PINNACLE 6 – Cellular Phone Add, Change, or Disconnect Process

Requests to add, change or disconnect cellular phones are entered through a work order (pre order). An order put into the system and placed in a queue. The individual(s) will check for those orders assigned to them for processing. Orders that are similar in nature can be grouped together with the same pre order number and several issues that can help to organize similar order requests. The order will indicate whether it is for an add, change, or disconnect. If further clarification of the request is needed,the originator can be contacted sending message to both Laurie Bassett and Nancy Hoddy (backup).

Note: Cellular orders should have been converted before they are processed for billing. If not converted, do not process as additional changes may be forthcoming.

At MicroSoft Windows screen:

  1. Login into Pinnacle 6 following login process

To locate open work orders for Cellular phone changes:

  1. Click on Services (at top of form)
  2. Click on Service Orders(in blue)
  3. Click on the Magnifying glass in the upper left corner of the screen under blue barto do an ‘advanced’ search.
  4. At Status field (under Search Criteria in blue) Click on Open
  5. At Work Order Type field Click on Select
  6. Scroll down and Click on CP (Cellular Work Order)
  7. Click on OK
  8. At Assigned To fieldClick on Select
  9. Click on Due Date (to sort by date order)
  10. Scroll down toname of individual cellular orders are assigned to process (i.e., CLD02004 – Cindy Desloge) and click on that name
  11. Click on OK
  12. Scroll down to Due Date (under Dates in blue bar) in lower part of screen
  13. Enter date – i.e., 9/1/2010 (month orders being processed)
  14. Click on Search (at top of screen). This will bring up all open work orders for Cellular. The orders can be sorted by the fields at the top (such as Order Number)
  15. Click on Pre-Order number to open the order. Note if action is Add, Change or Disconnect. The following pages reflect the instructions to process each of these types of orders.

Adding Cell Phone Order Processing

To process an order with an “Add” Action

Note: On Cell Phone Changes - A One Time Service Fee is assigned to each order. This can vary from Telecom Service Fee Discounted ($5) or Telecom Service Fee ($25) and designated in the pre order. Add orders also have a Monthly Cell Phone Services Fee – CPSF ($2).

Add orders are received as service orders and should have been converted to a Service Order. Scroll down through the service order. The following information should be checked before proceeding with the order.

  1. Click on i iconnext to CPxx-x (Service Order link number in blue) to go to service order
  2. Verify Subscriber Name has been provided
  3. Verify Service Numberhas been provided
  4. Verify Notes or Comments have been provided indicating recurring and one time charges to be added to this order

Notes or Comments can be copied into NotePad (if available) to keep information on the screen while working on the order eliminating need to print

  1. Scroll down to Additional Information (in blue)
  2. Note the FRS codes for Recurring and One Time charge(s)

To assign the Service Catalog to reflect the services requested in the Notes.

  1. Click on Assign located to the right of Service Catalog
  2. Click on Select next to Select Service Type
  3. Click onCellular
  4. Click on OK
  5. Click on Search (at top of form) to bring up list of services for cell phones
  6. Click on the Selection Box next to Service(s) desired for the requested changes on the pre order. More than one service can be selected
  7. Click on Assign Checked at top of screen when selection is complete
  8. Scroll down to Service Catalog to verify services assigned are displayed
  9. Scroll down to the Recurring Charges-This Order and One Time Charges-This Order to verify assigned charges are reflected correctly
  10. Click on + (plus sign) next to these charge codes to verify the FRS code indicated in the Additional Information matches the charges and FRS codes being assigned to the order

Note: To update the G/L Accounts (FRS codes) should they not match the requested codes in “Additional Information” – from the Service Order screen

  1. Scroll down to New Service (in blue)
  2. Click on Go
  3. Click on + (plus sign) to expand and see the Subscriber Link
  4. Click on Subscriber Link (Subscriber ID in Blue)under Subscriber section
  5. Click on GL Expense Accounts tabat top of form
  6. Review Expense Accounts to verify if same as the FRS Code in “Additional Information”and Sub Codesare 2103 (for cell phones)
  7. Click on Edit to change these fields to the appropriate codes
  8. Tab to each field that needs to be changed
  9. Verify theOverride boxes have a check mark in them
  10. Click on Save
  11. Click on OK
  12. Click on Cellular xxxx (xxxx is phone number being done) at top of screen to return to the service order being done
  13. Scroll down to the Recurring Charges and One Time Charges
  14. Click on + (plus sign) next to each heading for Recurring and One Time Charges (in blue) to view the FRS codes and sub-codes are correct. If ok,
  15. Click on Service Number (at top of form) to return to Service Order Screen
  16. Click on Service Orders (at top of screen in blue) just before CP-xxx to return to the Service Order screen of the order being worked on
  17. Click on Close (at top of form) after order scanned to be ok
  18. Completion Date will appear in the prompt matching the Due Date in the order. (If not, enter date of completion indicated in the Pre Order)
  19. Click on OK
  20. Click on Pre Orders tab at top of screentwiceto return to the list of orders to be processed

Note: To Add Recurring Charges or One Time Charges to this work order not entered through the Service Catalog, please refer to the “Recurring Charge(s) Add, Edit or Remove Process or the One Time Charge(s) Add, Edit Process

Changing (Existing) Cell Phone Order Processing

To process an order with a “Change” Action

Note: On Cell Phone Changes - A One Time Service Fee is assigned to each order. This can vary from Telecom Service Fee Discounted ($5) or Telecom Service Fee ($25) and designated in the pre order

Scroll down through the orderbefore converting the Pre Order into a Service Order to check the following information

  1. Verify Subscriber Namehas been provided
  2. Verify Service Numberhas been provided
  3. Verify Notes or Comments have been providedindicating changes to be made for this order

Notes or Comments can be copied into NotePad (if available) to keep information on the screen available while working on the order without printing out the order. Phone upgrades can have a $0 charge, and are NOT entered into the Billing System.

If Subscriber Name and Service Number are ok, the Pre Order can be converted if it has not been converted into a service order following the steps below)

  1. Click on Convert located at top of pre order

To access a converted order:

  1. Click on CP xxx (service order #) at top toreturn to service order
  2. Click on Go

To assign the Service Catalog to reflect the services requested in the Notes (if required)

  1. Click on Assign located to the right of Service Catalog
  2. Click on Select next to Select Service Type
  3. Click onCellular
  4. Click on OK
  5. Click on Search (at top of form) to bring up list of services for cell phones
  6. Click on the Selection Box next to Service(s) desired for the requested changes on the pre order. More than one service can be selected
  7. Click on Assign Checked at top of screen when selection is complete
  8. Scroll down to Service Catalog to verify services assigned are displayed
  9. Scroll down to the Recurring Charges-This Order and One Time Charges-This Order to verify assigned charges are reflected correctly
  10. Click on + (plus sign) next to these charge codes to verify the FRS code indicated in the Additional Information matches the charges and FRS codes being assigned to the order
  11. Scroll down to Recurring Charges and/or One Time Charges to verify charges assigned in Service Catalog are reflected correctly
  12. Press + (plus sign) to expand detail for Recurring Charges and/or One Time Charges to check FRS codes. If FRS codesdo not match requested FRS codes in “Other Information” for this order,

Note: To update the G/L Accounts (FRS codes) should they not match the requested codes in “Additional Information” – from the Service Order screen

  1. Scroll down to New Service (in blue)
  2. Click on Go
  3. Click on + (plus sign) to expand and see the Subscriber Link
  4. Click on Subscriber Link (Subscriber ID in Blue)under Subscriber section
  5. Click on GL Expense Accounts tabat top of form
  6. Review Expense Accounts to verify if same as the FRS Code in “Additional Information”and Sub Codesare 2103 (for cell phones)
  7. Click on Edit to change these fields to the appropriate codes
  8. Tab to each field that needs to be changed
  9. Verify the Override boxes have a check mark in them
  10. Click on Cellular xxxx (xxxx is phone number being done) at top of screen to return to the service order being done
  11. Scroll down to the Recurring Charges and One Time Charges
  12. Click on + (plus sign) next to each heading for Recurring and One Time Charges (in blue) to view the FRS codes and sub-codes are correct. If ok,
  13. Click on Save
  14. Click on OK

If an existing Recurring Charge(s) needs to be stopped (i.e., plan being changed – recurring charge), the recurring charge for the previous plan being replaced needs to have a Remove Date entered to stop the service being replaced.

For Service with One Subscriber (Individual Cell Phone Number)or Many Subscribers(Cell Phone Numbers) (i.e., CHIP– stopping a recurring charge(s)

From the Service Order Screen

  1. Click on Recurring Charges (Blue Bar at top)
  2. Click onBoxafter “Show Billable Subscriber Charges” to display all recurring charges for this service
  3. Click on Search
  4. Scroll through active charges to search for this subscriberand locate the recurring fee (s) that reflects the same phone number (service number)
  5. Click on the Charge Codelink (in blue) being stopped
  6. Click on Edit (at top of form)
  7. Enter Remove Date (date recurring charge to end such as 8/31/2010)using the date of day prior to the new service being started
  8. Clickon Save
  9. Click on CP-xxx (service order number) at top of form to return to work order
  10. Scroll through the work order down to the recurring charge being ended to verify the Remove Date is correct and the subscriber number (phone number is correct)

Note: To Add Recurring Charges or One Time Charges to this work order, please refer to the “Recurring Charge(s) Add, Edit or Remove Process or the One Time Charge(s) Add, Edit Process

Once charges have been either stopped (if required) and/or new charges added, the order can be closed.

  1. Click on Close(at top of form)
  2. Completion Date will appear in the prompt matching the Due Date in the order. (If not, enter date of completion indicated in the Pre Order)
  3. Click on OK
  4. Click on Pre Order number (at top of Screen) – to return to the order that reflects Closed status. The order can be scanned to verify the date closed as specified in the order (i.e., 9/1/2010)
  5. Click on Pre Order tab at top of screen – to return to open Pre Order list

Note: If stopping Recurring charges, a remove date is requiredas they recur each month. The record of the recurring charge is not deleted.

Disconnect Cell Phone Order Processing

To process a work order with a “Disconnect Action”

Scroll down through the order to verify the following information. The order should have been converted a Service Order

From the Service Order profile

  1. Verify Subscriber Name has been provided
  2. Verify Service Numberhas been provided
  3. Click on Close at top
  4. Click on OK
  5. Scroll down to the Recurring Charges. These charges should reflect a “Remove Date” that is the same as the due date on the order. This is done to verify the recurring charges reflect the due date for this order once the order has been closed.

If accessing the work order from the Service Order Screen

  1. Verify Subscriber Name has been provided
  2. Verify Service Numberhas been provided
  3. Click on the i icon next to CP-xxx in the Cellular Work Order field
  4. Click on Go
  5. Click on Close at top
  6. Click on OK

Scroll down to the Recurring Charges. These charges should reflect a “Remove Date” that is the same as the due date on the order. This is done to verify the recurring charges reflect the due date for this order once the order has been closed.

Example of Pre Order Screen listing open Cellular pre orders

Example Cellular Add Order that requires GL Account Changes

Example of Cellular Change Order

Example of Cellular Disconnect Order

Updated 2/09/11Page 1