do this at home too. Please continue to support this process by reading at home as often as possible.
Letters and sounds
Learning and using phonemes (sounds) is an integral part of reading and writing. If you would like to help your child you can access fun games with them at www.phonicsplay.com
Username: Oldbury password: wr26aa
Mr Thorne also does some fantastic videos of how we teach phonics. Please see his channel on youtube for ideas and games to do with your children.
We will be looking at narrative and how to substitute our own ideas in to traditional and familiar stories. We will also be writing poems about dragons and creating non-chronological reports as well as constructing and writing up interviews. We will be writing instructions for our own super hero gadgets and we will create class books of our designs for you to look at.
The focus this term will be plants and growing. We will be looking at how plants grow in forest school and what conditions are needed for plants to thrive. We will continue with our Friday “Wow” experiments! Perhaps you would like to create your own science experiments at home looking at how materials change when heated or cooled. We would love to see what you can explore. / Maths
We are working hard on mastering our maths skills this term. We are solving a range of problems using all the skills we have learnt in the year. We want the children to become fluent in their existing knowledge and be able to reason and explain their answers with confidence. Our focus this half term is fractions, multiplication and division. We are working hard counting in multiples of 2’s, 5’s and 10 and would really appreciate any support at home that you could provide.
We will be using coding software to create a pattern or picture by setting instructions for a turtle to follow. We will build up our knowledge each week. We will also use computers to research Florence Nightingale and write non choronological reports. The children will learn to upload and edit photographs to create pop art and will learn to copy and paste information in to a word document to print.
We will be using a map and key design for our Castles and be able to find features on a map. We will investigate geographical features around famous castles and debate which castles were built in the best location and why. The children will learn about the major capital cities in England. We will compare how the roles inside castles have changed over time and compare this to our present day. We will find out about the features of Castles and create timelines of famous heroes as well as our own life time lines. If you would like to make your own timeline of your child’s life so far we would love to see and ahare their memorable experiences with the classes.
Last term we focussed on communication and perseverance and how they help our learning. Now our focus is concentration and independence. We will explore why this is important and how it helps us improve our learning.
In RE we will be looking at real life heroes. We will explore our rights as children. We will also be looking at Christian and Muslim places of worship and comparing these with the children. We will also look at bible stories and how they teach us important messages.
We will be exploring famous artists such as Andy Warhol to create our own pop art designs. We will also be working on techniques of sketching to create medieval tapestries found inside castle walls.
Dance: Making up own creative dances and following choreographed dances.
Games: tennis and badmington
Sports day practice
In Music the children will have the opportunity to explore pulse, duration, rhythm, percussion, singing games and instruments.
We will also be creating out own folk music for a medieval banquet in their castles topic. We will explore the history of instruments played inside medieval castles and compare them to the sounds of modern instruments today. The children will learn how to graphic score and compose their own music as a group.