Lincoln Middle School

PE CLOTHES All students are required to dress down daily in the LMS Physical Education uniform that was purchased during registration.

Where to get PE uniforms:

1) Purchase a new PE uniform in the front office before or after school - shirts $4.50, shorts $8.50 ($9.50 XXL).

2) Purchase a clean used PE uniform (shirts $2.00/shorts $2.00) from your PE teacher before or after class.

3) Make arrangements with your PE teacher to work before or after school (for 30 minutes) to earn a used PE


Your name will be marked on your PE uniform. Do not share your PE uniform with other students. Do not modify your PE shirt (ie: tear off the sleeves, draw on it, etc.) Take your PE uniform home at the end of each week to be washed and remember to bring it back on Monday J

Do not wear your PE uniform to your other classes during school. Do not wear your school clothes under your PE uniform. Plain sweat pants/shirts may be worn over PE uniform and may only be worn during PE. Your name must be marked on these additional items (just like your PE uniform).

PE SHOES must be tightly laced and tied (no slip-ons, sandals, hiking boots, etc.) It is recommended that you wear socks. Leaving an extra pair of tennis shoes and socks in your PE basket is a great back up plan!

If you forget to bring your PE uniform, you will be assigned a series of exercises to complete for the remainder of the period in the other gym (jumping jacks, push-ups, jumping, jacks, sit-ups, then repeat).

If you lose your PE uniform you must either find it, buy another set (new or used), or work to earn another set (talk to your PE teacher.)

LOCKS and LOCKERS All students are assigned a lock and a basket to store their PE clothes and personal belongings in. Do not share your lock combination or basket with anybody else.

Lock your belongings in your basket before, during, and after PE.

If you lose your lock:

1)  Boys – check on the chain first, then ask the PE teacher on duty if your lock has been turned in.

2)  Girls – ask Ms Devine if your lock has been turned in.

3)  Do not leave your PE clothes in your PE basket/locker if your lock is missing – store them in your hall locker until your lock is found or you purchase a new lock.

4)  The cost to replace a lost lock is $6.50.

Check the lost and found for lost item(s). You may also ask your PE teacher if (s)he found your missing item(s).

Inform your PE teacher as soon as possible if your lock breaks or is damaged.


1)  Leave large coats, backpacks and binders, food, and drinks in your hall locker.

2)  Gum is not allowed in the locker room, gym, or at school.

3)  After dressing, sit and wait to be dismissed to PE or to your next class.

PARTICIPATION All students are required to participate in PE every day.

1)  If you are not able to participate in PE for more than 3 days you must bring a doctor’s note that states how long you are excused from PE activities and the modifications you need.

2)  If you have a temporary limitation (injury or illness) your PE program will be modified by the school nurse or PE teacher to fit your limitation.

3)  If you have asthma you are encouraged to bring your inhaler to PE and are expected to participate in the daily physical activities. Do not share your inhaler with other students or use another student's inhaler.

4)  It is the parent/student’s responsibility to inform the school nurse and PE teacher in advance if the student has a medical condition that may adversely affect his/her health through vigorous exercise and/or limits his/her activity in any way.


Grades are based on the following: / Grading Scale for 6th PE:
90% - Participation / A 90% - 100%
- Level of Engagement in Class (Effort) / B 80% - 89%
- Self Management/Social Behavior (NO GUM) / C 70% - 79%
- Preparation (wearing PE uniform, shoes laced/tied tightly) / D 60% - 69%
10% - Tests/Assessments/Assignments / F 59% or below

If you miss PE because of an excused absence you may regain your activity points by completing one PE make up form for each day missed. These forms must be completed under the supervision of a parent or guardian. Un-excused absences (ie: skipping) may not be made up. Make-ups may not be used for extra credit. Students who miss PE due to a school related activity (ie: sports, band/music, field trips) are not required to make up points.

CONTACT INFORMATION – Parents, please feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress.

Lincoln Middle School Physical Education Department (541) 942-3316

Heather Devine (6th grade/girls locker room)

Jeff Dreiling (7th/8th grade/boys locker room)

Jason Corwin (7th/8th grade/boys locker room)

Vern Stewart (7th/8th grade/boys locker room)

Revised 09/03/15

I have read and understand the LMS PE policies (Return this portion to Ms Devine to receive your first A J)


Student Name (print) Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature


Period Date