2016-2017 Syllabus
6th Grade Life Science
Lathrop Intermediate School
Mr. Luna
Course Description: The 6th grade science program is a process-oriented, performance based, approach tointegrated science which encourages the ability to think critically, to solve problems and to demonstrate an understanding of science concepts. The middle school6th science course is designed to give all students an overview of common strands inall areas science including but not limited tothe function of living things, cell theory, genetics, evolution, earth science, and physical and chemical sciences that form the basis for the Next Generation Science Standards.
Content will follow the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core Standards.
The textbook isEarth Science, California Edition, Holt, Reinhart and Winston, 2007.
The workbook is Interactive Reader and Study Guide, Holt, Reinhart and Winston, 2007.
Students participate in hands on science inquiry labs. Supplementary materials including science videos, newspaper and science articles, and internet resources will be used in all units of study.
Materials Needed for Class
Spiral Notebook – to become Daily Science Journal (DSJ)
Pencils, red and blue pens, erasers,
Colored pencils and highlighter
Glue stick(s)
Scotch tape
Assessments will be announced one week in advance. Quizzes will be given to assess student understanding throughout the unit. Classwork and homework are to be kept in the Daily Science Journal. Student must bring their Chromebooks to class every day. Daily Science Journal will constitute part of the 45% class work component of student grade.
Classroom expectations
It is the responsibility of everyone in the classroom to help create and maintain a positive learning environment. Students are expected to be respectful to classmates, teachers, and staff personnel, be present, on time for class, and have the needed materials.
Compensatory Assignments
Students are expected to be in class every day that school is in session. When a student is not in class, they will have an equal number of days to make up the work as the number of days missed. Expectation is that students will turn in work on time. Late work will not be accepted five school days past the end of the appropriate unit.
Grading Policy
Assessments (Formative and Summative – quizzes and tests) = 55%
Student Work (Class work, homework and labs) = 45%
Grading Scale
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = 0-59 %
Semester grades are calculated on total points earned for each category and weighted using the grading policy.
Science Curriculum Grade 6
Segment Number / Earth, Life & Physical ScienceEngineering, Technology, and application to Science / Big Idea (NGSS Reference)
Segment 1 / All living things are made of cells. The body is a system made of interacting subsystems.
Water cycles. Weather and climate interactions. / A cell, a person, and planet Earth are each a system made up of subsystems.
Segment 2 / Thermal Energy Transfer. Relationship between kinetic energy and temperature.
The ocean has a strong influence on weather and climate. / Weather conditions result from the interactions among different Earth subsystems.
Segment 3 / Variations of inherited traits arise from genetic differences. Energy input from the Sun varies with latitude, creating patterns in climate. Density variations drive global patterns of air and ocean currents / Regional climates strongly influence regional plant and animal structures and behaviors.
Segment 4 / Local conditions affect the growth of organisms. Human changes to Earth’s environment can have dramatic impacts on different organisms. Burning fossil fuels is a major cause of global warming. / Human activities can change the amount of global warming, which impacts plants and animals.
Contact information: Email: if you would like to set up an appointment to discuss any questions or concerns. Phone (714) 567-3300