Site: Building sites in general Job: General Testing (Van set-up)
Whom: Field Testers Date: 29 April 2002
Setting up equipment for testing. / 1. If unable to park at job, equipment is removed from van2. Distance to lean over into van to avoid bumper bar.
3. Several pieces of equipment needed.
4. Shrinkage moulds heavy
5. Carrying equipment to site / 1. Common equipment stored at back of van to avoid leaning too far into van.
2. ??? sliding gear tray to avoid leaning
3. Planning what is needed to avoid taking out unnecessary gear.
4. ???? shrinkage moulds
5. Use trolley where possible to carry gear.
Getting concrete sample (other than pumps) / 6. Moving trucks, which could hit tester.
7. Getting enough height to get concrete from chute
8. Raising arms over chute to scoop out sample
9. Weight of concrete in bucket / 6. Ensure PPE (High viz clothing is worn)
7. Because its not a pump request driver to lower chute to avoid climbing onto back of truck
8. As above, also be aware that chute could be sharp.
9. Use 2 buckets to avoid excessive weight in 1. And use trolley if van away from trucks
Slumping concrete at ground level / 10. Bending or crouching for excessive periods.
11. Lifting slump tray full of concrete / 10. Never bend. Kneel or crouch. Preferable to raise tray and equipment to hip height.
11. Scoop concrete back into bucket for disposal
Slumping at back of van / 12. Bending forward to avoid bumper bar.
13. Poor posture
14. Leaning over to load cylinders into van / 12. ??? sliding gear tray to avoid leaning
13. Stand close to area to avoid bending or stopping
14. Load cylinders into side of van. If necessary place a foot into the van to change centre of gravity
15. ???? cylinder racks
FORM: Job Safety Assessment – General Concrete Testing Page 1 of 1