Life Skills Level 5 – Basic Life Skills

LS 5.01 Applies, in a variety of situations, the decision making process, problem solving strategies, personal hygiene and goal setting.

LS 5.02 Understands the concept and relevance of equality and diversity (gender, economic, cultural, special needs, etc.).

LS 5.03 Develops a strong personal ethic (punctuality, quality task completion, best effort, empathy, honesty, appropriate dress, etc.) while sharing values, interests, strengths and weaknesses.

LS 5.04 Applies basic first aid principles in a simulated situation and teaches and promotes home fire safety and local natural risks preparedness (such as winter storms, flooding, gun safety, navigation, etc.).

LS 5.05 Identifies attributes of healthy/unhealthy communities and relationships/environments.

LS 5.06 Investigates interrelationships and disparities among physical, emotional, and social changes occurring with puberty.

LS 5.07 Develops a personal plan to confront social pressures related to drug and alcohol use.

LS 5.08 Identifies responsibilities associated with pregnancy, parenting, marriage and identifies the transmission, prevention, and effects of AIDS and STDs.

LS 5.09 Participates actively in a team service commitment, volunteering for a non-profit agency or community event, and understands the impact on the community.