Quaker Journey:

Exploring the Roots of Quakerism in England’s Lake District

22-29 July 2018


We are excited to share this information with you and hope you’ll consider participating in this remarkable educational and even spiritual experience.

Participants will have the opportunity to travel through the Lake District of Northern England exploring historic Quaker buildings and sites in the footsteps of Religious Society of Friends founder George Fox. Roy Stephens—an experienced historian, guide, and British Quaker—will lead this tour through 1652 country. Lodging and meals will be provided by the Victorian-era Glenthorne Quaker Conference Centre and Guest House in Grasmere, England. (

Days will be full, but include time for individual and group reflection and for worship. Travelers will have two and a half open days to explore the area’s cultural, historic, natural, and other attractions. The itinerary incorporates some significant walking and an optional, somewhat rigorous climb up Pendle Hill; if you have questions about mobility expectations, please contact the trip organizers.

We have space for 24 participants, aged 18 years and beyond. We encourage young adults interested in the roots of Quakerism to consider joining us. We seek a balance of participants from Friends meetings and from Friends schools.

Applications received first will get priority consideration, but final decisions may take into account other factors (such as the availability of particular room configurations and participation balance among school and meeting communities).


To register, please complete the attached form (one per person) and return along with a $500 deposit check payable to Carolina Friends School (write Quaker Journey in the memo area) via first class postal mail or hand delivered:

Quaker Journey

Carolina Friends School

4809 Friends School Road

Durham, NC 27705

This deposit is refundable only if we are able to fill your space.


The total cost for the tour is $1,650. This price includes room expenses for seven nights (single or shared room), all meals, bus travel to historic sites, site entry fees, tour guides, and gratuities. The fee also includes one shuttle from Manchester airport to Glenthorne Quaker Centre and Guest House on July 22 and back to the airport on July 29. This fee does not include airfare.

Payments will be due as follows:

with registration form$500

Friday Jan 19, 2018$500

Friday March 16, 2018$650


We will email each applicant to acknowledge receipt of the registration form and deposit. We will confirm participation status as soon as possible. We’ll create a wait list if we have more applicants than spaces.

Please wait for participation confirmation from us before making any travel reservations.


Each participant is responsible for arranging and paying for individual travel to and from England. England is five hours ahead of EST in the US. We recommend flying into Manchester Airport. We have arranged for one shuttle (included in the registration fee) between Manchester Airport (and/or the nearby Bewley’s Hotel) and the Glenthorne Quaker Centre and Guest House in Grasmere on the mornings of July 22 and July 29.

Note: If you are planning to ride the shuttle from Manchester Airport, your flight must arrive before our 9 am departure the morning of Sunday July 22. We encourage you to consider arriving the day before on July 21 and staying at Bewley’s or at another Manchester hotel close to the airport.

Alternatively, you could fly in and out of other European cities and travel to Glenthorne via British Rail to Oxenholme station or rent a car and drive. We recognize that some participants might choose to travel to other places in Europe before or after the tour.


The cost of the trip is not refundable unless we are able to fill your space with someone on a waitlist. We encourage you to consider purchasing travel insurance to cover unforeseen travel disruptions.


If you have questions or concerns, please contact us. We’re thrilled to be able to offer this extraordinary journey!

Anthony L. Clay,

Lynn Pickles,

Nikki Vangsnes,

The Quaker Journey is an offering of

Extended Learning at Carolina Friends School

—providing enrichment opportunities for students, adults, and families.

Quaker Journey—Registration Form

Registration forms (with $500 deposit) will be accepted in the Center Building.

First Name______Last Name______

Street Address______City, State, Zip______

Home Phone______Cell Phone______


Please check all that apply:

❑ I am applying to participate in the trip and have enclosed a $500 deposit payable to Carolina Friends School (with Quaker Journey in the memo area), refundable only if my space is filled.

❑ I am affiliated with a Friends school and/or meeting.

Please indicate affiliation(s)______

❑ As a CFS staff member, a school grant of $______would be necessary for me to participate. (Please share on the reverse or in an attachment any additional information that might help us understand your need and prioritize limited funds. We’d ask you to apply for Jenny Hall funds as part of any school support. Any staff member who checks the box for consideration and doesn’t receive a grant would be released from the non-refundability clause referenced above.)

1) Any dietary restrictions? (please be as specific as you can) ______

2) Any physical limitations that might impair your mobility? (please be as specific as you can) ______

3) Please list two Emergency Contacts (people in the United States):



4) Do you have a preferred roommate? Yes / No If yes, name of roommate______

5) What is drawing you to participate in the trip at this time? Is there a particular facet of Quaker history that interests you?

6) What else would you like us to know? (Please use the reverse or an attachment if necessary.)