Pioneer 2nd Grade Reading/Language Arts

Theme 1 Aug-Sept Theme 2 Oct-mid Nov Theme 3 mid Nov-mid Jan

Theme 4 mid Jan-FebTheme 5 Mar-mid AprTheme 6 mid Apr-May

Curriculum / Standards / Assessed
Themes 1-6 / RL.2.1 Askand answer such questions aswho, what, where,when, why, and howto demonstrate understandingof keydetails in atext.
Fables, Great Ball Game / RL.2.2Recount stories, includingfables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determinetheir central message, lesson, or moral.
Themes 1-6 / RL.2.3Describehowcharacters in astoryrespond to major eventsand challenges.
Theme 1
Poetry / RL.2.4 Describehow words and phrases(e.g.,regularbeats, alliteration,rhymes,repeated lines) supplyrhythmandmeaning inastory, poem, or song.
Theme 1 / RL.2.5Describe theoverallstructureofastory, includingdescribinghow the beginningintroduces thestoryand the endingconcludes the action.
Themes 1-6 / RL.2.6Acknowledgedifferences in thepoints ofviewofcharacters, includingbyspeakinginadifferent voicefor each characterwhenreadingdialoguealoud.
Themes 3, 4 / RL.2.7 Useinformation gainedfrom theillustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understandingof itscharacters, setting, or plot.
Not Applicable / RL.2.8(Not applicable toliterature)
Not in HMR / RL.2.9 Compare and contrasttwo ormoreversions of thesamestory(e.g., Cinderellastories)bydifferent authors or from differentcultures.
IRI Test / RL.2.10 Bytheend of theyear,readand comprehend literature, includingstories and poetry, in thegrades2–3 text complexityband proficiently, with scaffoldingas neededat the highend ofthe range.
Themes 1-6 / RI.2.1 Askand answer such questions as who, what, where,when, why, and howto demonstrate understandingof keydetails in atext.
Theme 3 / RI.2.2Identifythe main topic of a Multi-paragraph text aswell as the focus of specificparagraphs within the text.
Historical Evts
Not in HMR / RI.2.3Describethe connection betweenaseries of historicalevents, scientificideas or concepts,or steps in technical procedures in a text.
Themes 1-6 / RI.2.4Determinethe meaningofwords andphrases in a text relevantto a grade2 topic or subject area.
Themes 4, 6 / RI.2.5 Know and usevarioustext features(e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate keyfactsorinformation in atext efficiently.
Themes 1, 3, 6 / RI.2.6 Identifythe main purposeof atext,includingwhat the authorwants to answer,explain, ordescribe.
Theme 1 / RI.2.7 Explain how specificimages (e.g.,adiagram showinghowamachine works)contributeto and clarifyatext.
Themes 2, 4 / RI.2.8Describehowreasonssupportspecificpoints the author makes in text.
Themes 1, 2 / RI.2.9 Compare and contrastthe mostimportant points presented bytwo texts onthe same topic.
Explore Mag.
Not in HMR / RI.2.10Bytheend ofyear,read andcomprehend informational texts, includinghistory/social studies, science,and technical texts, in grades 2–3 text complexityband proficiently, with scaffoldingas neededat the highend ofthe range.
Not Applicable / RF. 2.1
Not Applicable / RF. 2.2
Themes 1-6 / RF.2.3 Know and applygrade-level phonics and word analysisskills in decoding words.
a. Distinguish longand short vowels when reading regularlyspelled one- syllable words.
b. Knowspelling-soundcorrespondences foradditional commonvowel teams.
c. Decoderegularlyspelledtwo-syllable words with long vowels
d. Decodewords with common prefixes and suffixes.
e. Identifywords with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences.
f. Recognize andreadgrade-appropriate irregularlyspelledwords.
Themes 1-6 / RF.2.4Read with sufficientaccuracyandfluencyto supportcomprehension.
a. Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.
b. Read grade-level text orallywith accuracy,appropriate rate and expression.
c. Usecontext to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereadingas necessary.
Opinion Piece
Not in HMR / W.2.1Writeopinion pieces in which theyintroducethe topic orbook theyare writingabout, statean opinion, supply reasons that support theopinion, use linkingwords(e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concludingstatement orsection.
Theme 3 / W.2.2Writeinformative/explanatorytextsin which theyintroduceatopic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concludingstatement orsection.
Theme 5 / W.2.3Writenarratives inwhich theyrecountawell-elaboratedevent or short sequenceof events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, andfeelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide closure.
Not Applicable / W.2.4(Begins ingrade3)
Themes 1-6 / W.2.5With guidance and support fromadults and peers, focus on a topic andstrengthenwritingas needed byrevising
Themes 1-6
*Animal Rprt
*Poetry NB / W.2.6With guidance and support fromadults,useavarietyof digital tools to produce and publish writing, includingin collaboration with peers.
Theme 3 / W.2.7Participate in sharedresearchandwritingprojects (e.g.,read anumberof books on asingle topic to produceareport; record scienceobservations).
Themes 1-6 / W.2.8Recallinformationfrom experiencesorgather information from provided sources to answer aquestion.
Not Applicable / W.2.9(Begins ingrade4)
Not Applicable / W.2.10(Begins ingrade 3)
Themes 1-6 / SL.2.1Participate in collaborativeconversations with diversepartners aboutgrade2 topics and textswith peersand adults in small and largergroups.
a. Follow agreed-uponrules for discussions (e.g.,gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to otherswith care, speakingoneat a time about the topics and texts under discussion).
b. Buildonothers‟talkinconversations bylinkingtheircomments to the remarks of others.
c. Ask for clarificationandfurther explanation as needed about thetopics and texts under discussion.
Themes 4, 6 / SL.2.2Recount or describekeyideas or detailsfrom a text read aloud orinformation presented orallyor through othermedia.
Themes 1, 4 / SL.2.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speakersays in order toclarify comprehension,gather additional information, or deepen understandingof a topicor issue.
Themes 1, 2 / SL.2.4 Tellastoryor recountan experience with appropriatefacts and relevant, descriptivedetails, speakingaudiblyin coherent sentences.
Activity / SL.2.5Create audiorecordings of stories or poems;add drawings orothervisual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Themes 1-6 / SL.2.6Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detailor clarification
Themes 3, 4
Theme 3
Theme 4
Themes 5, 6
Theme 6
Themes 2, 6 / L.2.1Demonstratecommand of the conventions of standard Englishgrammar and usagewhen writing or speaking.
a. Usecollectivenouns(e.g., group).
b. Form and usefrequentlyoccurring irregularplural nouns(e.g., feet, children, teeth, mice, fish).
c. Usereflexive pronouns (e.g.,myself, ourselves).
d. Form and usethepast tense of frequentlyoccurringirregularverbs (e.g., sat, hid, told).
e. Useadjectivesand adverbs, and choose between them dependingon what is to bemodified.
f. Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simpleand compound sentences (e.g., Theboywatched the movie;Thelittle boywatched the movie;Theaction moviewas watched bythe little boy).
Theme 4
Theme 3
Theme 5
Themes 1-6
(Spelling) / L.2.2Demonstratecommand of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
a. Capitalizeholidays, product names, and geographicnames.
b. Usecommas ingreetingsand closings ofletters.
c. Usean apostropheto form contractions and frequentlyoccurring possessives.
d. Generalizelearned spellingpatterns when writingwords(e.g., cage→ badge; boy→ boil).
e. Consult referencematerials, including beginningdictionaries, asneeded to checkand correct spellings.
Themes 1-6 / L.2.3 Useknowledgeof language and itsconventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
a. Compare formaland informal uses ofEnglish.
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 5
Theme 6
Themes 2, 3
Theme 4 / L.2.4Determineor clarifythemeaningofunknown and multiple-meaningwords and phrases based ongrade2readingandcontent, choosingflexiblyfrom an arrayof strategies.
a. Usesentence-level context as aclue to the meaningof aword orphrase.
b. Determinethe meaningof thenew word formed when a known prefixisadded to aknown word (e.g. happy/unhappy, tell/retell).
c. Useaknown root word as a clue to the meaningofan unknownword with the same root (e.g., addition,additional).
d. Useknowledgeof themeaningofindividual words to predict the meaningofcompoundwords (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook, bookmark).
e. Useglossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determineor clarifythemeaningof words and phrases.
Theme 4
Theme 1
(Synonyms) / L.2.5Demonstrate understandingof figurativelanguage, word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
a. Identifyreal-lifeconnections between words and theiruse(e.g.,describe foods thatarespicyor juicy).
b. Distinguish shades of meaningamong closelyrelated verbs(e.g., toss, throw, hurl)and closelyrelatedadjectives (e.g., thin, slender, skinny, scrawny).
Themes 1-6 / L.2.6 Usewordsand phrasesacquiredthrough conversations, readingand being read to, and respondingtotexts,including usingadjectives andadverbs todescribe (e.g., When otherkidsarehappythat makes me happy).