Please use this checklist to create a PURF proposal packet that meets all requirements and guidelines.

*It is the responsibility of the individual student to create an eligible proposal. Questions or concerns can be directed to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at or 608.342.1456.

A. Complete and print the PURF COVER PAGE (link included on the PURF webpage)

B. Signature of Faculty Research Advisor on completed PURF COVER PAGE.

C. Narrative (3-5 pages in length) to include EACH of the following items:

1. Background: In this section, provide appropriate background information. For example: the reasons why this project is important or the theoretical framework which underlies it.

2. The Project: What problem will your project solve or illuminate? What creative task will your project address?

3. The Solution:

  • How will you solve the problem you described in C2; or how will you address your creative task?
  • When will you begin, when will you conclude, and what schedule will you follow for completing this project?
  • What resources (i.e. supplies and equipment, lab space) will your project require and how will you provide them? Attach the BUDGET and BUDGET JUSTIFICATION page.
  • How will your Faculty Research Advisor be involved?

4. Dissemination Plan: Aside from publication in The Pioneer Journal and participation in the annual research symposium, how will you let other researchers and scholars know about your project? Recipients are encouraged to present at the UW-System Symposium, the UW-System Research in the Rotunda event, or professional meetings/events in their discipline.

5. Benefits: How does your project benefit you? How will it contribute to your educational and career plans?

6. Bibliography: Include a bibliography that addresses the research and sources used.

7. Review your Narrative. Is the writing directed toward a general audience? Are discipline-specific terms, processes, theories, and concepts clearly explained and defined?

8. Style: Times New Roman 12 point font; 1 inch margins on top, bottom, and both sides.

D. Letter of Recommendation from the Faculty Research Advisor. The letter should clearly state how the faculty member will be involved, his/her understanding of the research project, his/her commitment to supervise and his/her understanding that items purchased with PURF funds are necessary and will remain university property.

E. Completed proposal packet submitted via email attachment to ORSP at .