Pine Run Sportsmen’s Club
Pine Run Sportsmen’s Club
Constitution and By Laws
Article I
This organization shall be called “Pine Run Sportsmen’s Club”
New SewickleyTownship, Beaver County, Pa.
The purpose for which this Club has been organized, is to promote the proper management and conservation of game, fish, and other wildlife, including the restoration and protection of their habitats in and around New Sewickley Township, Beaver County, Pa., to continue to seek and procure better hunting and fishing opportunity’s for sportsmen, as well as to promote and maintain friendly relationships with landowners and fellow sportsmen.
To respect and observe all of the game and fish laws; and so far as possible to spread the knowledge of wildlife among the residents, to continue to promote safety in handling fire arms, and other sporting equipment. To stand for clean sportsmanship and to become a member of the CountyLeague of Sportsmen’s Clubs. It shall operate without profit and shall be non-political and non-sectarian.
Article III
Section 1:
The officers of this Club shall consist of a President, VicePresident, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2:
The terms of office shall be for two (2) years.
In the even any officer’s position is vacated prior to an election, a current elected
director shall fill any vacant officer’s position for the remainder of the term.
Section 3:
There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of four (4) Officers and five (5) Elected Directors. The appointed Heads of Committees are requested to attend all meetings and act as advisors to the Board of Directors.
Section 4:
The terms of office for Directors shall be for two (2) years. The terms of office
for Committees shall be for one(1) year. In the event a Director’s position is
vacated prior to an election, a special election shall be held to fill this position for
the remainder of the term.
Section 5:
No member shall hold more than one (1) office at a time.
Section 6:
Elections for Officers and Directors shall be as follows:
-Years ending in even numbers shall have an election for the Vice President, Secretary and three (3) Directors.
-Years ending in odd numbers shall have an election for President, Treasurer and two (2) Directors.
In 2015 elections shall be held for all positions with the terms of Vice President, Secretary and three(3) Directors being one (1) year terms.
Article IV
Duties of Officers
Section 1:
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Club and perform all the other duties appertaining to this office. He shall be the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Club. He shall appoint and specify the duties of all standing committees. He shall secure two (2) persons from the Club members to act as auditors without compensation and announce the names at a regular meeting in June. He shall present a written report at the annual meeting in September.
The President may appoint a member in good standing of his choice to be the delegate to the CountyLeague of Sportsman Clubs.
Section 2:
In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the office.
Section 3:
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of each meeting. He shall notify all committees of their appointment in writing. He shall have charge of all the papers and documents of this Club. He shall read all the papers and etc., that may be ordered read; and he shall preside at the meeting in the absence of the President and the VicePresident. He shall prepare and present a written report at the monthly meeting. He shall perform other reasonable duties assigned to him. The Secretary may appoint an assistant if the need arises.
Section 4:
The Treasurer shall receive all money pertaining to the Club, and deposit in the bank of the Clubs choice; he shall keep and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements; pay all bills and obligations by check or draft which shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or VicePresident in absence of the President of the Club. He shall present a written report at the monthly meeting.
Section 5:
The Board of Directors shall have the power to manage all of the affairs of the Club on any and all questions relating in any manner whatsoever there to, and to make all contracts necessary for the proper transactions of all business.
They shall have entire jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to the care, conduct, control, supervision, and management of the Club. They shall make all emergency finances and all appropriations.
Section 6:
No officers or officer, Directors or Director, committee, group or individual, may make or sign any contract and agreement, and document to cause, renting, leasing, or selling any part, piece of land in part or whole, any building in part or whole on the land owned by the Pine Run Sportsmen’s Club.
Neither may the afore mentioned make or sign any contract, any agreement, any document for the purpose of borrowing any sum of money, large or small for the use of the Club for any reason without the signatures of at least Fifty-one percent (51%) of all members in good standing being in agreement at the time it is made. This section does not take away the authority, or relieve the Board of Directors of performing their duties in the normal functioning or operation of the Clubbusiness affairs, as written in Article IV, Section 5 of the constitution.
Section 7:
No officers or officer, directors or director, committee, group or individual, may make or sign any contract and agreement, and document to cause renting, leasing or selling any mineral rights of land owned by the Pine Run Sportsmen’s Club without the signatures of at least fifty one percent (51%) of all adult members in good standing being in agreement at the time it is made.
Article V
Section 1:
There shall be a nominating committee consisting of three (3) members appointed by the President.
The names of this committee shall be read before the Club two (2) months previous to the elections in September; Club members in good standing shall submit to the chairman of the nominating committee his choice of the members in good standing as a candidate for the office or offices to be elected; from these names the nominating committee shall prepare a ballot, choosing with consent two (2) or more candidates for each office, to be presented on the day of the election.
The Club shall ballot on the officers in their order as shown on the ballot. A majority vote of those present and voting constitutes an election.
Nominations shall be opened by the nominating committee at the regular monthly meeting held two (2) months prior to any election. Nominations shall be closed by the nominating committee at the regular monthly meeting one (1) month prior to any election. The member in good standing must be present to accept the nomination. No nominations shall be accepted after nominations are closed.
Section 2:
Directors shall be voted or appointed one (1) month after the election of the regular offices. Five (5) Directors will be elected from the body. The newly elected President to serve shall appoint Heads of Standing Committees as advisors to the Board of Directors with the approval of the Club.
Section 3:
A member must be a key holding member in good standing for five (5) years to
hold any elected office. Junior members shall not hold any elected office.
Section 4:
The nominating committee shall transact any business connected with the election or otherwise herein provided.
Article VI
Section 1:
Any citizen of the United States of suitable character and interest who wishes to become a member of the Club, shall have his/her name presented to the Club by any active member, who will present it in writing to the Secretary who will present it to the Club.Upon acceptance into the Club, all new members must be a current card carrying member of the National Rifle Association (NRA).
Section 2:
Honorary memberships to the Club may be conferred on any suitable persons by a majority vote of active members of the Club, providing the request for such membership has been made by the Board of Directors to the Secretary in writing to be presented to the Club at the next regular meeting; honorary members shall not hold office in the Club.
Section 3:
Any member serving in the armed forces are entitled to all privileges of the Club during the time spent in the service and for a period of sixty (60) days after receiving an honorable discharge.
Section 4:
Active members of the Club shall be charter members and those persons elected to membership whose membership fees and dues are paid in full and are in good standing.
Section 5:
Dues and initiation fee shall be set by the Directors and approved by the membership at a regular meeting.
Section 6:Junior Members
- A junior membership shall be any member under the age of 21.
- An adult member must accompany junior members under the age of 16.
- Junior members over 16 years of age may upon request and after paying rental fee, have the right to a gate key.
- Junior members aged 18 to 21, maybe granted regular membership rights at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Section 7:Founding Charter Members
- The Pine Run Sportsmen’s Club shall pay any and all Club dues for these members.
- The meeting and work detail requirements pertaining to the Club keys shall be waived.
Article VII
Section 1:
The President shall have the power to appoint Heads of Committees to act as advisors to the Board Of Directors as needed.
Section 2:
Chairman of the committee may request help to temporarily assist them when necessary of other members of the Club in good standing, providing the President or the Board of Directors approve.
Article VIII
Section 1:
There shall be at least one (1) meeting of the Club in each calendar month. Also the Board of Directors of the Club shall hold one (1) meeting each quarter.
Section 2:
The presence of at least ten (10) active members of the Club shall constitute a quorum for a regular monthly meeting. A simple majority of the elected officials must be present to hold a Board of Directors meeting. A simple majority of the Board of Directors is required to pass a motion.
Section 3:
All meeting shall be conducted according to parliamentary rules. Open discussion from the floor on all measures shall be permitted and encouraged.
Article IX
This Constitution maybe amended by a two-thirds vote of the active members of the Club present, at any regular meeting there of; provided that such amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.
- The Club shall hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:30pm the third Monday of each month unless otherwise specified by the President, to be approved by two-thirds vote of the members present of the time requested of the change is made. If the meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting will be the following Tuesday at 7:30pm.
- The Board of Directors shall hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:30pm on the first Monday of every quarter. If the meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting will be the following Tuesday at 7:30pm.
- The Presents of a quorum as stated in the Constitution, Article VIII Section 2, shall be sufficient to conduct a regular meeting; and to transact any business of the Club.
- It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to prescribe and publish rules, regulating the use and the occupancy of the rooms of the Club or the place of the meeting of the Club,the care and protection of its property.
- To make rules for the conduct of the members.
- To fix and enforce penalties for the offence against rules.
- To suspend or expel a member of any conduct in violation of the rules of behavior, improper or prejudicial to the interest of the Club.
- To call special meetings of the Club to consider special subjects.
- To prescribe additional duties of any of the officers in addition to herein set forth.
- To fill any vacancy among the Officers or Directors by a vote of the majority of those members present at a regular monthly meeting. Such election to be for an unexpired term.
- Any members of the Board of Directors, who shall absent himself from three consecutive monthly meetings, shall be contacted by the President or appointee to find out his intentions or reasonable excuse for missing meetings.
- The President shall appoint the nominating committee at the July regular meeting, so that they may have more time to prepare ballots and etc., for the annual meeting and elections to be held in September. The officers elected at this election are to take office October first.
- The fiscal year of the Club shall start on October 1st of one year and end on September 30th of the next year.
- The Auditors shall have their report in order so as to present it at the first regular monthly meeting following the end of the fiscal year.
- No fees or dues shall be required of persons accepted as honorary members.
- Money maybe spent for prizes or rewards only when approved by the Board of Directors.
- Money maybe spent for a Bible to the amount of the prevailing fee in case of the death of a member or member’s immediate family (spouse or children) of the Club.
- The entertainment committee shall provide and arrange for any and all social affairs and etc., of the Club.
- Other committees shall expend their energy upon the subject of names of their respective committee.
- All committees shall make a report at each regular meeting.
- Any member who has not paid his yearly dues by December 31st shall be considered in arrears and may not functions as an active member until said dues are paid in full plus initiation fee by no later than January 31st or said member will be removed from membership list.
- Removed
- The Secretary shall maintain a complete record of all the names and address of the Club members
- He shall collect all dues and initiation fees, and remit them to the Treasurer.
- He shall remit names of all who may become in arrears to the Board of Directors.
- He shall maintain a complete record of all officers of the Club and the Board of Directors; he shall keep an attendance record of all herein mentioned.
- The Treasurer shall keep record of all money received and from what source received, keep a record of all money disbursed and for what cause. He shall show the financial standing of the Club each month; he shall read his report at the meetings.
- The Treasurer shall not be responsible for the money or funds of the Club paid out or disbursed upon checks or drafts which have been properly signed and countersigned.
- The order of business at the meeting shall be: reading of the minutes, report of the Treasurer, report of all standing committees, unfinished business, new business, program or social function for the evening, adjournment.
- No amount over fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be spent for any purpose without the approval of the Board of Directors. All expenses for reimbursement shall be submitted directly to the Treasurer at a regular monthly meeting during committee reports and shall be accompanied by a receipt/invoice and expense report.
- Any paid member in good standing with one (1) year membership plus ten (10) work details per calendar year, will be entitled to a door and alarm key with normal fee set by the Board of Directors.
- Any paid member in good standing, with ten (10) years consecutive years membership, and any combination of monthly meetings and/or work details totaling four (4) per calendar year, shall be entitled to a door and alarm key with normal fee set by the Board of Directors.
- These By Laws maybe amended by a two-thirds vote of those active members of the Club present at any regular meeting thereof, provided that such amendments have been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.
Amended March 17, 2015