Piano Proficiency Examination
Segment 1
Name of Student ______Date ______
I. Scales
• Major keys (all) 1 octave, both hands (MM quarter = 72, playing eighth notes)
- and-
• minor keys, one hand, one octave, all forms, all keys
Major scales selected by jury (2) ______
Minor scales selected by jury (2) ______
(Circle One) Section Passed Section Failed
II. Chord Progressions and Harmonization
1. Diatonic chord progression for selected major keys D G C F Bb Eb
Chords that may be called: I, ii, iii, IV, V, vi
RH: chords (in middle C range, root position), LH: root
2. The exact progression of: i III VI iiº6 V7 i
in 4 minor keys (e, g, b, c) RH: chord, LH: bass note
3. Sight-harmonization of melody that modulates (includes key signature)
Diatonic chord progression pass fail
Minor chord progression pass fail
Modulation pass fail
(Circle One) Section Passed Section Failed
III. Choral Score Reading, combinations of any two voices
Choral score reading selected by jury ______
(Circle One) Section Passed Section Failed
ALL ITEMS OF THE PROFICIENCY MUST BE PERFORMED WITHOUT UNMUSICAL BREAKS (e.g., stopping, pausing, beginning several times, etc.)
Segment I: Passed Failed
Signature of Adjudicator______Date: ______
Piano Proficiency Examination
Segment 2
I. Prepared: Chorale Excerpt selected by student from pre-approved list
Title: ______
(Circle One) Section Passed Section Failed
II. Accompaniment selected by student from pre-approved list
(STUDENT must arrange for a soloist to be present.)
Title: ______
(Circle One) Section Passed Section Failed
III. Piano Literature--Selected by student from pre-approved list.
Title ______
(Circle One) Section Passed Section Failed
ALL ITEMS OF THE PROFICIENCY MUST BE PERFORMED WITHOUT UNMUSICAL BREAKS (e.g., stopping, pausing, beginning several times, etc.)
Segment 2: Passed Failed
Signature of Adjudicator______Date: ______
Piano Proficiency Examination
Piano Majors
I. Chord Progressions and Harmonization
1. Diatonic chord progression for selected major keys D G C F Bb Eb
Chords that may be called: I, ii, iii, IV, V, vi
RH: chords (in middle C range, root position), LH: root
2. The exact progression of: i III VI iiº6 V7 i
in 4 minor keys (e, g, b, c) RH: chord, LH: bass note
3. Sight-harmonization of melody that modulates (includes key signature)
Diatonic chord progression pass fail
Minor chord progression pass fail
Modulation pass fail
(Circle One) Section Passed Section Failed
III. Choral Score Reading, combinations of any two voices
Choral score reading selected by jury ______
(Circle One) Section Passed Section Failed
III. Accompaniment selected by student from pre-approved list
(STUDENT must arrange for a soloist to be present.)
Title: ______
(Circle One) Section Passed Section Failed
ALL ITEMS OF THE PROFICIENCY MUST BE PERFORMED WITHOUT UNMUSICAL BREAKS (e.g., stopping, pausing, beginning several times, etc.)
Piano Major Examination: Passed Failed
Signature of Adjudicator______Date: ______