Physical Restraint
The use of physical restraint or control of Service Users is a delicate balance of rights and risk. The balance shall take into account the duty to protect the right to liberty of a Service User against the risks of injury to the Service User and/or to the employee concerned.
As with all matters of risk, staff employed by Briarcare Ltd must weigh up the alternatives, but whatever might be available, their first duty is towards the welfare of the Service User. The physical restraint or control of Service Users is only acceptable in exceptional circumstances.
To ensure that all risks to are assessed such that any action taken is a last resort.
To ensure that all other options are considered before the use of restraint
To ensure that, at all times, any actions taken avoid any injury to either the Carer or Service User.
All employees of Briarcare Ltd will operate' Good Practice' within this Policy and no single individual may make the decision to restrain anyone in anyway.
The decision to use restraint will be thoroughly recorded and will record:
- How the decision was reached,
- Why?
- Who was involved in making the decision?
- Any alternatives considered.
- What form of restraint was used?
- When the restraint was applied
- When the restraint was discontinued
Physical Restraint
Restraint must never be cruel and must never be used without first carefully considering any alternatives
Records of restraint will be available for Inspection regularly undertaken by the Commission For Social Care Inspection.
When physical restraint has to be used, The Branch Manager will inform the Group Director and relevant Social Worker as soon as possible but not later than the same working day
Details of any restraint will be recorded in the Service User’s Care Plan F/103 with an additional summary of events kept within the Service User’s personal file or the Care Plan.
The only circumstances in which the use of physical restraint or control is permissible are where there is risk of a Service User seriously injuring or damaging:
ΟHimself /Herself
ΟOther people present in the immediate environment.
ΟProperty and as a last resort
ΟWhen all other measures have failed
ΟWhere the risk is immediate and serious.
Any action which effectively restrains someone is an 'assault' in the eyes of the law. However, in the circumstances described above it may occasionally be unavoidable.
The risk must be clear, substantial and proven.
Duty of Care
The welfare of the Service User is the first concern. Those involved in any decision to use restraint must balance the use of restraint and allowing the Service User to decide for themselves as far as possible.
Decisions will be made jointly with another member of staff and/or the Branch Manager/Care Director/Social Worker.
If physical restraint or control has to be used, the following conditions must be met:
ΟOnly the minimum restraint necessary to secure control should be used.
ΟPhysical control must cease as soon as the risk has passed.
Physical Restraint
Physical restraint must never include:
ΟThe use of any weapon
ΟTying to beds, chairs or any other furniture
ΟRestrictions on visits to or from visiting family and or friends or other communications with relatives or friends.
ΟWithholding of medication, medical or dental treatment
Physical restraint must never be used as a punishment or merely to secure compliance with the wishes of the staff member.
Safety is the first consideration. Those involved in the restraint of a Service User must aim to restrain the person as effectively and safety as possible.
Restraint involves 'holding back' the person, not striking them or attempting to inflict pain.
Choking, slapping, striking or any other movement that could be interpreted as aggressive is never acceptable.
Do not restrain on stairs or near table edges or windows for reasons of safety.
Skills and techniques can only be learnt through hands on experience and Department of Health guidance notes. Procedures outlined within Briarcare Ltd can offer only guidelines.
The decision and actions taken must be thoroughly recorded
Records of any restraining actions must be maintained and available for inspection by the Commission for Social Care Inspection.
4.0Persons Responsible:
Group Director
Care Director
Branch Manager
Quality Care Supervisor
Domiciliary Carer
The Group Director shall be responsible for authorising this procedure
The Care Director has overall responsibility for ensuring that any restraint used is entirely appropriate, legal and in accordance with regulations and the Company’s own policy and procedure.
Physical Restraint
The Branch Manager is responsible for the proper implementation of the procedure and for the reporting of any incidents of restraint to the Group Manager and the Social/Medical Services
The Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that any restraining actions by any Carer are entirely supervised and in accordance with the procedure and for the reporting and recording of any incident immediately.
The Carer is responsible for fully observing all the policies and procedures pertaining to the use of restraint on a Service User
5.0Associated Documentation and References:
QM 4.2.1Physical Restraint
Department of Health guidance notes
F/103Service Users Care Plan
6.0Document History:
This section shows the approval and revisions of this document since its first issue. A vertical line in the left margin opposite the change will usually indicate changes from the previous version.
Version / Comments / Approved by / Date approved / Date of next review01 / First issue of document / Q M / 08.07.05 / July 2006
Text, graphics and pictures published in this document are the intellectual property of Briarcare Ltd. They may not be passed to other parties, either wholly or in part, except with the express permission of Briarcare Ltd
Br-SM/OP 4.2.1 Issue 01 Authorised By K Stokeld Printed on 12/03/2018 Page 1 of 4