Integrated Chemistry/Physics


  1. Always arrive to class prepared and ON TIME
  2. Things to bring every day unless told otherwise:

Notebook (dedicated to this class)


A two-pocket folder or 3 ring binder


Pencil or black or blue ink pen

  • All class work must be done with black or blue ink or a pencil
  • Work that is done in colors other than black or blue will receive points off the first time and will not be graded the next time.
  1. Keep your notebook organized and up-to-date. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for the material in the book, assignments, videos, and whatever is covered in class or assigned. Usually, if I take time to diagram or draw a picture, it will show up again on tests and quizzes, so I strongly suggest that YOU TAKE NOTES. The work must be in sequential order. Quizzes will more than likely be given weeklyand will be about the material from the previouslylearned material. Keep the quizzes to help you study for the test. Check the board to know when a quiz is coming up.
  1. Homework. Homework will be given randomly. At the beginning of each chapter, you will be given assignment questions that must be done for their assigned days. Late assignment questions will not be accepted. Some of the work will be done and completed in class so time management will be and important tool to use. Other work will be started in class but you will be expected to complete it at home and turn in the next day. You will be told when you are able to take work home and finish and when the work has to be turned in at the end of the period. If you are absent and you know an assignment is due, you are expected to have it completed upon your return.
  1. LABS:
  2. All labs MUST be done in pencil.
  3. Any lab that is turned in with pen will receive points off the first time and the next time will not be graded.
  4. Partners should share responsibility for the lab, and both should learn how to use all of the equipment.
  5. Each student should keep his/her own notes and data in the unfortunate event that your partner’s notebook gets lost or misplaced for any reason. Students should do their own work on lab reports and a verbatim lab report, which is an indication of 2 students using one brain, will not be graded.
  6. Glass, chemicals, and potentially hazardous materials are used and therefore care must be taken with the equipment and the laboratory procedures followed exactly as explained to avoid injury or breakage. DO NOT ingest or insert any items, equipment, or chemicals in the lab. Any breakage of equipment is to be reported IMMEDIATELY.
  7. Failure to follow lab instructions, horseplay, defacing, or abuse of lab materials, samples, etc. will result in a debit slip, a zero for the lab, and detentions or Friday school.
  8. In the event that your lab partner hinders learning, you may opt to find another with whom you can work comfortably and productively. See me if the situation occurs. I also reserve the right to change seating arrangements and lab partner if an academic atmosphere is not maintained.
  1. Books
  2. Will be given out for this class and are expected to have the book covered within a week of receiving it.
  1. Grades:
  2. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of their progress/grade in the class. I will randomly show your grades and post missing assignments weekly. Don’t wait until the end to turn in!
  3. Grades are based of a standard point scale.
  4. Remember: Each 6 weeks counts as 40% of your final grade and your final exam counts as 20%. DO NOT wait until the last minute to try to bring your grade up!!!
  5. Non-assignment question work turned in by the end of the day is penalized 10% by the end of due day, then 10% each day after up to 50%. After that, work will not be accepted, unless arrangements have been made with me.
  1. Absences-Make-ups will be as follows:
  2. A tentative schedule
  3. On the whiteboardin back, listing what was done each day and the coming weeks
  4. If you are absent, please check the board to see what you missed and then if you have questions, ask me before or after class. You are responsible for speaking to me about make-up. Worksheets done in class will be placed in the blue crate.
  5. If you know you are going to be absent, check the board and then ask me if there is anything that can be done beforehand.
  6. Missed quizzes
  7. Can be made up by taking it before they are handed back, after school
  8. Once they are handed back, the grade will be the same percentage as you receive on the chapter test
  9. Missed tests
  10. Made up after school or in the library during class if the schedule permits.
  11. If you know you will be absent for a test, see me and you can take it early.
  12. Students have 2 weeks to make up the test or it will be a zero for that test.
  13. Missed labs
  14. Made up within two weeks of the lab after school
  1. Extra Credit
  2. May be obtained by reading a newspaper, magazine, or Internet article about current event in some branch of science.
  3. Articles or a copy must be turned in with a short synopsis.
  4. Only one article can be turned in each Friday.
  5. Each article is worth 5 points with a maximum of 25 points per 6 weeks.
  6. You may also bring in a box of Kleenex that is decorated with something science related on all four sides, one time, for 15 points.

****Extra credit points will not be added to your grade unless all other class work is turned in.

  1. Students should be aware of the Rules and Policies as stated in the Pirate Planner especially tardy, homework, conduct, and Code of Ethics regarding computer use as they apply to this or any class.
  2. Any alteration of testing materials with any substances or using a phone while taking a test will result in a zero for the evaluation.
  3. No eating in class if you are caught you will receive at least one detention if not more.
  4. If you are caught with a phone, hand it over right away. Charging phones will also result in them being taken away. It will be taken down to the office when I get a chance. Do NOT ask for it at the end of class.
  5. Refusal to give me the phone will result in being written up as a refusal. Do NOT attempt to try to give it to me later.
  1. The four most important rules in this class are:

a)Students should refrain for speaking when I am.

b)Students should refrain from speaking during a test/quiz until all students are finished and I say so. Failure to follow this procedure will result in a zero for the test/quiz or 3 detentions, whichever the student chooses or teacher decides based on offense. There will be no warnings.

c)Any behavior that, in my opinion, disrupts the learning atmosphere in the classroom will be dealt with according to school and personal policies. If you have any questions on what I consider appropriate, please ask my beforehand. Detentions are issued on a multiplying scale – First infraction =1, second = 2, third = 4, and so on.