PIFPFellowship Application

Please check one: / SUMMER 2018 FELLOWSHIP / 2018-19 YEARLONG FELLOWSHIP
Name: / Optional
enter photo here
*Final size of document cannot exceed 1024kb. Be sure to crop and compress image before inserting.*
CC ID number:
Phone number:
E-mail address:
Hometown/state (or country):
Current enrollment status: / First-Year / Sophomore / Junior / Senior
Major: / Expected graduation date:
Dual major/minor/emphasis: / GPA:
Will you be on campus for the first round interview Feb. 9-10, 2018?
Yes / No - If not on campus, where will you be?
How can we reach you while you are off campus?
Email / (if different from above):
Phone / (if different from above):
Skype / Skype name:
Facetime / Email address for Facetime:
Will you be in Colorado for organization interviews Feb. 15-Mar. 7, 2018?
Yes / No - If not in Colorado, where will you be?
How can organizations reach you during this time?
Email / (if different from above):
Phone / (if different from above):
Skype / Skype name:
Facetime / Email address for Facetime:
Language Skills (other than English)
Language: / Language:
Speak / Read / Write / Speak / Read / Write
Native / Fluent / Conversational / Native / Fluent / Conversational
Certifications: / WFA / WFR / First Aid / CPR
Skill/Experience Areas (through course preparation, paid work, or volunteer experience, etc)
Accessibility/disabilities / Event Planning / Politics
Activism / Finance/business / Public relations/communications
Advocacy / Fundraising/development / Public speaking
Campaigning / Government / Qualitative research
Children’s issues / Healthcare/health sciences / Quantitative research
Civil rights/social justice / Human services / Reproductive rights/freedom
Coalition work / Journalism/publications (print/online) / Social science research/methodology
Community/political organizing / Law / Statistical analysis
Criminal justice / Legislative process / TV/radio
Customer service / LGBTQ issues / Volunteer management
Data analysis / Lobbying / Other:
Digital media / Marketing/sales / Other:
Diversity/inclusion / Performing/fine arts / Other:
Domestic violence issues / Policy:
Economics / Education
Editing / Environment
Education / Fiscal
Environmental issues / Health
Technology Skills:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Acrobat, InDesign, PhotoShop) / Graphic design
Blog platforms
(WordPress, Blogger) / Microsoft Office Suite
(Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Database management
(Salesforce, GiftWorks, Wild Apricot) / Video/film production
Digital marketing/outreach
(Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) / Website design/management
(WordPress, SquareSpace)
E-newsletter platforms
(MailChimp, Constant Contact, Vertical Response) / Other:
GIS / Other:

Please respond to the following questions:
This form will expand foreachanswer. Answer lengths may vary, but font must be a minimum of 11 pt, and the completed application (including essays) should be no longer than 4 pages.

  1. If you could make one change in the world, what would it be and why?
  1. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? How will a PIFP fellowship help you get there?
  1. What areas of the nonprofit/social sector are you most interested in, and why?
  1. What skills would you like to cultivate during your fellowship?
  1. Why should a PIFP Partner Organization hire you? What would you bring to a PIFP fellowship?
  1. What three words best describe you?