Piedmont Virginia Community College
Strategic Plan
Executive Summary
The Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) Strategic Plan identifies institutional priorities, provides a foundation for annual planning, and guides budgetary decision-making. It is an integral part of PVCC’s Institutional Effectiveness cycle.
The last PVCC Strategic Plan was published in 2008 and focused on aligning PVCC’s Institutional Priorities, Strategic Goals, and Actions with the direction set for the Virginia Community College System in Dateline 2009, the VCCS Strategic Plan. The College made exceptional progress on the priorities and actions identified in the previous strategic planning cycle. Building on that work, PVCC will continue to provide programs and services that are working well, and seek to sustain new initiatives that hold promise for long-term gains in student success.
In Spring 2010, mid-way through implementation of 2008 plan, PVCC began looking to the future again, reviewing and updating the College’s mission, examining the needs of our students and the community, and considering opportunities to improve and expand the College’s programs and services. In developing the plan, the Planning and Budgeting Committee invited input from students, faculty, staff, the College Board, and community leaders. The Committee also considered current initiatives at the federal and state levels focused on increasing the number of college completers, the strategic direction of the Virginia Community College System laid out in the VCCS Strategic Plan Achieve 2015, and the recommendations of the Chancellor’s VCCS Reengineering Task Force. The resulting 2011 PVCC Strategic Plan, developed by the Committee, approved by the President in April, and the local College Board on May 4, 2011, addresses four institutional priorities:
I. Student Completion and Success
II.Access to Education
III. Excellence in Instruction and Student Support
IV.Resources to Support Teaching and Learning
Like previous strategic plans, the 2011 PVCC Strategic Plan is ambitious and forward-looking, responding to state and federal priorities, the needs of current and prospective students, and the needs of the community.
Concurrent with the implementation of this strategic plan, PVCC will also be engaged in the full implementation of the Quality Enhancement Plan to improve student writing. The implementation and success of the QEP is an important component of PVCC’s continued good standing in accreditation with the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The Planning and Budgeting Committee recognizes the substantial time, effort, and resources committed to the QEP, and anticipates that the key initiatives associated with the QEP will be incorporated into the College’s annual planning and budgeting process over the next several years.
The 2011 PVCC Strategic Plan is presented on the pages that follow. The College’s Vision, Mission, and Values Statement is presented first. Institutional priorities follow, along with their associated rationale, actions, and the College leader(s) responsible for each action. Desired outcomes are presented last. PVCC will measure its success against the targets specified by the desired outcomes. A description of the broad strategic planning process at PVCC is included at the end of the report. Strategic actions will be further refined through PVCC’s annual planning process, annual budgeting process, and groups convened for specific actions. In the annual planning process, administrative units and academic programs develop plans to guide achievement of their specific missions and support the institutional priorities. In this annual cycle, units develop, implement, and assess achievement of functional unit objectives to improve PVCC’s programs and services. As part of the annual budgeting process, administrative units submit proposals for funding of strategic initiatives in the next fiscal year. It is the responsibility of leadership identified in the strategic plan to use these processes to further refine and implement the plan’s strategic actions.
PVCC’s Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness will prepare annual progress reports that will be presented to the Planning and Budgeting Committee, President’s Staff, and the College Board.
Vision, Mission, and Values
Who We Are
Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) is a comprehensive, public institution of higher education that awards associate degrees and certificates. As part of the Virginia Community College System, PVCC serves the City of Charlottesville and the counties of Albemarle, Buckingham, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson.
Piedmont Virginia Community College seeks to be a leader and innovator in post-secondary education. PVCC will be the college of choice for students to advance their education and career goals, and pursue lifelong learning.
Piedmont Virginia Community College offers accessible, affordable, high-quality educational programs that promote student success and community vitality. Our mission is achieved through:
- Transfer programs that prepare students for admission to four-year colleges and universities and successful pursuit of a baccalaureate degree.
- Workforce programs that prepare students for employment or promotion in a career and promote a skilled regional workforce by meeting the training and educational needs of employers.
- Rigorous coursework and a full range of academic and student support services that assist students in achieving their educational and career goals.
- Developmental studies courses that prepare students for college transfer and career and technical programs.
- Community service that promotes community involvement, educational access, and opportunities for residents of the region.
Piedmont Virginia Community College values:
Access to high quality, affordable education to prepare students for transfer to baccalaureate degree programs, as well as for entry into or advancement in the workforce. A college education should be available to all.
Academic Rigor to develop each individual to his or her full potential. We insist on rigorous standards while providing a supportive environment in which students can achieve.
Student Success. We are committed to helping our students succeed. We measure our success by the skills and abilities of our students when they leave, rather than by their standing when they enter.
Community Impact. We develop innovative programs to meet the changing needs of our students and the business community, while contributing to the economic, civic and cultural vitality of our region, the Commonwealth of Virginia, our nation, and the world.
Professionalism. Our dedicated and knowledgeable faculty and staff are experts in their disciplines, excel at instruction, and are committed to helping students achieve their goals.
Intellectual Vitality. We engage our students and each other in well-reasoned inquiry, creative thinking, problem solving, and the exchange of ideas.
Priority I: Student Completion and Success
In response to the federal and state focus on student success and the completion of degrees and certificates, and in accordance with the Virginia Community College System goal to increase the number of students graduating, transferring, or completing a workforce credential, PVCC seeks to increase the number of students who earn a degree, certificate, industry certification or licensure that enables them to secure employment and subsequent educational opportunities. By increasing the number of completers, we increase the number of individuals who obtain higher-paying jobs in meaningful careers and earn more over their lifetime. We also increase the number of qualified workers in the service region, providing employers with well-prepared workers and attracting new businesses to Charlottesville and the surrounding counties. PVCC is committed to helping students complete their education with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in transfer and the workplace by engaging and supporting students at each step toward their education goals.
To improve persistence and completion, PVCC will:
- Develop and implement a coordinated, student-focused, proactive approach to helping more at-risk students persist to completion through integrated advising, student development, developmental education, learning communities, financial aid, and appropriate placement in credit and noncredit programs or referral to community based services. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services]
- Participate in and fully implement the redesign of developmental mathematics and English, to include course content, structure, pedagogy, and support services, e.g., math and writing centers. [Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences]
- Fully implement the restructured academic advising system, to include fundamental financial aid training for advisors. [Dean of Student Services ]
- Conduct curriculum reviews and participate in a credit audit of academic programs to ensure that program requirements reflect exactly what is needed for successful transfer or workforce preparation. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services; Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences; Dean of Health and Life Sciences]
- Implement a formal process to identify students close to completion to encourage their completion of the degree, certificate, or workforce program. [Registrar]
- Implement a formal process by which former students are encouraged to transfer back credits to complete their degree or certificate. [Registrar]
To encourage student engagement PVCC will:
- Expand student activities, including relevant opportunities for adult and evening students. [Dean of Student Services]
- Expand extracurricular opportunities for student engagement with fine and performing arts. [Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences; Dean of Student Services]
- Implement and evaluate the College’s Quality Enhancement Plan to ensure improvement of student writing as evidenced by achievement of the objectives and student learning outcomes specified by the plan. (See http://www.pvcc.edu/QEP).[1] [QEP Director]
- Unify the administration and implementation of value-added opportunities for students so that student learning is enhanced in academic programs through honors courses, learning communities, service learning, and other educational experiences. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services]
- Increase Study Abroad opportunities for students to five per year by 2013-14. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services]
To prepare students for employment success, PVCC will:
- Expand job shadowing opportunities, internships, and available clinical opportunities within curricula such that all Career and Technical Education (CTE) students can gain workplace experience prior to graduation. [Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences; Dean of Health and Life Sciences; Dean of Workforce Services]
- Infuse essential workplace readiness skills into CTE programs. [Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences; Dean of Health and Life Sciences; Dean of Workforce Services]
- Reach out to and develop relationships with area employers in order to expand job opportunities for current students and completers. [Dean of Workforce Services, Job Placement Officer]
- Provide direct job placement assistance to graduating students. [Job Placement Officer]
- Increase employer acceptance of the Career Readiness Certificate as a workforce credential. [Dean of Workforce Services]
Priority II: Access to Education
High-quality, affordable education should be accessible to everyone. The College will continue to reach out to underserved and nontraditional populations; offer educational opportunities on and off campus in various instructional formats; and provide financial assistance to students who otherwise cannot afford a college education. Further, the College must ensure sufficient seats in courses and capacity in programs to meet student and employer needs. Expanding educational access will yield enrollment growth, as well as new programs and stronger community partnerships to better serve students and employers.
To increase enrollment and retention through effective financial aid outreach and services, PVCC will:
- Participate in the VCCS pilot and assessment of the effectiveness of centralizing the back-room functions of Financial Aid in order to decrease processing time for financial aid applications and improve local customer service and satisfaction. [Director of Financial Aid]
- Conduct an audit of all Financial Aid communications (web, print, e-mail, SIS, etc.) to current and prospective students and make improvements to ensure consistency of messages and to fully leverage all resources to efficiently and effectively communicate with students regarding financial aid processes and awards. [Director of Financial Aid, Manager of Marketing and Media Relations]
- Implement a mandatory orientation for students receiving financial aid for the first time. [Director of Financial Aid, Dean of Student Services]
- Review and revise financial aid policies and opportunities (grants, loans, scholarships) to ensure the most aid to the greatest number of students. [Director of Financial Aid, Dean of Student Services, President’s Staff]
- Promote the affordability of a community college education and availability of financial aid, creating partnerships in the community through which we can promote financial aid. [Director of Financial Aid, Outreach and Enrollment Services Manager, Manager of Marketing and Media Relations]
- Increase financial aid opportunities for middle income students (i.e., those not eligible for federal financial aid) and increase the number of merit-based scholarships. [Director of Institutional Advancement and Development]
- Explore opportunities to provide financial assistance to students enrolled in noncredit programs in preparation for industry certification, licensure, or high demand jobs [Dean of Workforce Services, Director of Institutional Advancement and Development]
To increase enrollment from underserved and nontraditional populations[2], PVCC will:
- Develop and maintain partnerships with Charlottesville public schools, social service agencies, public housing, the One Stop, correctional facilities, and other community organizations that will promote educational opportunities through PVCC, and encourage and increase enrollment of underserved and nontraditional students. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services, Dean of Workforce Services, Outreach and Enrollment Services Manager]
- Secure grant funding for programs that encourage college attendance. [Manager of Grant Development and Administration]
- Increase the number of degree programs that can be completed entirely online from zero to two by 2013. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services; Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences; Dean of Health and Life Sciences]
- Investigate consortial relationships with other colleges to expand course/program offerings. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services; Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences; Dean of Health and Life Sciences; Dean of Workforce Services]
To promote college readiness and enrollment through collaborative and innovative strategies with high schools, PVCC will:
- Cultivate partnerships with public and private high schools through outreach to leadership, that promote dialogue about college readiness and cultivate support for interaction and collaboration between high school and college faculty. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services, Outreach and Enrollment Services Manager]
- Promote and support regular interaction between high school and college faculty in the disciplines to identify opportunities for collaboration, strengthen curriculum and curriculum alignment, and implement strategies that improve college readiness. [Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences; Dean of Health and Life Sciences]
- Increase Career and Technical Education enrollment, focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), through dual enrollment, Tech Prep, and Summer Career Academies. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services; Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences; Dean of Health and Life Sciences; Dean of Workforce Services]
- Identify and pursue additional opportunities for dual enrollment offerings at public and private schools. [Dual Enrollment Coordinator]
- Create an early college program with an area school system. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services]
To provide career and technical education to meet the needs of students and employers, PVCC will:
- Expand enrollment in, and linkages between, credit and noncredit health care programs. [Dean of Health and Life Sciences, Dean of Workforce Services]
- Establish a culinary arts program at the Jefferson School City Center by Fall 2012. [Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Vice President for Instruction and Student Services]
- Conduct feasibility studies for programs in hospitality management, tourism, and entrepreneurship. [Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies]
- Develop and implement programs to meet the needs of the defense intelligence industry. [Dean of Workforce Services; Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Vice President for Instruction and Student Services]
- Expand programs in green technologies. [Dean of Workforce Services; Dean of Health and Life Sciences; Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies; Vice President for Instruction and Student Services]
- Review and revitalize PVCC’s Business Administration, Business Management, Computer Science and Information Systems Technology curricula. [Dean of Business, Mathematics, and Technologies]
To promote community service that supports involvement, educational access, and opportunities for service-region residents, PVCC will:
- Convene an internal task force to examine current community service activities and make recommendations for future community service opportunities that will engage students, employees, and the community beyond the classroom. [Vice President for Instruction and Student Services]
Priority III: Excellence in Instruction and Student Support
High-quality instruction is at the core of all that PVCC offers to its students, employers, and community. Excellence in instruction and in the services PVCC provides in support of teaching and learning is essential to student success and completion. The College is purposeful in maintaining an instructional environment that maximizes student engagement and supports student success. We want our students to experience the highest level of instructional quality, and we want them to succeed at levels that equal or exceed those of peers in transfer institutions and in the workplace. PVCC must continue to hire exceptional faculty and staff and provide them with opportunities to stay current in their field and with technology.