Pi Socratic seminar notes from questions

1. Pi had to survive so compromise is necessary. In order to survive he has to give up his a lot of his beliefs. He probably wouldn’t have survived if he didn’t do what he had to do. Would you rather die your normal self or live and be someone different? Pi’s compromises were not a complete rejection of his beliefs- he had to adjust to the situation and was able to return to his beliefs when he was rescued and his situation changed again. If a person can avoid compromising your values, you should. Pi compromises his values-vegetarianism- in first story it’s ok (consequential), but in second story it’s not ok b/c cannibalism is just wrong (categorical). Morally right vs. survival of oneself- we are animals and our instincts will kick in, in order to survive. Pi reverts back to his animalistic nature (tiger is the carnivore within).

2. RP- saving him, saved him, fear/terror and protection, his existence is contradictory- Pi came to care for RP and missed him when he left. RP saved Pi, but Pi needs to be saved from RP.

Zebra- not a close relationship but felt sympathy- wonders about him-doesn’t understand him- he was a majestic animal that is reduced to a weak, suffering animal who- guilt and remorse b/c they couldn’t save him- dead and ate him

Hyena/cook- crazy, erratic, aggressive, unpredictable- Pi was food but was also a competitor that he had to watch out for- a brute-irrational- Pi pities him also b/c he doesn’t have a religious core to guide him

OJ- sympathy when the hyena killed the orangutan- admired the strength that the orangutan had during the fight and was saddened that it finally lost. Was close to the animal. Mom- safety, comfort

In order to talk about the essence of the story, need to use the fictional twisted truth to bring it out

3. Learned a lot about animals living in zoo- comfort zone on the way to act with the animals, but was also able to be dominant- zoo was place to learn how to handle himself when it was necessary later on.

He knows that human is most dangerous animal in zoo- Pi knows that there is something dangerous inside and it must be tamed/kept in check like he did with RP- keep the animal inside- people are animals deep down- situation where our survival is threatened.

Religions- what does he learn from believing in each religion and what concepts from each of them?

What people believe may be different but not wrong- what is wrong with hard to believe? What is normal? I don’t understand/never have experienced this before, but Pi can apply what he believes in and can use what he knows conceptually and helps him survive in the boat. How do we interpret and apply what we know. Normal sank (boat/his family) but not the memory of normal which Pi held onto, to help him get through. He has to become worse before he became even better- did so by re-inventing what was simple into what is complex. Make the familiar strange and deal with it- Pi’s journey was a test and he had to readjust his beliefs to survive, but was able to regain his beliefs and readjusted again.