Job Description

Early Links Worker

15 hours a week £13.73 an hour,
Working hours to be negotiated but P4-P7provision will be a particular focus.

Purpose of Job

PYCP aims to develop a range of social, recreational and educational opportunities for young people aged 5 – 18 years old within a structured programme of quality provision. The Project also provides intensive 1:1 and group based support to young people in need.

The age group of 8 to 12 (primary 4 to 7) make up a large proportion of our service users and this willingness to engage is an opportunity that we feel we must explore further. We have recognised a gap in terms of a dedicated role to focus on this age group and also provide a formal interface between the two aspects of our service; intensive support and open access youth work. The Early Links worker will work across our open access programme, providing additional support in these activities for young people who require it, making it truly inclusive, as well as supporting new young people into the open access programme. The “Early Links” Worker would also provide lower level 1:1 support, for example to young people who are socially isolated and in need of some additional individual support around confidence and self - esteem. One of the most significant times of a young person’s life is the transition from primary to secondary school and the Early Links Worker will be able to build relationships with young people in the lead up to this and offer support and opportunities for development that will hopefully help make this change as positive as possible.

Accountability is initially to the Project Manager but ultimately to the Project Board of Directors.

Main Tasks

Particular responsibilities for the Early Links Worker will be negotiated with the Project Manager but will include:

-Work closely with colleagues in the youth work team and providing support to young people in our open access programme for ages 8 to 12.

-Provide some 1:1 support to young people within this age range who would benefit from additional support, linking them into services within PYCP and beyond.

-Develop good working links with the voluntary and statutory youthwork agencies in the area.

-To develop effective multi-agency relationships and maintain a thorough knowledge of local and city wide services for purposes of referring on/ signposting to create packages of support.

-To maintain accurate records and reports that will assist in evaluation.

-To manage a caseload effectively and ensure regular reviews of the support work.

-To develop plans for on-going support from other agencies where appropriate at the end of the support period.

-To liaise with parents and carers and other important contacts where appropriate, enhancing outcomes for young people.

Decisions made in the Course of the Job

-Respond creatively to young people’s individual needs and finding ways to engage them most effectively.

-Identify and work with a broad range of referral criteria e.g. low self-esteem, challenging behaviour, difficult peer relationships.

-A considerable emphasis is placed on teamwork and the post holder will be expected to contribute fully to team discussions and decision making processes.

-Managing time available in order to provide maximum input to the post.

Supervision Required

Regular individual supervision will be provided by the Project Manager with whom a jointly agreed work programme will be created. The post holder will have autonomy on a day to day basis but will work closely with the youth work team.

Educational and Vocational Qualifications

A degree or diploma in Community Education, Social Work, Teaching or other relevant profession is desirable.


-Experience in relation to working with children and young people in a range of settings is essential.

-Experience of individual work and group work is desirable.

-Experience of working in the voluntary sector is desirable.

-An understanding of relevant policy frameworks such as “Getting it Right for Every Child” is desirable.

General Information

-Work may have to be undertaken out with normal hours, i.e.evenings, weekends and residential periods.

-There will be some handling of cash for activities, purchasing of materials and equipment etc.

Closing date:tbc

For more information/ an application form please contact Debbie McMillan on 0131 332 9815/