July 28, 2015

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome back to what promises to be a great year at Spec. Rafael Hernando III Middle School. The Physical Education Department has eagerly awaited the arrival of your son/daughter back to our beautiful campus. Before we embark on this exciting journey, we must first establish a set of Physical Education expectations and requirements for our students to follow. Understanding and respecting these expectations and requirements will result in all students achieving success in Hernando’s Physical Education program. By signing your names at the bottom of this page, you demonstrate your understanding and acceptance of these expectations and requirements. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me, Coach E. Lopez at 937-9800. Thank you and welcome back. GO CAVALIERS!!!

Physical Education Student Expectations

Students are expected to:

  1. Be courteous and respectful to others at all times.
  2. Respect other people’s property.
  3. Take care of Hernando’s Facilities and Equipment
  4. Respect other people’s personal space unless a specific activity dictates otherwise.

Failure to meet these expectations will result in:

  1. Individual conference with student and temporary removal from the day’s activities
  2. Permanent removal from the day’s activities. May be removed from entire unit activity.
  3. Parental contact
  4. Office referral
  5. ***Severe behavior will result in immediate office referral.

Physical Education Requirements

Student daily requirements include:

  1. Bringing appropriate change of clothes to Physical Education class everyday.
  2. Participating in all the day’s activities.
  3. Being dressed and ready for attendance 7 minutes after the tardy bell rings.

Failure to meet these requirements will result in the following action:

1a. 1st offense for #1 – individual conference with student, 10 points off report card grade and exclusion from the day’s activities.

1b. 1st offense for #2 – individual conference with student and 5 points off report card and grade.

1c. 1st offense for #3 – individual conference with student and tardy mark on attendance.

2a. 2nd offense for #1 – individual conference with student, parent contact, 10 points off report card grade and exclusion from the day’s activity.

2b. 2nd offense for #2 – individual conference with student, parent contact, 5 points off report card grade.

2c. 2nd offense for #3 – individual conference with the students, parent contact, tardy mark on attendance.

3a. 3rd offense for #1 – 10 points off report card grade and office referral.

3b. 3rd offense for #2 – 5 points off report card grade and office referral.

3c. 3rd offense for #3 – tardy marks on attendance and office referral.

(Please cut and return Bottom Portion)


Parent Signature Date Student Signature Date