Possible IA Topics

Ethics of US colonization in the Philippines-JB

“Banana Republics” in Latin America- Farah

Maria Monk or Women’s Rights in Cuba –Dahlia

The disbandment of the Ottoman Empire following WWI and its impacts on the political situation in the Middle East –Hannah Metcalfe

Tactics Truman employed to persuade the American people for his innocence of dropping the bombs-Arslan

Post World War Two Era examining how the Berlin Wall Negatively affected the Americas and Great Britain’s economy –David B.

The Cold War and how that affected the Olympic Games in Moscow –Ritik

The technological developments of WWII such as aircraft fighters and jet engines and how that played a role in the US becoming a powerhouse –Ritik

The role of robber barons such as Rockefeller and Morgan in influencing the US government during the Gilded Age –Robbie

The Panama Canal- Amna

The Cuban Missile Crisis+ US foreign affairs- Amna

Temperance and labor unions – Julia

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X- Ryan

The Ludlow massacre and how it affected the working rights of coal miners- Ryan

Influence of socialists and feminists of Eugenics movement in Mexico –Kira

Propaganda during WWI- Gabby

Good neighbor policy under FDR and effects in Latin American countries –Bethany

Separation of ethnic groups and its effect on forming labor unions- J

Development of military tactics with the evolution of technology in either the army or navy –Jakob

Canada during the World Wars—Simerpreet

Why Margaret Sanger was a successful advocate –Simran

Maria Sklodowska-Curie- how she affected the role of women in science- Karolina

The involvement of Catholic churches in Latin American revolutions/ Mural Movement: effects of art on society- supported? Rejected?- Maja

Specifics on what labor unions did and their effectiveness-Justin

Hellen Keller and socialism- influence of blindness/not enough students educated on her- Mara

What country came on top (define on top) after the Cuban Missile Crisis?- Alex

To what extent was shay’s rebellion used as propaganda?- Kirsten

2A IA Topics:

  1. Political and economic effects during the Quiet Revolution in Canada. -Jessica
  2. To what extent was Belgium the cause of the Rwandan Genocide? – Prab
  3. The Guatemalan coup de ’tat and America’s role in it (American fruit company)- Anne
  4. North American impacts on Latin American LGBT culture- Chloe Roland
  5. The role of propaganda/yellow journalism in the Mexican-American war-meghanselvidge
  6. Japanese Incarceration during ww2 in the united states and its similarity to concentration camps(in Germany,etc.)-meghan selvedge
  7. To what extent did Henry Ford use the automobile industry as a means to advocate anti-Semitism? –Adona
  8. Analyze the main effects of yellow journalism during the Mexican-American war or during the Japanese-American War-Jozann Bernal
  9. The Dominican republic during the Trujillo regime-Rachel Stieber
  10. Influence of technological improvements during the World Wars or the Space Race on daily life in the US –Nate
  11. Dissolution of Yugoslavia and Tito’s role in it –Katarina V.
  12. To what extent organize crime, specifically the Italian mafia, helped benefit the American people economically and socially?-sam
  13. Rachel Carson’s influence with synthesized chemical pesticides – Binsu V
  14. Similarities and differences in the organization and appeal of Christian Missions and the African Independent Church (colonial period) –kaitlyn k
  15. Impacts of the Cultural Revolution in China and impact on women- Riya
  16. Positive and Negative effects on the American people during FDR’s New Deal-Sameera
  17. Warsaw Pact connection to Solidarity Movement (impact/influence)- DomiKusmierczyk
  18. Fidel Castro’s influence on Cuba, America, and Spain- Vini
  19. Giovanni Falcone and the Sicilian Mafia – Mary
  20. Communism’s effect on media in the US, Red Scare and McCarthyism – Abby
  21. Formation of Scouts in Britain and its effect on WW1 – Ian
  22. Cultural Changes in the Harlem Renaissance and how it affected the people (not sure if I should narrow it down to just Africans or just everyone in general) at the time. –Hannah Thomas
  23. The Nicaraguan Revolution and the Samoza dynasty’s role in it-Sydney
  24. Roles of feminists in South America- Malaena
  25. Communist Poland’s influence in spreading Western culture in Poland during the 50’s and 60’s- Jakub J
  26. Corruption during the Hungarian Revolution- Yousif S.
  27. African resistance to Europeans during the Scramble for Africa---Alec Tryan
  28. Congress of Vienna/Concert of Europe and other methods to secure peace in 19th century Europe---Alec Tryan
  29. Japanese Immigration to Brazil/Italian Immigration to Argentina-Magda
  30. European Immigrants to Argentina and changes/impacts they left behind – Sandra Andrews

3A IA Topics

  1. US domestic imperialism—Mrs. Hall
  2. US involvement in the formation of Al Qaeda (Soviet-Afghan War)- Matthew
  3. Coups in Latin America- Sehrish
  4. Capoeira and Brazilian Slaves – Dani
  5. (To what extent/ in what ways) did USA’s involvement in the Iraq-Iran war affect the results of the war. – Dina Q
  6. (To what extent/How) was the Weimar Republic doomed to fail from the start? – Tommy DeVito
  7. Comparing the SDS (Students for a Democracy society) and the students in the Paris Riots of 1968 in resistance to the Vietnam war – Elina
  8. Revolutionary Operas in China during the Cultural Revolution- Kaela Burger
  9. Criminalization of abortion (mid-1800s) – Isabelle
  10. Social and economic changes that lead to the Harlem Renaissance – Pooja
  11. Che Guevara- Chloe T
  12. Eleanor Roosevelt’s influence on women and the New Deal- Sophie P
  13. The influence of the Irish Mob in the Early 1900 – Megan Adam
  14. Extent of influence of great migration from south on Detroit-Samara White
  15. Impact of Harry Bennett on individuals and Henry Ford-Luke
  16. Social/political effect in Latin America from indiginismo movement-Tessa
  17. Sacco and Vanzetti- Sarah A.
  18. Student Protests effect on the Vietnam War– Marissa Wegmann
  19. Political machines –Moira