Start Time: 7:12pm.
ATTENDEES: Indru Gidvani, Marg Lundrigan, James Tilley, Anthony Emanuel, Theresa Le, Leo Hauser, Donna Johnson
Agenda Item 1-Indru
Beach Wrap Up
-City of Brampton has proposed a plan to possibly change 3 of the existing courts at Chinguacousy Park to 2 FIVB regulation courts for Pan Am teams wishing to practice
-suggestions for improvement of the summer socials included additional food available after games, BBQ nights, and less expensive prices for snacks
Agenda Item 2-Donna/Anthony
Indoor registration/division numbers
-registration went well except some registrants had problems with the website as well as paypal but everything has been resolved
-Thursday may go to 88 teams –we have 86 at present
-initial team rankings were prepared by Marg and have been approved
Agenda Item 3-James
Facility Update
-correction to permits in our favour
-we lost a couple of courts but were able to secure others such as (new) Gore Meadows Rec. Centre from 9-11pm.
Agenda Item 4-Leo
-all public and catholic board permits are paid
-costs may be incurred buying new nets for Castlebrook and North Park courts
-the league did well over the summer season
-as we have made cost cutting improvements in other areas, we will be able to hold the beach fees the same for the following year
-courts for the youth division were not always used and were left empty
Agenda Item 5-Theresa
Indoor Clinics, pick up plans
-the first indoor clinic for the season will be held Oct.25th; the second will be Nov. 1st.
-the first clinic will be offense and the second will be defense
-both clinics will be at Chinguacousy Secondary at a cost of $15 each
-suggestions for coaches were discussed
-pick up will start Oct.7th but will be cancelled the following week due to Thanksgiving
Agenda Item 6-Marg.
Banquet-set date, location
-space for the banquet was an improvement over last year but it was suggested that we go back to our previous DJ
-April 26 is the date booked for next year’s banquet
-two restaurants have offered specials to all teams-Joey’s Place in the south and Ellen’s in the north end of Brampton
-each time slot will allow a 5 minute grace time only
Agenda Item 7-Anthony
-BVL’s new website will be launched soon with a new logo
-more information will follow in the coming weeks
-executive were given a brief preview of changes and improvements