Technical Group on Food Microbiology
This course was carried out in English inMarch 2002 and in Spanish in August 2002at the University of Puerto Rico (Mayaguez): It was organized by the FDA and the FSIS, and where we could update everything what is related to the recommendations that make these institutions with regard to the inherent aspects in the microbiological analysis, with special emphasis to the detection of pathogenic microorganisms.
This course was excellent, as much in quality as in organization and filled many of the expectations of the assistants.
a) Purposes and more important points treated in the course:
- Importance of the procedures of the Quality Insurance in the laboratory.
- Research of pathogenic microorganisms and microbial metabolites of importance in public health, throughvalidated techniques.
- Application and importance oftraditional methods.
- Application of rapid methods as screenings, its limitations, validation and implications.
- ImportanceofAccreditation of Food MicrobiologyLaboratories, according to Standard ISO 17025.
b) Activities that were carried out:
1. - Theoretical classes about the following aspects:
- Objectives
- Regulatory Laboratories: mission,function of analysts andinteractions.
- Research of the FBDs.
- Rapid Methods for pathogens and their toxins.
- Preparation of samples /aseptic techniques.
- Quality Control / Quality assurance/ Accreditation of laboratories / ISO 17025.
- Vibrio, Lysteria, Shigella,Salmonella,Staphylococcus aureus.
- Parasitology, Virology and Micology of foods.
2. - Demonstrations of laboratory: - Escherichia coli O157:H7
- Listeria monocytogenes.
- Salmonella.
- Enterotoxins of S. aureus and B. cereus.
- Micology.
c) Obtained Results:
- It was established the need for reviewing and modifying(if necessary) the methods of analysis for the pathogens determination. The adoption of any new method of analysis,including rapid methods for routine food testing,shouldbe properly validated locallyfor the intendedpurpose of the method. An appropriate method validation shouldinclude comparative studieswith standard microbiological procedures and studies based on specificity, sensitivity and precision.
- It is absolutely necessary implementationsof microbiological controls, for the analysis of the samples.
- It was reaffirmed the importance of using: validated official methods, in order to obtain confident results, and uniform methodologies for all the laboratories of the RILAA.
- It was determined the importance of working arduously to obtain the accreditation of the laboratories, according to ISO 17.025.
d) Aspects that we must extend:
- Validation of techniques and microbiologicalmethods.
- Application of Standard ISO 17.025 and accreditation of the official laboratories
e) Non-covered aspects:
- Indicators microorganisms, their importance and analytical methods.
- Microbiological Criteria for food analysis.
- Sampling plans and microbiological requirements used for the acceptance or rejection of lots of analyzed foods.
- Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter, Yersinia and other pathogens of importance in food.
- Microbiologicalanalyses of specific foods.
f) Plans for the implementation of the course in our laboratories:
Once held the informative meeting in our units of work, we proceeded with:
- Assignto the professionals the review of the methods used currently for comparing them with the officials methods of AOAC andBAM in order to carry out corrections if necessary.
- Hold 2 monthly meetings for the presentation, discussion and modification of
methodologies used in the laboratory.