
Physics 1 APGuidelines and Procedures

Grading Policy

70% Major Grades – Test, Projects (Some will be in class projects while others will be expected to be worked on outside of class), Major Quizzes

30% Daily Grades – Class Assignments, Labs, Homework, Minor Quizzes

  • Re-testing will be offered after every test. It must be completed within 5 days of the test. The highest retest grade will be a 70.
  • Late work will be accepted only under the following guidelines:

-100% complete

-30 points will be deducted for every day the assignment is late

Progress Reports

A progress report will be distributed after the third week of every nine-weeks to eachstudent (passing OR failing).

Interactive Notebooks & Cornell Notes

All students will be expected to maintain a current interactive notebook for each semester. This will require a minimum of two 70 count college ruled spirals. Students will also participate in taking Cornell style notes. At the end of each nine weeks, students will take a notebook quiz.

Make-up Work

  • Please refer to the student handbook, especially for guidelines referring to school sponsored activities.
  • Make-up work is the responsibility of the student and should be discussed before or after school.
  • You must arrange for your work before going to ISS.

There will be a make-up work bin that will include extra copies of all homework, problem sets, labs, etc.

Extra Credit

Students can earn up to 5 points on a test grade every nine weeks. Extra credit opportunities will be offered throughout the school year.

  • Restroom passes (3 in total) will be given out at the beginning of each nine weeks. If the student does not use a pass, they can turn the pass/passes in for extra credit. Each pass is worth 2 points on an exam.

Food and Drinks

ONLY WATER will be allowed in the classroom.


Students will be REMOVED from the science activity area if:

  • They are behaving in such a manner that they can cause injury to themselves or others.
  • They are not following prescribed safety rules for the science activity area or particular activity being conducted.
  • They have not completed pre-experiment activities that will allow them to work safely in the laboratory situation.
  • They are inappropriately using computer equipment and/or probes.

**Students will be held financially accountable for damaged equipment.**

Physics 1 AP

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I am looking forward to the coming school year and the opportunity to teach your son/daughter Physics 1 AP. Please contact me at any time during the school year if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at 832-668-7200 ext. 72262 or at . I will return your call or email as soon as possible. I hope to help your child have a very successful experience this year in Physics.

We feel that you should be informed regarding the school’s effort to create and maintain a safe science classroom/laboratory environment. With the cooperation of the teacher, parents, and students, a safety instruction program can eliminate, prevent, and correct possible hazards. Please read the list of safety rules with your child. No student will be permitted to perform laboratory activities unless this contract is signed by both the students and parent/guardian and is on file with the teacher.

Please look over the classroom procedures and policies, scope & sequence, and the lab safety rules.


Allison McCombs

McCombs Physics AP 1

I have read the syllabus that is attached to my school website(If requested, I can make a paper copy for the student.) for this class and understand the procedures and guidelines.


Student name (print)Parent name (Print)


Student signatureParent signature