Physical Education Rules Sheet


A.1. All students must have complete change of clothes! (Separate from your clothes)


A.Forty Day Classes Grades

1.The average of the 4 units and the Physical Final will determine the Forty Day Class grade.

B.Ways to lose credit

1.Non-Dress (-10 points)

2.In-school or out of school suspension, absence, tardies, medical, jewelry, no socks, no shoes (-10)

3.Cuts are considered to be a Non-Dress (-10)

4.Bringing book bags or purses to gym area (-10)

5.Not participating (just standing) (-10)

6.Disruptive behavior, Language(-10)

7.Leaving before the bell rings (-10)

8.Bringing cell phones, I-Pods, MP3 players, PSP, etc into the gym area (-10)


A.A student who reaches 16 non-dresses for the semester will automatically fail for the semester.If you don’t dress one day it counts as 2 non-dresses because it would be for two classes because of the block scheduling.

B.Non-dresses are accumulative


A.Out of school suspensions cannot be made up!

B.All make-ups are at the teacher’s convenience.

C.Students have only two weeks to make up their missed class.

D.Students may only go back one unit for make-ups. (If it is unit 3 you can’t make days from unit 1)

E.Non-Dresses can be made up before school or after school.It takes 2 miles to make up a non-dress and 1 mile for an absence.

F.In-School suspensions worksheets (You must see your teacher to get worksheets, the student is responsible fro this)


A.T-Shirts, sweat-shirts, or warm-up tops

B.Shorts must be cotton, nylon or mesh (no cargo shorts)

C.Athletic shoes only, no crocs or flip flops

D.Students may not wear:

1.Tank tops/sleeveless shirts, jeans shorts, dress shorts, collard shirts, or cut-offs of any kind.

2.Spandex/leggings must be covered with some kind of shorts, not just a t-shirt.


A.All medical days must be made up. (Parent note)

B.Any medical days (doctor) lasting more than three day, the student will be given a written report.

C.P.E. reports handouts will be sent to all students that are in DALIS program


A.All students will have 7 minutes to be dressed and in their class.

B.Students will lose 3 points for every tardy.

C.Tardies are not accumulative


A.No gum is allowed

B.All students will be issued a lock for their gym locker.Students are responsible for locking up any or all of their valuables.

C.Physical Education is a PARTICIPATION CLASS so if you miss any days due to medical, family, or absences you are responsible to make up the days.

The student must return this form by ______to earn a free non-dress Coupon (good for 1 day)

Student Signature: ______Parents Signature: ______

Parents E-Mail: ______