Pilot Scheme Public Consultation Feedback Form

This form relates to the draft Asset Management Pilot Scheme – Criteria and Process which can be found at

Please note that the deadline for responses is close of business 16 April 2018.

We will publish a summary of consultation feedback, including resulting actions,on our website.

Respondent information

Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?



Full name or organisation’s name
Phone number

Crown Estate Scotland would like yourpermission to publish your consultationresponse. Please indicate your publishingpreference:

Publish response with name

Publish response without name

Do not publish response

We may wish to contact you again in the future, but we require your permission to do so. Are you content for Crown Estate Scotland to contact you again in relation to this consultation exercise?



Please send this form to by close of business 16 April 2018. If you have any queries about the Pilot Scheme, or the feedback form, please email or call 0131 260 6070 and ask for Esther Black.

Consultation Questions

Timescale and Process

1)Do you think these timescales are appropriate?
2)In particular, does it give potential pilot projects enough time to respond to Stage One (6 weeks) and to create a business plan in Stage Two (12 weeks)?
3)Do you think the proposed approach gives a rigorous, transparent and robust process for assessing pilot scheme applications? Are there ways it could be enhanced?
4)We are interested in exploring opportunities for external input to the decision-making process. Do you have suggestions for how to go about doing this?
5)Do you think this is an appropriate aim for the Pilot Scheme?
6)Do you think it is appropriate to measure the social, economic and environmental outcomes?
7)Do you think there are other appropriate measures that should be used?
8)Do you think the project review period is appropriate?
9)Do you think there are other assets which should be excluded from the Pilot Scheme?
Stage One Application Questions
10) Have we listed the correct types of organisations? Should any other types of organisation be included or should any of these organisations be excluded?
11) Have we given sufficient information to guide proposers? Are there any other items which you think should be included under this question?
12) Have we listed the correct questions for testing if the project will meet the statutory duty under the Crown Estate Act 1961 and other relevant legislation?
13)Are there any other questions which you think it would be appropriate to include at this stage?
14) Are there other tests of public interest which would be appropriate at this stage?
15) Do you think we have identified the correct types of evidence of community support?
16)Are there other ways of assessing community support?
17) Is there anything else which you think should be taken into account at this stage?
18)Do you feel the appeal process, and the associated timescales, are appropriate and proportionate?
19)Are there any other criteria that you think Crown Estate Scotland should be using to assess the pilot projects at this stage?
20)We have suggested word limits for the questions in order to ease the burden on applicants. Do you think this is appropriate, and fair, for the Stage One applications?
21)Please take this opportunity to bring any other issues related to the Pilot Scheme to our attention.
Stage Two Application Questions
22) Apart from the best value characteristics, and along with the Crown Estate Scotland strategic objectives and associated KPIs, are there other appropriate measures of a pilot project?
23)Are there other ways we could assess the context of an application?
24)Are there other ways we could assess how a project plans to evidence best value and best consideration?
25) Have we identified the correct aspects of management?
26)Are there any other aspects which should be included?
27) Are there other ways we could assess the governance arrangements of an application at this stage?
28)Have we identified the correct aspects of financial management and accountability?
29)Are there any other aspects which should be included?
30) Have we identified the correct aspects of community engagement?
31)Are there any other aspects which should be included?
32) Have we identified the correct aspects of community benefit?
33)Are there any other aspects which should be included?
34) Do you think it is possible for a potential pilot project to create a useful risk register and suggest mitigations?
35)Are there any other aspects which should be included?
36) Is there anything else we should consider in the review of the projects?
37)Are there other sources of support available which could assist communities in developing their application for the Pilot Scheme?