CentraState Medical Center Presents:
Physical Therapy Ethics and New Jersey Jurisprudence
Course Instructor:
Nancy kirsch, pt,DPT,phd
June 13, 2013
5:00 pm—9:30 pm
4 Contact Hours
Registration & light dinner: 4:30 – 5:00 pm
What is new in PT Regulation5:00 - 6:00 pm
Issues and Trends in PT Practice6:00 - 6:30 pm
Break 6:30 - 6:45 pm
Interactive Case Discussions6:45 – 8:15 pm
Break8:15 – 8:30 pm
Interactive Case Discussions8:30 – 9:30 pm
At the conclusion of the course
participants will be able to:
1.Analyze a situation to determine if there is a legal or ethical issue.
2.Apply the principles of ethical decision making to actual ethical situations presented.
3.Employ the Revised Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice in resolving ethical situations
4.Differentiate between the statute and the rules & regulations governing physical therapy practice in NJ.
5.Evaluate a situation and determine the appropriate course of action to protect patients, improve care, and elevate clinical practice
6.Recognize the relationship between competence and ethical and legal practice.
Course Description: New Jersey is a direct access state. Practitioners are expected to practice in an autonomous manner. As professionals, physical therapists and physical therapist assistants are responsible for their actions. It is expected that they will practice in an ethical and professional manner in accordance with the laws of the state in which they practice.
Ethics behavior and the ethical decisions that drive that behavior are best developed in an environment where situations can be presented and tools for managing and resolving the situations are utilized by participants. Discussions of ethical situations stimulate growth in ethical decision making. Knowledge of the Physical Therapy Practice Act and the Rules and Regulations is essential for all practicing therapists. The course will cover the most common questions about the law as well as introduce any new rules and regulations that have been promulgated.
About the instructor: Nancy Kirsch, Pt, DPT, Phd
Nancy R. Kirsch, PT, DPT,PhD is a professor of physical therapy and Director of the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark, NJ. She provides school based physical therapy services in Morris County. She currently serves on the Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, Division of Consumer Affairs. She is Vice President of the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy, and Chair of the national APTA Reference Committee. Dr. Kirsch presents on topics in ethics and risk management on the national level at APTA and other professional meetings. Her academic and research interest is professional behavior and ethical decision making and she is determined to help the professional community become engaged in this dialogue. Dr. Kirsch writes a monthly column in PT in Motion Magazine called Ethics in Practice.
Please note registration is limited. Confirmation by email only, PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY.
Email address: ______
Tuition: $75.00 APTA member, $80.00 non-member, check only please.
Please mail check to:
CentraState Medical Center
Rehabilitation Department
Attention: Heather Murray-Miller
901 West Main Street
Freehold, NJ, 07728
Phone: 732-294-2700
Fax: 732-294-2568
Email: or