Information for couples intending to be married

The Benefice of St Barnabas Warmley, St Mary Bitton and St Anne Syston

If you would like to book a wedding at Warmley, Bitton or Syston, you should attend the ‘Wedding Surgery’ which takes place every 2nd & 4th Saturday at Saint Barnabas’ Church, Church Avenue, Warmley BS30 5JJ. Come any time between 9 & 10am. You will be able to speak to someone who can explain the details and regulations, let you know about fees, and help you to fill in an application form.

When you come, please will both of you bring identification –that is to say a passport or driving licence and a utility bill or envelope showing your current address.

If you are divorced you should bring the decree absolute paper.

Please note: Because of other commitments, the only time we can celebrate Sunday weddings is at 3pm.


It is a tradition that you arrive late, but lateness of over ten minutes can spoil a wedding. Bell ringers, vergers and organists, not to mention the groom, are all looking forward to the event. Ask your driver to get you to the church gate five minutes early. By the time you’ve alighted from the car and had your photograph taken, it will be five minutes past the appointed hour when you enter church.


It’s your day. Photographers can sometimes take the show over. In the Church we allow photographs from the back only during the ceremony, plus photos when you are signing the register. It would be helpful if you could let the photographer know that these are the rules. Remember you are in charge!

Who officiates at your wedding

At the time when the wedding is booked, it will not be possible to say for sure who will be taking the wedding. The Minister responsible for your wedding should be in touch with you in good time before the ceremony to arrange a rehearsal.

Qualifying to be married

If you live outside the Benefice and have no previous or current connection with the Benefice, you will be required by law to get on the Electoral Roll of the parish church in which you intend to be married. In order to do this, you must attend at least twelve times in a six-month period, before filling in a form to be included on the Roll.

The Banns

By law you must ensure that your banns are called in the parishes in which you both live. If one or both of you live outside the parish where you are getting married, it will be necessary for you to contact the Vicar of the parish where you live, about two months before the wedding, to ask him/her to call your banns. You will then need to pick up a certificate from that Vicar which you bring to your wedding rehearsal to give to the officiating minister. If both of you live in the parish where you intend to be married, the banns with automatically be read in the parish church. No certificate will be required.

Making it personal

The basic format of the wedding service is set by law. The preface (in which the Christian understanding of marriage is explained), the form of vows, the Bible reading and the prayers are all compulsory. However, if you have a particular piece of prose or poetry you would like to be read, or if you know someone who might sing or play an instrument, we will do our best to accommodate you. Please remember that you are being married in Church. This does not mean that everything has to be solemn, but it does mean that words and music should be appropriate. If in doubt, please consult the officiating minister about this.

Printed Order of Service

The advantage of a printed order is that, if the words of the hymns are included, there is no need for hymn-books. The standard order goes like this:

(On front)

Name of Church

Name of Bride & Groom

Date & Time of Ceremony


Music to come in by

(N.B. ‘Here comes the bride’ is printed as ‘The Bridal March’ from Lohengrin by Wagner)


Words of first hymn

‘The Marriage’


Address by ... (name of officiating minister)

Words of second hymn


[Words of third hymn, if required]

‘Signing of the Registers’

Music to go out by

(N.B. ‘The Wedding March’ is by Mendelssohn)


Many couples choose to have special floral arrangements at their wedding. These arrangements may be done by yourselves or by a professional florist. It is important that the lady in charge of the flowers is informed about what you are planning at least two months before the wedding. She will be able to arrange access to the Church at a convenient time. It may be necessary for your flowers to fit in with the colour-scheme that is appropriate for the Church season, or with another wedding taking place at the same time.

During Lent (six weeks leading up to Easter) and Advent (four weeks leading up to Christmas) there are no flowers in Church. Any flowers brought in for a wedding during Lent and Advent must be removed immediately following the wedding.

If you have any questions about your arrangements, the best thing to do is attend the ‘wedding surgery’ which takes place every 2nd & 4th Saturday morning between 9 & 10am at Saint Barnabas’ Church Warmley.

Everyone wants your day to be special but do not let ‘perfection’ become a tyrant. The important thing is that you are coming to Church to thank God for his gift to you of love, and for bringing the two of you together in order that you can celebrate and share it. It is important that you have confidence in the arrangements; then take a deep breath and enjoy it!


Basic Fees £381 + £70 verger + £21 calling of Banns £472.00

Organist 70.00

Bells £140.00

Video fee (towards copyright licence) 20.00

Choir (Bitton only) 70.00

Heating 20.00

Candles ( Bitton Only) 50.00

WEDDING FEES 2014 (provisional)

Basic Fees £392 + £70 verger + £21 calling of Banns £483.00

Organist 70.00

Bells £140.00

Video fee ( towards copyright licence) 20.00

Choir (Bitton only) 70.00

Heating 20.00

Candles ( Bitton Only) 50.00